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Tersely Pertinent

This blog is a place for me to post things to get them out of my head.

My writings give a hint of the way I view the lifestyle, both good and bad.

My projects give my hands something to do, when my writing fails me.
1 year ago. September 16, 2023 at 3:41 PM

The Grand Ball room was the largest room inside The Club.  Normally it held the various parties the membership held: Play parties, Collarings, demonstrations of rope or suspension bondage.   Once in awhile, educational discussions on the lifestyle and the whatall within.  But today it was something different. 

Today, it was a gathering of mourning. 

Silvia and Madam Webb walked down the back corridor that led to the back of the Grand Ballroom.   When they emerged, Silvia saw something she never beheld in her life.   Where normally, the Ballroom was filled with some people in people in sorted amount of dress, or in goodly number of cases undress, now it was filled with hundreds of people in their finest.   

Immaculate suits on all genders, flowing gowns of equal sexes, Leather and metal of shining brightness.   While normally, Silvia knew, such wear was to look impressive, today it was to show respect for a missing friend, Mentor, Teacher, and Colleague.

To Silvia though, he was Master.

Not all backs were toward her, She saw some faces of  friends, occasional lovers, those that she had served at His wish, even an enemy or two.   As she glanced around, those faces whispered to others and they in turn whispered to others around them.   As if all in agreement, talking stopped and bodies moved.   Like Moses before the red sea, the body of people parted to create a path for Madam Webb and Silva to the front of the Ballroom.

Webb turned her head and smiled a crying smile at Silvia and nodded her head toward the front of the room.  Silvia smiled the same smile back, and with a curtsy, made her way up front.    She greeted friends along the way.  Touched some, kissed others.  Still others, she bowed her head in respect.   While she did not linger, she wanted this walk to last as long as possible.   She didn't want the pain she knew awaited her at the foot of the stage.

As Silvia got closer, she could see the stage at the front of the Ballroom.   It wasn't really all that big.   Large enough for the various demonstrations held here.   It could hold a St. Andrew's cross, spanking bench and a bondage and a padded kneeler at the same time, provided the bench wasn't all that big.   When there were full discussion meets of the membership,  the stage with filled with the chairs of the four Elders.   Today was such a day.

But that wasn't Silvia's focus today.   Today her eyes only held what was resting at the foot of the stage.   Within Cherry wood and brass fitting, all gleaming under the lights rested her Master in red and black formals.   

Silva parted with the last touch of a friend and approached His coffin.   She ran her hands along the shining wood, afraid to touch His body.   While still more tears threatened to flood from her eyes, she held them back for now, hoping she could last the next hour or so.    To give her a semblance of privacy,  the gathered people turned their collective backs and quietly resumed their conversations.

That is save one.   As Silvia layed her forehead on the edge of the coffin, a thirty something man, in a rather conservative suit and white gloves stood at the foot of the coffin.  He turned, clasped his hands before him and bowed his head.   In time, Silvia raised her head and took in the man's presence.  She even managed a small smile for him, as she knew he was part of the team from the funeral home.   "Jerry," she thought, "His name is Jerry."

Silvia straightened up and walked over him with her hand out to shake his hand.   But her hand was not received as she suspected.   While Jerry also held out his hand, there was a small envelope in it.   

"Mz. Silvia, It is my instructions to give this to you before the ceremony starts."  With those few words, Jerry gave Silvia the envelope, turned and resumed his stance at the end of the coffin.  She wanted to question him on who or where the message was from but decided that information might be in the envelope.   Turning it over, Silvia saw just her name written on the outside.  

Witten in her Master's hand.

Suddenly, Silvia felt a hand on her shoulder.   She whirled around and saw Madam Webb standing there with her motherly look. "Are you ready to begin, child?"  Silvia shifted her look from the envelope to Webb and back again.   

"I....I need a few minutes," she stuttered.

Webb nodded while glancing at the message in Silvia's hand.   "Of course, child.  We will begin when you are ready."

Silvia ducked her head in thanks and turned her back on Webb.   She walked back to the coffin and took in her Master's face.  His hair never turned all grey, she thought.  Nor did His beard.   Even in death, His skin never showed wrinkles, well save for maybe the laughlines at the corner of His eyes.  Oh how she loved waking to that face every morning.   She was going to miss that so much.


But still, she was going to miss a great deal of things with him gone.

With a deep sigh, Silvia opened the envelope and read the message within.   

It was only five lines long but said so much to her.   So much pain and sorrow in so little space.

And Love.


Silvia carefully folded the page and placed it with great care back in the envelope.  With dry eyes, she looked around for Madam Webb and found her with a small group at the foot of the stairs leading to stage.   Webb, Bane, Marcus with a couple of servants all watched as Silvia approached.  She curtsied again before them and said "I am ready and at your command."

Webb smiled and shook her head at the strength Silvia showed.  Patting her head, Webb told Silvia "The three of us have talked and we wish you to join us and take your Master's chair on the stage for the service."   Silvia raised her head and said "No."

She then confidently climbed the stairs and went to the chair her Master had used in the past.   Slipping off her shoes, kissing them and placing them on the floor beside the chair, Silvia padded barefooted back down the stairs and to the group again. 

"I will be where I am supposed to be." She told the group.

Returning to the coffin, Silvia knelt down.   

Ass on heels

Back of the hands on thighs

Back straight up

Head bowed

"By my Master's side"



1 year ago. September 15, 2023 at 10:36 AM

1 year ago. September 14, 2023 at 10:14 AM

Am I the only one finds this thing silly and tedious?


I mean really.  This tells me nothing about you.   It only gives me a predisposed label of ideas you might be interested in. 


It does not tell me your WHY. It only tells me a kinda HOW.  


I don't want to know that you are 60% masochist, I want to know why you want to be over my knee, getting your ass beat.

I don't want to know that you are 30% voyeur, I want to know why you are uncomfortable watching others being flogged.


Now I get it that using that test is an easy way to communicate some kind of simple data in a short time.









1 year ago. September 13, 2023 at 3:15 PM

Silvia blinked.

Then she opened her mouth, and when nothing came out, she closed it again.

And blinked.


"But," she said and closed her mouth again. Blink....Blink.


Webb just sat there and smiled at Silvia, knowing what must be going though her head.  I've hit her with something stronger than that paddle she hates soooo much, Webb smiled more as that thought ran through her own head.   Then she reached up a hand and patted Silvia on the head.  "Breathe child.  Just Breathe.   Process it like your tenth paddle hit."

Silvia's eyes widened.  Then she sat back on her haunches and put her hands on her knees.   Her breathing deepened, as she took in air through her nose and held it, then expelled it through her mouth.  Letting her eyes return to their normal size and hoping the color returned to her face, Silvia felt the calm return to her.

"Thank you for the lesson, Mistress.   But.....I have questions"

Webb leaned back in her chair and grinned.   "I am sure you do, child.   Ask what you must, but time is short, as the ceremony will begin shortly. " Webb spoke as she slipped off her right shoe and put her foot on Silvia's knee.  

Silvia looked down and moved her hands to massage the foot.   She was glad to have something to do while she formed her words.  Using her thumbs to massage the ball of the foot, She let her fingers follow the old routine of feeling the tendons to the toes.   "But how can I own part of Söt­­ëria?   All the Elders are Dom.   There has never been a sub or slave or anything else at the Table."  She said concentrating on the Webb's foot.

"I know child, " Webb replied, "When the four of us started this, years ago, all we said was than resources had to be invested.  Time, money, energy, love.  That was it.   No rules were set up as to who could sit at the Table.  Or who couldn't.   There is no reason you can not join us there."

"But, " Silvia started when she heard the door to Webb's office open.  She knew better to to take her attention off the massage, so she waited to hear who had entered.   Webb's eyes shifted from Silvia's face to the new person.   She saw Asheer standing to the right of the already closed door, waiting for Webb's permission.  She nodded her head at them, granting such. 

"All is in readiness, Mistress.  We are awaiting you and My Lady Silvia, at your convenience."  Asheer informed their Mistress.  

"Very good, Asheer.  Thank you.   We will be there presently."  Webb dismissed Asheer with another nod and motioned her hand to her shoe while placing her foot on the floor.   Silvia held the shoe with one hand while slipping Webb's foot into it.   Standing once again, Webb held out a hand to help Silvia to her feet.   But Silvia rose to her own feet by herself and took the other woman's hand.   Lightly kissing the back of it, she said "Thank your time and explanations, Mistress.  You spend way too much time on me"

Webb smiled and shook her head at Silvia, her eyes gleaming in love and, maybe, tears.   "Come child, they are waiting for us."

1 year ago. September 12, 2023 at 2:02 PM


Silvia could hear Madam Webb walk circles around her.   While she could not see Webb's eyes on her, Silvia could feel them,  Webb's stare had a physical impact.   Everyone at The Club talked about it.   Silvia herself had seen people collapse from that stare, Dom/me and sub alike.  It was Webb's tool of choice, and now it was focused on her. 

Maybe I should have just let him have his way, Silvia thought.   


No, she thought again.  "I'd rather take the cane than that" was Silvia's last thought before Webb spoke.


"My Goodness, child.  You are a fright.   Just look at you.   Tonight of all nights" Webb sighed as she sat in the chair Silvia kneeled before.   Silvia knew this chair well.   Almost like a throne, that chair was high backed and cushioned in red velvet.  The wood was unstained teak but polished to a shine that could hurt the eyes.  Silvia herself had spent hours helping put making that wood gleam.  She also help service Webb while she sat in that chair.   Pedicures, bringing tea, even cunnilingus.

But now she was going to punished in front of it.   Punishment Silvia knew she deserved.   Bowing her head more, she awaited Webb's words to see what it would be, tears beginning to form again.   When would these stop, when does the pain end?

Webb leaned back in her chair and sighed again and said  "Bring me my brush, child"

Rocking back to her heels, Silvia arose from her kneeling position to her feet, hands never touching the floor.   She walked to the desk and opened the middle draw on the left and retrieved the brush.   It was about eight inches long and three wide.   Stiff, stiff bristles and a back of solid oak.   It was a hard looking thing, and Silvia knew how hard it could feel.

Falling to one knee, Silvia held the brush to Webb on the palms of both hands.   "Your brush, Mistress" she said knowing what was coming next.   Webb eyed Silvia again and told her to get between her legs.  Silvia turned and nestled herself between Webb's knees so Silvia's ass was in reach of the brush.

"No Child.   Sit on our butt so I can do your hair.   It is simply awful."

Silvia was shocked but didn't say a word as she reoriented herself on the floor.   Her legs out before her and her back against the front part of the seat.   Her eyes widened as she felt Webb's fingers snap the hair tie out of the ponytail and then grab her dark tresses in one hand then the long strokes of the brush begin with the other.

"I am so sorry, child.  You have been through so much these last couple of months.   The final stages of Matthew's illness and then his death.   And you were there for all of it.   Staying in the room, sleeping on the floor as He lingered into his coma.   Reading to Him as lay there."  Webb stopped brushing and rested her cheek against the top of Silvia's head.   "But you are strong child, Matthew knew that.   He would have approved of what you said to Lord Band."  Silvia felt Webb's cheek slide from the top to her left ear.

"Just don't do it again.  At least not in my presence"  Webb whispered in the ear and then went back to brushing Silvia's hair.

Silvia almost giggled for the first time in months.   "Yes Mistress.  I mean No, Mistress"  said with as straight of a face as she could.   Then the flash of gaiety left her.  "Mistress, may I speak freely?"  At least this part will be easier for me while facing away from her, Silvia thought as she almost regretted her spoken words.   But these words still needed to be said.

Without missing a beat in her brushing, Webb replied with "That has never been a problem with you before, child.  Please do, but if has to do with what just happened in the Great Hall, keep it yourself.  That is a closed issue."   Silvia, nodded her head, as much as she could with Webb holding her by the hair.

"Yes Ma'am.  I just wanted to tell you after the service tonight, I will get a few personal items from My Master's office and then give my key to Asheer.    I also want to thank you for letting me be here and serve my Master as best as I could.   I will miss you and everyone here at Söt­­ëria."

Silvia suddenly found herself staring into Webb's eyes.   She could feel Webb's hand in a tight grasp of her hair and had yanked back so much Silvia had to lean back as much as she could so her neck would not snap.  "What on earth are you talking about, child?   Why would you leave us, specially now of all times?    Has the grief made you demented? Webb growled.    

"No Ma'am," Silvia replied as well as she could with her head being head back.  "It is just with my Master gone and no sponsor....I have to leave with in twenty four hours.  The Club rules say so."   She wanted to rip her hair out of Webb's hands.  Both of them knew what the rules said.  No tears this time, but a growing anger.

"Oh child." Webb let out with a breath.   It was almost like a deflation.  She pulled up on Silvia's hair so Silva's head was facing front and she could put her cheek on Silvia's head again.   "Oh Matthew, you bastard.  Why didn't tell her?"   Silvia was somewhat shocked.   She had never, in her life, heard such tenderness come through Webb's words.   

Letting go of the brush and Silvia's hair, Webb wrapped her arms around Silvia's shoulders and gave her a very tight hug.   "Oh my child.  Your Master held one last card from you.   He was always a bastard in some ways."  Webb unwrapped her arms and leaned to retrieve the brush from the floor.  Returning to the brushing, Webb continued with " I was Matthew's friend but I was also his Lawyer.    And, Executor of his estate."

Webb then reached around to grasp Silvia's chin with her thumb and forefinger.   Silvia found herself slowly turning her whole body until she was on all fours facing Webb in the chair.  "Although the will is still in probate, you are the only heir.  The House, bank accounts, even Matthew's twenty five percent interest in Söt­­ëria.   All yours.   You are now a very rich woman." 

She then leaned down from the chair and kissed Silvia on the forehead.

"I don't think you are going anywhere soon, child."   



1 year ago. September 11, 2023 at 12:41 PM

My own BINGO card :


1 year ago. September 10, 2023 at 1:02 PM

For the second time, since I have joined this site, I find myself blocked by someone who I have never contacted.  


No reason stated, no contact, no conversation history.   Just boom.    


Am I that scary or just come off as an asshole?  (well, yeah I do sometimes, but not at anyone in particular)


How Odd

1 year ago. September 7, 2023 at 1:51 PM

Silvia couldn't move.


It was like she was forcibly hog tied and forced to stare in the eyes of a man she really disliked.  And now, loathed with all of her being.   How dare he do that to her!

With sudden swiftness, Silvia ripped her hand from beneath his off the bar, pointed her index finger and poked Bane in the chest.  "This 'tired and tattered thing' is the gift from my Master!   It is the first and only collar he ever gave me!" She icely told him, almost a roar.  "It has been soaked in my sweat and tears and love!  Both my own and his!"

Lord Bane's other hand quickly dropped to his side.  He tried to extract himself from Silvia's prodding finger but found himself trapped between the bar and her.    Alexis just stood there, wide eyed and a smirk growing on her face.   Silvia continued to thump Bane's chest with her finger and grew more fierce:

"Yes it is worn! Yes it is creased!  But I will never, EVER, trade it in for another!  Specially from someone like YOU!"

Silvia then leaned in further til she and Band were almost nose to nose.  "And if you ever touch me again, I will personally see to it you are locked in a steel cockcage with a nine volt battery and I will personally...




the KEY!"


With the final words, Silvia drilled her finger into Bane's sternum like she was trying to pierce his heart.




She heard her name but knew it wasn't Bane saying it.   It was a voice from behind her.   She knew that voice very well.   Although spoken rather softly, it was heard all about the Great Hall.   Yes soft, but with great distinction.  A voice that understood the difference between commanding and demanding.

Silvia turned around and saw the owner of that voice.  A woman of marvelous beauty.  Her ebony skin clothed in a dress of muted purple with matching choker.    Shimmering black hair hanging down with the always present white streak running back over her head.  Silvia gathered her skirt and did a deep curty.   

With her eyes pointed to the floor, She spoke two words "Madam Webb".

Webb's eyes never left the top of Silvia's head, but everyone around the Hall knew she was taking everything in that was happening in the Hall.   The room was silent.

"Silvia," Webb repeated, "child, we have things to discuss.  Leave poor Bane alone and let us retire to my office." With that, Webb turned around and headed for a door away from the main entrance.  Silvia straighten up and began to follow Madam Webb into the doorway. 

Lord Bane, of course, could not let things go like that.   "Claire, perhaps you should discipline this thing on the proper way of speaking to an Elder.  I have a few suggestions if you need them."  He almost laughed.

Madam froze mid step.   Coming to a complete standstill, Webb clasped her hands in front of her and she shook her head like a male lion shakes it's mane.   You could almost feel the entire room cringe at her next words.

Still facing away from him, Webb said, "Bane, if you continue to use my first name without leave, I will see that Silvia's wish is granted." Turning her head to look toward Silvia, Webb finished with "Come child."  and walked out of the room with Silvia following her.


Webb's office was much like the other three: small but comfortable.   What was different, was the desk was pushed up against and faced the wall.  She only sat at it to watch the security monitors.  Cameras were set up all around The Club.  Great Hall, Grand Ballroom, everywhere.    It helped her to know everything that went on under the roof.   As the two of them entered the office, Webb approached the monitors and gave them a quick glance.   Seeing Bane still at the bar, trying to save face with those who would listen, Webb grinned and pushed a button on the desk.  All the monitors went black.

She then turned and saw Silvia still standing next to the closed door to the office.   Webb frowned with the thought of what she was about to do, but still, had to be done.  Walking to the center of the room , Webb held out her hand towards Silvia and said " Come child, kneel down so we can talk about your future." 


1 year ago. September 6, 2023 at 2:12 PM

Silvia didn't think the Great Hall was all that great.    

More like a mediocre hall, she thought to herself.  Yes it made a great entryway from the front door to the Grand Ballroom, but overall it was rather small.    But that kind of figured, being the overall building wasn't all that large to begin with and the Ballroom took up most of it.   But still, there was the entryway, the Ballroom, kitchen, even some small offices in the back next to the loading dock.

All the Elders had an office: Madam Webb, Marcus, Lord Bane and Matt's.


Goddammit, Silvia cursed to herself.   Goddamn it all to hell.


Turning around to look at the Hall, Silvia pushed those thoughts from her mind.   She needed a distraction and found it with seeing the refreshment bar was open and walked over to it.  She knew she wasn't going to allow herself to drink anything heavy tonight, but she needed something.  Anything to distract her and replace the fluid she lost with the tears.   

She also knew more tears would be coming tonight.  Many more tears.

As Silvia approached the bar, she saw it was maned by some of her favorite people of The Club.  Behind the bar stood a woman in a dress of shimmering emerald green, partially hidden by a mane of red hair down to the butt of the dress.   When Silvia got to the bar, the dress turned around and there was the face of one of the most beautiful women of The Club: Alexis.

Alexis was always a thing to behold, Silvia always thought whenever she saw the the woman.  Over six feet in height (before the stilettos), eyes to match her current dress and makeup that was always perfect.   Such a gorgeous, gorgeous woman.  It was hard to believe that during the day she was man named Steve who worked construction.   Silvia never figured out how Alexis got all that construction dust off so it didn't mess up her makeup.

When Alexis saw Silvia, she got that big sister concerned look on her face and leaned over the bar to kiss Silvia on the lips.  Silvia didn't mind though.  She didn't like anyone kissing her like that, except her Master.   But Alexis was an exception.  She always was.  

"How are you doing, Love?" Alexis asked as she moved her hands below her side of the bar.  Silvia could hear clinks of glass and ice and other things.   However, Alexis' eyes never left Silvia's face.   "I'm ok," Silvia replied. 

"Bullshit.  You wouldn't lie to me just for the practice, would you?"  Alexis shot back while bringing a glass from below the lip of bar and setting it in front of Silvia, on an available coaster.   The glass was filled with a clear liquid that was tinged slightly pink.  Silvia picked it up and looked at it then back at Alexis and asked what it was.

"Trust Mama, Love.  It don't pack much of a wallop,  but will help you get though the night.  But do drink it slow." Alexis grinned and leaned back over the bar to whisper to Silvia "I love you and wish I could take all this pain for you.  He loved you very much and I wish to fuck he didn't have to leave."   Silvia could tell there were tears in Alexis' eyes but they refused to flow, so the makeup wouldn't run.

The both of them could hear a sudden tapping on the other end of the bar.   Someone had picked up an empty glass and was using it as a hammer to get attention.   Still leaning over the bar, Alexis turned her head to the noise and growled "Bane, if you ruin my bar with that glass, very upset at you."

"Very, Very Upset".

Alexis leaned back to her side of the bar and walked down to the gentleman with the glass in his hand.  Then Silvia could see Bane in all his glory.   Lord Bane, really.  One of the Elders of The Club.   Maybe 5' 5" in height, pudgy around the middle ( he wore a vest to hide it.  It really didn't help). Although a sharp dresser in a tailor made suit of crimson with a black shirt.   But the overall look was marred by his pony tail he wore to distract from his bald plate.   He called it a "Skullet".

"Now Now Now, Alexis.  That is no way to talk.  Especially this evening.  What will lovely little Silvia think?"  Bane oozed with his silky voice.   "We need to be thoughtful of her feelings tonight.  Now be a dear and fix me my usual, wont' you?"   Silvia could see see Alexis roll her eyes and turn to get some bottles off the wall.   Seeing an opening, Bane attempted a glide down the bar to place himself next to Silva.  Silvia tried to turn to go, but felt his hand on hers.   Damn, she thought.

"Silvia my dear, please accept my condolences!  Your former Master was a great man and did wonderful things for The Club and for others.   He also did wonderful work on you.   You are such a great treasure and it will be a sorrowful thing to see you have to leave us, now that he is gone."   Alexis had returned and and placed a glass at  Bane's elbow.   However he did not pick it up.   It seemed to all involved that he did not want to remove his hand from Silvia's.

"Thank you Lord Bane.  I tried my very best for Him" Silvia returned while giving her hand a slight tug.   Bane picked up her hand and cupped it with the other.  "Oh my dear, this place will not seem the same without you.   Everyone, the staff, the guests, Everyone thinks highly of you and wishes you could stay. "

Letting go of her with one hand, he moved it to Silvia's neck and ran his thumbed the collar she wore.   "I would be happy to replace this tired, tattered thing with a collar of my own.  But say the word and you can remain with us as property of my own."


1 year ago. September 5, 2023 at 2:09 PM

Silvia rested her head against the door and hoped the key would not turn.   She needed to get inside, but still did not want to go.   Dear Lord, she didn't want to go.    She didn't want her last time in The Club to be like this.

Not Like this.


Still, she raised her head and wiped the tears from her face.   Silvia knew the tears would flow many times tonight.   She had hoped that there would be rain, to mask her face from the others she knew would be inside.   But the skies were dark and clear and the streets dry leading up to the door.   I guess I should be thankful, she thought to herself.  He always hated rain at Furnals.  Even his own.

Silvia turned the key and the door clicked open.   Pulling the key from the knob and pocketing it in her skirt, Silvia knew she would have to turn it in, but she figured on doing that later.  Probably as the last act before leaving the club for the final time.   She was going to miss this place.   Too many memories, both bad and good.   The last outweighing the first.    Silvia smiled at that and crossed the threshold.

Closing the door on the inside, she turned and was suddenly hit by a solid impact.   Going "Whoof" and regaining her balance, she felt a sudden wetness between her breasts.  Silvia looked down and saw a familiar purple scalp nestled there  against her skin being shown in her corset.   The face belonging to the scalp was was buried there and accompanying arms encircled Silvia's waist.  Silvia could heard words and sobs coming but could not make them out.

"It's ok Pixie.  It's ok."  Silvia told the scalp as she turned Pixi's head so the girl could breath and rested her cheek on the top of the purple scalp.

"It'snotfair!It'snotfair!It'snotfair!" Pixie repeated over and over and over.   Silvia could not help but smile at the young girl holding her.   Even at 27, Pixie was still young, but not a "little".  Mainly inexperienced, but oh so strong in emotions.  Silvia kissed pixie on the top of the head and gently pried herself loose from the girl.   Holding her at arm's length, Silvia gathered her own skirt and used it to wipe pixie's tears. She even used it to shine pixie's nose stud to see if that would elicit a laugh from the girl.

Unfortunately,  it didn't work.

"Life isn't always fair, Pixie.  But we have to make due somehow." Silvia told the girl.  "We will get through this together tonight, the two of us and then worry about the world tomorrow."  She went to hug pixie again when she heard a voice off to her right. 

"Lady Silvia, we grieve with thee."

Silvia turned and saw Asheer.   More than Butler, Sargent of Arms or Head of Staff, Asheer was the focal point of Söt­­ëria, as The Club was formally called.    Not overly tall, but seemed so.  They were pale of skin, almost albino, but without the red eyes.   Asheer's eyes were the clearest of blue.  Crystal in nature, Silvia always thought.  No one knew if Asherr was female or male and really no one cared.   Asheer ran things for The Club and ran them well.

They held out their hand and continued with "Your Master was a fine man and shall be greatly missed by us, My Lady.  Again, we grieve with thee.  May we take your cape?"  Silvia turned to let Asheer take her wrap, but almost before she could undo the knot, she felt the cape being pulled from her shoulders.   She pulled the string and the cape took flight. Turning, Silvia saw Pixie with the it bundled in her arms, going "Let me! Let Me! Let Me!" and running off to the cloak closet.  She smile after the young woman and faced Asheer to thank them for their words.

But before she could speak, Asheer stiffened their spine even more so than normally, which seemed almost impossible to Silvia. Please not more platatues, she thought.   I'll hear more than enough of that before the night is done.  Just let me be.

But the words Silvia thought she was going to hear did not come of Asheer's mouth, instead they said "Madam Webb wished to be informed as soon as you arrived.  May we be excused to inform her?"

Silvia lips formed a hard line.   This is it, she grimaced to herself.   This is the beginning of the end.

"Please tell your Mistress I'll be waiting to be called before her here in the Hall."