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All about Denial
1 year ago. August 28, 2023 at 7:39 AM


Everything needs some form of Maintenance unless the item or commodity is a one-use product or service: the cup holding your Costa for instance (unless you want to take it home and use it as a temporary plant pot, possibly) or the cheap Biro pen you use to scribble your notes, make a shopping list or write to your Aunt from Cleveland (once it runs out, it is finished).

Maintenance keeps things running well and allows for corrective action to be taken, to make sure that there are no unwelcome surprises on the horizon. Think a regular 8,000 mile service for your car, identifying actions needed to keep the engine in pristine condition.

I think you get the picture and the principles here.

Maintenance is VERY important in making sure that my Submissive operates within the boundaries that have been set and which must be respected. To not have a process of Maintenance means that things are at risk of crumbling and decaying into a position where there is uncertainty, slackness, a lowering of standards and a loss of respect.

Maintenance needs to be a regular and programmed activity that refreshes commitment and dedication but which also, very importantly, gives certainty.

Maintenance needs to be focused on the following areas:

·        Emotional contact: regular support, guidance and introducing context and meaning. Just because you said that her welfare and thoughts were important once does not mean that you should just leave it there. Closeness and connection are essential.

·        Rules re-enforcement and refresh: this area needs attention to make sure that the guiding principles that you have set are being followed. Human nature will always be to seek out shortcuts and cheats around systems: the lifestyle is no different to this so a firm eye on behaviour is essential. Even the most placid Submissive will push against the Rules, pretend to be a little wayward and flutter her eyelashes to wheedle out of Rules. Reaffirming the Rules and correcting behaviour is a key Maintenance role.

·        Symbols: any jewellery or clothing that has been specified needs to be followed and your Maintenance needs to ensure that this is not forgotten, ignored or cast aside. This might be the start of a slippery slope which, if left unchallenged, will result in a lot of effort and work to pull back. Make sure that there is NO deviation here.

·        Protocols: daily routines need to be followed to the proverbial letter. At your Desk by a certain time, instructions on how to sit, leg positions, information about Breakfast and Lunch, specific clothing on specific days all figure here. Good Maintenance would be enforcing a change at short notice to keep her focused and diligent.

·        Spankings: an essential part of Maintenance. The Maintenance Spanking is just that, to act as a reminder of her place and her dedication. Not as hard as a Punishment Spanking but a firm and warm (no pun intended) cue that Ownership and Obedience are the cornerstones of the relationship. Delivered both when there appears to be a little deviation emerging but also valuable as a clear reminder that there is a position here to be honoured, cherished and kept.

·        Control: deviations are to be challenged the moment they appear. Like the weeds that grow in a path, this needs to be sorted as soon as it presents itself. Certainty is critical in the lifestyle and Control embodies this. Listen to what is being said, think about the views that you are hearing and then decide, clearly and firmly, what will be happening next. Bratty or challenging behaviour is to be expected from time to time but Maintenance is all about keeping Control which will benefit both parties.

·        Setting Tasks: from a Maintenance perspective set at least one Task each day, however small it might be, but vary this so that a pattern does not emerge. This could be writing in her Journal for you to see and comment upon, giving a book to read and instructing when to read a specific chapter or taking a specific picture for you to look at. When there are no specifics to focus upon her mind can wander away from the path that you have set.

·        Pleasure Control: giving permission to play and cum. This is very important as a Maintenance tool as it gives you the ability to reward for good behaviour and to punish for things that have displeased you by withholding this. Make sure that you use this tool wisely, set parameters and guidelines on what she is allowed to focus upon as she plays and ensure that you receive an appropriate level of gratitude for your gift.

Maintenance is always to be taken seriously to keep the relationship on track and with the focus upon you at the centre of everything.

Satindragon​{Not Lookin} - Very well written blog.
1 year ago
LaVieEnRose​(sub female)​{Kintsugi} - I think maintenance also shows care, it shows you are paying attention to each other and allows the dynamic to flow
1 year ago
I'mME - If these things are agreed upon in the beginning.
1 year ago

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