Ever been tested in your job? I have over and over. This week has been one of the most stressful and insane weeks ever only to be capped off by the loss of a special patient. Everytime ive ever had this happen and my heart breaks for the families im told get over it, its your job, your to sensitive this is part of nursing. Today i ran to the one person i have found comfort in and he once again proved to me that i can trust him. He put aside whatever was going on with him to make sure i was alright. Even when i said i was he knew different. He checked on me all day comforted me and reassured me. He is my safe place.
Chris i cant ever tell you enough how thankful i am for you. How much i find myself depending on you. You were my strength today and my safe place to land as the world crashed down around me. Im honored to be yours. I promise this my loyalty lies in your hands, my body is yours, my mind turns to you always and my heart well you know where that is.
I hope everyone finds their comfort with their other, their safe place, the warmth when its cold and the light when its to dark to see. Always remeber to not be afraid to say what you feel because tomorrow isnt a promise its a gift we may not get to open.
6 years ago. January 19, 2018 at 3:51 AM