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Poems and more from the Heart, Soul, Mind and Spirit

Poetry that i have written in the past and present. I'll also be adding short stories that I have written (stepping out of my comfort zone), my thoughts, desires, inspirations and the journey of healing on all aspects of my life. Enjoy and thank you for reading ((HUGS))
3 years ago. April 15, 2021 at 3:25 PM

See the frighten woman in the delivery room

Giving birth to a baby she carried for 6 months

Hear the prayers for her child to be born healthy and strong

Hear her ask God, not taker her baby away

See the baby brought in this world

Hear the silence

See the doctor try to save the helpless little one

See her burst into tears

Hear her screams of grief

See her in the rocking chair

Hear the sweet lullabye

See the tears, feel the pain, the grief, the unhappiness


The Kinky Poet​(other male) - How heartbreaking, such a poignant piece
Love and light T.K.P xx
3 years ago
HEAVEN'S STARCHILD​(switch female) - thank you 💜 💜 💜 💜
3 years ago
HEAVEN'S STARCHILD​(switch female) - This was a dream so heartbreaking, I woke up crying. I remember it like it was yesterday 😪
3 years ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+☕} - Queen, I know how hard this was for you to share. There is nothing comparable to the pain of being an angel mom and it is not a club anyone wishes to be a part of. How do you mourn the loss of a dream?

Remember what I said, you are NOT ALONE. There are MANY angel moms and dads here who live each day with that same pain.

I encourage you to keep sharing this tender, vulnerable part of yourself. It honors the life that was supposed to be while allowing you to remember the love more than the pain.
3 years ago
HEAVEN'S STARCHILD​(switch female) - Crazy thing is, this was months before my twins were born
3 years ago
HEAVEN'S STARCHILD​(switch female) - This helps alot, I've kept this inside for so long. I guess it was Higher power's way of telling me time to.let go. Im starting to think that the "dream" I had was what would have happened if the situation was different. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart
3 years ago

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