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Rolled for seduction, Now what?

Just a way for me to try to stay more active in the community by recounting my wife and I's kinky adventures, thoughts I have and anything that relates to my life and kink. And probably a bit of TTRPG after all even a BDSM dungeon needs a dragon, right?
3 years ago. December 5, 2020 at 8:38 PM

I'm going to warn ya'll right away this is more of a ramble than anything else but maybe a bit fun


"The Dude abides. I don't know about you but I take comfort in that. It's good knowin' he's out there. The Dude. Takin' 'er easy for all us sinners."  

I love the Big Lebowski. It is my all-time favorite movie. And though I can't enjoy it with a White Russian or an oat soda it's still got a special place in my heart. Now I know what you're thinking "whelp he's lost it this has nothing to do with kink." and your right at least currently. But today I thought we might take a long meandering road with a little CCR to get there. The Big Lebowski started a religion. it's known as Dudeism. and though I would love to write you all paper on it that's not why I'm here. So I'll let them tell you about it. "The idea is this: Life is short and complicated and nobody knows what to do about it. So don’t do anything about it. Just take it easy, man. Stop worrying so much whether you’ll make it into the finals. Kick back with some friends and some oat soda and whether you roll strikes or gutters, do your best to be true to yourself and others – that is to say, abide." Now that's it. There is no God, (unless you into that sort of thing.) and there is no Dogma, (though that's another great movie.) It's simply live your life how you want to and don't take it too seriously. They use the movie as a base but they also pull from Taoism, Buddhism, Sufism, and Christianity. and anyone can get ordained as a Dudedist priest. 

Now I'm not looking to proselytize or look for new converts but I was doing reflection in relation to this and while I'm not an ordained Dudeist priest for my own reasons. I can't deny that I am fundamentally a Dudeist or that I want to be. and this week. well, I was bombarded by Walters. and you know how I abided? came home had dinner with my kitten, participated in or planned kinky activities, and "said fuck it, man, let's go kink" Now I wasn't always as Dudely as I would make it seem. But I had a rough week and my response was kink and watching my favorite movie tonight. I know kitten is reading this so... there may have been a splash of Xmas cheer brought by her, in there as well. But that made me think. 

There's this idea I've only recently been able to shed about doing kink "right." and while there is most certainly a way to do kink wrong, there is no real one way to do kink right. And I find by not letting the pressure I put on myself seep in or the way other kinksters do things or how the not so kinky might view my relationship bother me, I enjoy it more. I can be a better Dom. I can simply Abide.   And I think there's power in slowing down, not taking yourself so seriously, and enjoying kink simply because you enjoy Kink.  


This may be a little out there even for a guy who regularly writes about the wrong kind of dungeon on here but hey, well, you know, that's just like, uh, my opinion, man. I hope ya'll are having a great weekend and abiding in you're own way. 


Relevant Links for those curious:



Purple Freesia - totally love this!!!! and, can so relate....
3 years ago
MountaintopMaster - Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

(BTW mine too!)
3 years ago
A rose's sir​(dom male) - Far out man, really ties things together.
3 years ago
MountaintopMaster - Of course; aggression will not stand, man.
3 years ago
Jack in the box -
The dude. 😎
Nice blog , thank you. 👍
3 years ago

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