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Thoughts From A New Me

I Am A Unicorn
I Am Uni
I Am Me

I Am But A Caterpillar
Set Free

Thinking Myself
Untill I Am Born Again

I Am A Butterfly
I Have Wings
I Fly

I Am FlitterFly
I Am Flitter
I Am Me

As I Fly
I See
A Wicked World

I Slowly Die
Find Again
Me... :)

Reborn Again
Out Of The Ashes
I Rise

High High High
Into The Sky
And I See

I Am A Phenix
I Rise
I Live
I Am Set Free

I Am Me.. :)
I Am Me.. :)
1 month ago. August 10, 2024 at 2:51 PM


Would You Still Be Beautiful ? 

Sadly, i would have to say no. 


Speak kindly to yourselves. 

Use the word i, while speaking to yourself. 


Repete after me. 


i am worthy. 

i am beautiful / gorgeous 

i am good 

i am kind 

i am smart 

i am gracious 

i hold value 

i am enough  


Keep saying kind things to yourself. 

Keep being the amazing you that we all know you can be 

Keep shining bright 

And never ever allow yourself to speak unkindly towards others, or towards yourself. 


Be beautiful inside and out.  

Be kind to yourself 

You are worthy 

And so am i  


Stay Beautiful 


Thank You 

flitter'fly... :):):) 

dawnrobin 🥰 

Sweet Ginger​(sub female){} - The words we speak to ourselves are reflected in our actions towards ourselves and other.
Stay beautiful! 🌹
1 month ago
The Kinky Poet​(other male) - Awesome share, beautiful write
Love and light T.K.P xx
1 month ago
CapnRick​(dom male) - Speak well of yourself, and of others, and carry no grudges....hiking life's paths is easier with the lighter load...
1 month ago
Angel Wings​(sub female) - I do try my best to speak kindly to myself and others,but at times I fail. Momma has a dark

It's a good reminder that words do matter.
1 month ago

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