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Tersely Pertinent

This is some of my writings from over time. A good deal of it will talk about Old School type of D/s. There aren't a lot of us who still deal in it, but think of it as hieroglyphics. There is wisdom in places one would never think to look.....

It is also the home of my writings. The main writing is that of Sylvia, a woman who is introduced to the lifestyle through a friend to a man who expanded her world.
4 months ago. February 19, 2024 at 1:23 AM






Yes a picture is worth a thousand words.   Oh but what words!     To connect those words in a style and stir the emotions of the reader is an artform to rival the painter or the sculptor.


They can not bring the smell of the sweat or the crack of the whip to your mind, they can not challenge you as to what happens next when someone begs for more.


Words do more than define us, they lead us down the dark corridors where we do not want to go, they beckon us to cross from the light to the darkness, in the hopes of finding out more about ourselves.


It is a mark of depravity to limit one to a single word description.   We are not the two dimension of a photograph, forever locked in time at a single moment. 


We are lustful and shameful and thoughtful and forgetful

We are strong and yet weak in the knees

Passionate and cold to the touch

Forgiving, yet resentful

and the list goes on......


I refuse to describe any being in one simple word.


To do so would be........



Satindragon{Not Lookin} - It is truly hard to sum up anyone in one word. However I find you to be a very creative person!
4 months ago
Sweet Escape​(sub female) - I figured someone would have criticism. Sorry to say but the point of the challenge has gone over your head. It was about encouraging others to have conversations, laugh and leave comments on blogs. To promote the sense of community and participation. It was never meant to be a pivotal or defining moment to anyone.
4 months ago
vv V vv​(dom male) - Grumpy
4 months ago
Jack in the box - Lol
4 months ago
Max Heathen​(other male) - While I do agree, I also like the sum one up in one word. Main because we use the repetitive verbage that is tossed out like coins in a wishing fountain. BUT if you are forced to take a multitude of words that are descriptive in themselves and place them into just one... That is a challenge and hopefully causes one to pause and contemplate. Perhaps study and learn something new.
4 months ago
lambsone - Killjoy
4 months ago
SweetSirRendering​(sub female) - knotty
4 months ago
Literate Lycan​(dom male) - Sane.
4 months ago

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