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Is shibari a dying art ?

I seek a mistress​(sub male)
1 month ago • Jan 6, 2025

Is shibari a dying art ?

A long-standing mistress / subject relationship recently came to a conclusion. After some 15 years of trying my best to serve all demands, in private, at theaters on trains and restaurants, my mistress passed.

Her greatest delight was to use me as her practice dummy for her shibari.
The mixture of rough ropes, smooth strong silks closing my movement down inch by inch until I was trussed helpless and open to her next whim proved an exceptionally rewarding activity, to see how much pleasure my predicament caused her made it worthwhile.

Alas I struggle read or learn of mistresses with an active interest - to the extent I think perhaps it is unfashionable.

When I think back to those first knots, being tied all those years ago, I had taken a big leap of faith. I watched in total silence as instructed, as she pulled the cords tight, and then even tighter. Her concentration was profound. She pushed me this way, that way, Frequently her body was very very close to my face, my lips. On more than one occasion I almost failed to resist the temptations.

As we advanced her skills over time, I became far more pleasing to her during queening and milking. The tease denial ruined orgasm she subjected me to became more intense. The constraints ,preventing my ability to stretch limbs, flex the body to aid the release meant her torments could go for as many hours as she desired.

I am happy to share more experiences in the forum here or in direct messages. I hope such a post inspires others to explore a fabulous art form of control
MissBonnie​(dom female)​{oz}Verified Account
1 month ago • Jan 7, 2025
MissBonnie​(dom female)​{oz}Verified Account • Jan 7, 2025
Is shibari a dying art ? I don't think so. Some coming into their own now tend to not call it Shibari and call it "bondage" or "restraint" or will say I use "rope" or i'm a "rigger" or use a lot of other styles into a blended form. I'm one that doesn't say shibari. There are multiple Japanese rope styles, including Shibari, Hojōjutsu, and Shimenawa etc etc My style is pretty varied so I tend to not tag one style.

Perhaps if you are struggling to meet women who do, take it /yourself to clubs and skill shares bondage bunnies are always appreciated. Often rope classes will ask for singles to pair up if the Top is missing a partner.

Another hint with looking for partners. What your mentioning is SKILL and you are speaking of it highly. Often people with an "interest" or "base knowledge they are increasing" avoid those that come across seeking that higher level or a particular style base. Why? No one wants to disappoint. You are also talking about Female tops/dominants, most of us have spent some time feeling~ well, not enough . Looking for experience, you tend to trigger that. (Note i'm not saying ALL)

This also might help you take it or leave it: I've noticed a trend when "looking" online. Those with "fetish" otfen lock into that fetish (of course when it is there driving factor of lust and interested, it feels more natural to do so) sometimes adjusting your search terminology helps a lot. I care take several Adult sites. Most that I do, tend to lump all "bondage" under one tag/meta to appeal more to the google algorithm gods. Just searching Shibari you might find the search results appear lesser than.
dollMaker​(dom male)
1 month ago • Jan 7, 2025
dollMaker​(dom male) • Jan 7, 2025
Rope is still very popular, but its, practitioners seem to sit in their own communities and clubs/tying spaces, which sometimes seem to use martial arts terminology so dojo is used as a name for where rope art occurs. Of course there is crossovers and intersection into other kink spaces so rope happens there too, but if you are particularly focused on rope, then best places to look for it is in those dedicated spaces.
    The most loved post in topic
1 month ago • Jan 7, 2025
Bunnie • Jan 7, 2025
Firstly, I’m very sorry to hear of the loss of your Mistress icon_sad.gif

Is Shibari a dying art? Not in the circles I have moved in… it’s very much alive and thriving! Of course, even within the world of Shibari, there are many different ways of schooling. We tend to have a predominant “lineage” where I am, however, there is maybe one or two others that also circulate.
Western style rope is actually not a very popular, nor sought after style here, however, there are a few who practice it, and even some who have created their own fusions.
Villanelle​(staff)Verified Account
Villanelle​(staff)Verified Account
1 month ago • Jan 7, 2025
Villanelle​(staff)Verified Account • Jan 7, 2025
We often have some shibari themed events come up on our Events calendar- in fact there were a number of them towards the end of last year. I've even seen some online events/demos, so it's worth keeping an eye out in case you aren't lucky enough to have any events local to you.
TopekaDom​(dom male)Verified Account
TopekaDom​(dom male)Verified Account
1 month ago • Jan 7, 2025
TopekaDom​(dom male)Verified Account • Jan 7, 2025
I want to start off saying that my of my rope skills have atrophied over time. It has been a great while since I have had the chance to work with anyone to keep up.

That being said: I think most of the newer folks have lost interest in doing things like that since it takes a great deal of time, and to be honest, is fairly uncomfortable.

These days, you see things like rope dresses and simple, but artsy, bindings that are fast to do. It isn't real bondage, which shibari is, but gives a good simulation and, like I said, looks pretty.
1 month ago • Jan 7, 2025
Kelpi • Jan 7, 2025
My condolences to have someone for so long is a great honor. You served her well and brought much joy to her life. Think of her smile and know you served her well as you did yourself. No the art is still alive it has just slowed down because the young ones do not wish to learn like we once did. It will make a come back again with a new generation but as with most things i6t will take time.
Miki​(masochist female)
1 month ago • Jan 7, 2025
Miki​(masochist female) • Jan 7, 2025
It can sure seem that way but as written above, the practitioners and happy subjects keep to their own circles.

When I was active, it was quite the experience, as a subject of course, -- and I was fortunate enough to find a few skilled practitioners of Hojojutsu-- which like kinbaku and shibari are basically the same save for delicious nuance--but what I went through (and got fully satisfied in so doing) was at the hands of those skilled and experienced at the older Japanese -- "version"-- if you will.

Alas, I don't hang - no pun intended- in the same circles that I did when more active in kink. Anyway, they're out there, just not "advertised" I guess.
dollMaker​(dom male)
1 month ago • Jan 7, 2025
dollMaker​(dom male) • Jan 7, 2025
TopekaDom wrote:
I want to start off saying that my of my rope skills have atrophied over time. It has been a great while since I have had the chance to work with anyone to keep up.

That being said: I think most of the newer folks have lost interest in doing things like that since it takes a great deal of time, and to be honest, is fairly uncomfortable.

These days, you see things like rope dresses and simple, but artsy, bindings that are fast to do. It isn't real bondage, which shibari is, but gives a good simulation and, like I said, looks pretty.

Location dependent, I have been told of a rope dojo who started small, and ended up moving twice because they needed more space, and while they have make a donation nights, most of their classes etc are pay to attend, and they ended up having to move location to deal with the large number of people wanting to attend rope classes. I am told the people attending are all in there 20s to mid 30s ish, the oldest maybe early 40s.

This dojo is mainly rope focussed, so while they do some broader community stuff, its rope that drives what they do and are about, and there must be enough happening to have financed all they are doing, and its younger folks driving this.
bdsamworld​(sub female)​{collared}
1 month ago • Jan 7, 2025
First, sorry for your loss.

Regarding shibari being a lost art. I can understand why you'd feel that way especially if you don't have local groups that gather for shibari/rope/tying workshops. I live in an area where the nearest shibari/rope events are over an hour (sometimes 6 hours) away. It can feel like it's a very niche thing when you don't have many options. But I can assure you there are TONS of shibari people. I found this massive group in North Dakota randomly on FetLife. Probably one of the only reasons I enjoy FetLife. Hahaha. Through their stuff I found more shibari people and events. I even reached out to out of state groups asking if they mind single people joining in on their group stuff. Surprise surprise! They were very welcoming.

You really just have to search deep to find one group and then you can be opened up to a whole new world of rope enthusiasts! 😁