I lay here looking at a blank screen wondering what to write. I know I need to get it all out but my fears of hurting people keep me from being open. I have traveled many roads here and left people in my wake. Normally not by my own doing but because of something done to me. I've reached a peak and turn to look back at all the lessons I've learned. All making me who I am.
I turn and see the path laid before me. Its quiet peaceful path beauty all around. I take a step and feel warmth and comfort. I walk further and feel it wrap around me. My thoughts have found a calm they have become fine tuned. I walk further on the path learning more and feel the peace flow into me. I take a deep breath and nothing else exists just me and this calm. Somehow the calm has my total trust. Makes me feel safe to be me. I turn to look back and realize my past is just that the past.
I want to continue this journey no matter where it goes. I'm willing to risk parts of me to learn more. I have never felt this before and hope it doesnt change. To be supported without restrictions, to learn to focus on one. Right now all I want to know is what do you see on your current path? Does it bring you the comfort mine is bringing me
4 years ago. November 23, 2019 at 2:05 AM