Swimming in the sea of unknown
Doubts and fears weigh me down
Struggling to keep my head above
Just to breathe
This isnt normal
The panic the chaos
The spinning waters keep twirling
How can I stay afloat
How can my legs not give out
Searching for the strength
Deep inside me.....
Going under
Air no longer there
Head pounding
Heart thumping
Black takes over
Sinking down deeper
Opening my eyes
A small pin prick appears
My feet respond
Kicking harder
It gets larger
The light shines brighter
I fight harder
Body burning against the pain
I hear that little voice
You are made to do this
Your are made to help
Dont give up push harder
Fight for them
Fight for you
The water breaks way
A deep breath i take
The water tries to pull me down
I fight with all I have
I hear the voice that reminds me
Of the the things that need me
Kicking now without thought
My body rises to the top
Floating on the surface
Moving with the waves
I relax and close my eyes
They need me I think
I will win this battle
I will keep breathing
And I will walk away
A changed person yes
Scared but stronger
I will make them proud
They will know they mattered
At least to me.