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Defining my role as a dominant

This is my written process of defining what being a dom means to me. All constructive feedback is welcome.
1 year ago. January 16, 2023 at 3:35 AM

I've read a bit on the ending of the D/s (M/s) relationships.  There seems to be a variety of approaches (as one should expect), with what seems like two ends of a spectrum below.

  • All one person in the relationship needs to do is text "STOP" to the other, and the relationship ends - no questions asked. 
  • The relationship is not over until the D(M) says that the relationship can not be fixed.

I was also wondering if any D(M) has set up a severance package (not sure what it would be called in the BDSM world), as a last act of protection of the s?

I am open to comments from anyone who has seen it done well and from anyone who has seen it done poorly.

GiannaRay​(sub female) - I would never want to be on the end of the spectrum where someone texts stop and then there is no discussion/closure
1 year ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+☕} - Agreed.
1 year ago
fluffypoppet​(sub female){Protected} - My experience doesn’t quite match either of those examples. Message me and I’ll give you a storytime. 🤷🏻♀️🤷🏻♀️🤷🏻♀️
1 year ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+☕} - Remember, we may be kinky but we are still people and people deserve respect. Ending a dynamic doesn't have to be any different than ending a relationship outside of kink because in the end, dynamics are MORE than kink and deserve GREATER dignity, respect, and communication than non-kink relationships.

Talk. Communicate. State your needs and how they are no longer filled with that person. Discuss what's wrong honestly and express your desire to end the relationship with compassion, empathy, and respect.

You wouldn't end a scene without aftercare and post-discussion so why end a dynamic abruptly?
1 year ago
VioletDreams​(sub female) - How about both parties as adults discuss it and end it if either one wants to. This whole post rubbed me wrong. And severance package?!
1 year ago
GregW​(dom male) - VioletDreams, I apologize for the term "severance package". I've thought about the implications of calling it that, and by no means did I intend to imply that the submissive was "hired". I was at a loss for thinking about what to call a way to ease the transition.
1 year ago
I'mME - Once again it depends on the two parties involved. Someone who quits a job, picks their entire life up and moves (across country, out of the country they were born in) or a couple states away to be closer in a dynamic, people will often negotiate something like getting either a ticket back, set up in a place of their own, some support till they regain financial footing, I mean it's as personal as everything else in a dynamic.
I'm not trying to be into the personal, but last account y'all were discussing adding to the dynamic punishments.

I hope that things are okay and this is a fact gathering mission.
1 year ago
TheAnt​(dom male) - I'mME,
I am in full agreement with you to the point of including it in my IRL contracts, although I hope to never need it. I believe it is an acknowledgement of exactly what you state. It is a huge sacrifice for anyone to dedicate the entirety of their being to another.
1 year ago
GregW​(dom male) - It is indeed an information gathering mission.
1 year ago
Sasa​(dom female) - In some countries, you still can divorce your wife with an SMS maybe it is WhatsApp today. Of course, she can't... Gladly none here would consider it, maybe some cowards who knows. I believe this is not about a dynamic. This is a two-way street and if we end things we talk. Class can be seen in how people finish or end things. Whatever you go through, all my good wishes for both of you
1 year ago
GregW​(dom male) - I really appreciate those of you who are concerned for my current relationship - it is more evidence of the deep caring that I have seen in this community - but we are fine. My wife and I are not considering divorce and have developed (sometimes awkward) ways of communicating, despite a lack of role models. My post was centered around my curiosity of the BDSM dynamics and my sometimes hyper-focus on certain issues.
1 year ago

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