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Just for laughs and giggles

Because itโ€™s always better to laugh then to cry
11 months ago. February 10, 2024 at 9:22โ€ฏPM

    So many articles, blogs, and posts I see are geared toward loving and bettering yourself. Encouraging the reader to not have this attached to a significant other in their lives, to 'make them happy'. There's usually a strong feeling that if you are a person who's not totally happy by yourself you're somehow passive, insecure, less than, or even damaged. You could probably benefit from some self-help books, positivity seminars, or good therapy. 

     I am the youngest of three girls. Although my mom was a stay-at-home mom/housewife, we were all brought up to be strong independent women. This didn't mean that we were dissuaded from becoming a stay-at-home mom/housewife. But we were always steered towards making sure that we could 'take care of ourselves' so that we would not need to depend on having a significant other in our lives. 

     As a young girl, I always knew two things: 1) I was destined to be a mom, and 2) I would one day find my soulmate. KNEW these things, not just hoped. Fast forward some decades....the first is fulfilled. Time and experiences have now lessened my once young romantic notions of my soulmate. I now think of him as my "fit", and I HOPE I find him. Why? Because I'm not whole without him.

     Am I damaged? Do I not love myself enough? No. It's the way I'm WIRED. It's innate in me. It's not wrong. My soul aches for him every day. And I will not be fully happy until I am with him. Could I live the rest of my life "without a man in my life"? Sure! But to me, that wouldn't really be living. I would just be existing. Going through the motions of life, a fraction of myself.  

     So what do I do in the meantime? Do I not adult? Of course not! Every day I pull on my big girl panties, go to work, take care of patients, come home feed my four-legged kids, take care of the house, pay bills etc etc etc. I've always done what I've needed to do to progress forward in life. I go out with family, friends, attend fun events. I smile, I enjoy. I stop and observe the beauty in things, always treat people kindly (well mostly everyone lol), I laugh, I joke. It's not like I don't do these things. I do. Just not-fully, more dimly. Sometimes almost like I'm an outsider looking in. Because something is missing in me. I'm missing him. The one who completes me. 

     So for those who are also wired this way and haven't found their "fit" yet, 

     I see you,

     I acknowledge you,

     I understand you,

     I feel your truth,


     I hug you (unless you're not the hugging type)


     You are not,

     Less then,





 ❤️ GNR





K y i v - No man is an island.. So the poet says.
I believe we all need our twin star.
I enjoyed your post, Gianna.
11 months ago
GiannaRay​(sub female) - That’s just the thing. Not everyone thinks like us. Not everyone thinks that everyone needs their person. And that’s ok. People’s opinion can differ. But we should not feel like less of an accomplished person if that’s how we do feel. Thank you for the compliment.
11 months ago
AndronVerified Account - My wife can not be what she once was I still love her and take care of her but I need someone to Love me share with me express affection for me for three years I have hung in without that from my wife who is only a shell with minimal interactions. I look at her she can not speak she remembers nothing not even who I am. But I remember her as she was before and I never let that go. Yes I am damaged goods and her brain is dying more every day I deal with that alone.
11 months ago
GiannaRay​(sub female) - Definitely hard
11 months ago
Jack in the box -
Right there with ya girl ๐Ÿ™๐ŸŒน
Its just not the same alone ๐Ÿ˜”
11 months ago

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