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The General Musings of a Sane Madman

Follow me on my journey through life, love, a mild addiction to Cherry Coke, and possibly even BDSM. This may be a bumpy ride. Hold on tight!
3 years ago. December 8, 2020 at 3:36 PM

Good morning, my dear reader! I hope this Tuesday morning finds you well! If not, maybe this post will get you on your way to being better! 

Today I will jump through a few different topics, so, you know, the name fits! Without further ado, let’s begin, shall we?


Actually, sorry. Quick question. We all know the term, but what the fuck does “ado” actually even mean? Like, without looking it up, can you define it? I’m struggling coming up with it. I know what it means. But I can’t quite form the thought in my brain. Too early. No caffeine in me yet. 

New Topic!


First day in the new position was awesome. All my access was messed up for almost the entire day. Plus I even got an extended lunch. And today, we are working on fixing the issues from yesterday and so far... not getting anywhere. Gotta love the IT teams in multi-billion dollar companies. Maybe I’ll be able to start training tomorrow?


New Topic!!


It is fucking cold outside. That’s it. Nothing else to add here.


New Topic!!!


Do you remember the friend who asked me to be her dom? Well, we started talking again Sunday night. And I have an update on what happened and everything. 

The idea was very appealing to her at first. She loved the idea of me just taking over and running things for her. But she didn’t realize what all went into it and the general scope was a bit more than she anticipated. It freaked her out and she got quite intimidated, which I guess makes sense for someone who didn’t really understand what was happening.


After talking about it, we decided it would be best to not pursue that path for the time being. Maybe at some point in the future, but not now. And that’s perfectly fine with me, because...


New Topic!!!!


...the girl I mentioned that I was talking to from here has become a huge part of my daily life at the moment. We are talking almost nonstop and we are just generally having a good time. She’s great and there is a lot of chemistry and laughter and happiness. It makes the Cozubia smile.


We have talked a bit about kinks and likes and dislikes and we seem to be very similar in a lot of ways. A few differences of course, but that’s expected. Overall though, I can see some very good things coming from this. Wish me luck and I’ll keep you posted!!


New Topic!!!!!


Apparently the number of exclamation points after “topic” is going to tell us how many topics I have hit today, dear reader. That’s snazzy. Boom! Still bringing it back!


Last Topic!!!!!!


I have mostly worked out the subject and topic for tomorrow’s blog post, which will be the promised “more on topic” post that I mentioned yesterday. I think it’ll be an interesting post. Possibly a bit hit or miss for some, possibly a bit too odd for others. Hell, it may be right up your alley, my dear reader. But we shall see soon! Until then, have all the good and kinky sex for me since I currently can’t have any. I’m going to live vicariously through you! So... get me laid!!

Jack in the box -
As always, a very enjoyable post Mr Cozubia, thank you. ☺ 👍
3 years ago

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