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Emotional Domination

There are 4 main types (and each of them bleed into one another on varying levels) of domination:


Which one do you prefer to practice and why?
10 months ago. July 2, 2023 at 11:37β€―PM

Have a sit, grab your popcorn.....this will be a long one!



When we first moved to the big city we sought out a MAsT Chapter to get involved in our local BDSM community.

We met them there. At the time they were a submissive with her Daddy Dom husband and her more strict Master. 

We were there when the Master was expelled from their lives. 

We were there when they moved from one side of the city to the other as we helped them.

We met regularly for meals and comraderie.

I made friends with him and her. She stated her demisexual nature, and their personal struggles in a 30 year marriage of his supposed 'emotional immaturity'. Her and I talked (emailed is more honest) regularly about any and everything mentally stimulating. I enjoyed the challenge her questions proposed. Her husband and I enjoyed fishing together. Chatting about construction (as we both are in project management). 

Time passed where Amethyst felt estranged. She never felt quite allowed to voice her perspective when we were all together.

Amethyst did a writing mentioning her jealousy over the type of conversations her and I would have. That it pressed on some old wounds. Not calling her out. In fact, not about her at all. Just Amethyst stating where she was on her journey.

The fallout was not pretty. The submissive took it personal. She felt attacked and summarily pushed Amethyst out of the circle. 

While I still had conversations with each of them, I no longer went over for regular meet ups. If Amethyst was not welcome, why go?

Oh, I went for the occasional birthday or moments after he and I came back from fishing. But nothing intentional otherwise.


She was the leader of the local submissives group. She had been for 7 years. Encouraging newer submissives to take it slow and helping others to see red flags.


A year went by and the couple began talking about including a third again. She wanted more than what her husband could give. Stating she needed more emotional connection. Deeper intimacy. 

After speaking with him, he stated his concern over her desire for a 'performance' in their intimacy. She wanted things to be just so.

He voiced his trepidation over adding a third.....and as a friend I encouraged him to sit with if he truly felt he was poly. If it is what he wanted or was it what he wanted to give her? Either choice was not wrong..... whatever he chose was ok. He confided in me that he wanted her happiness. And felt this was his only option. In my true fashion I asked him about his happiness. Does he deserve to be heard? What about what YOU want? Because you are allowed.

The difficult conversations between them were had. She too came to the realization that she really was not poly by the definition that she had subscribed to in the past.

They were left with a very difficult choice. End a 30 year marriage so she could find what she was looking for in a partner......or continue with both of them feeling unmet and unsafe.


They both agreed to an amicable separation. They were very good friends, and they always would be. They discussed everything from how navigating this new space would look moving forward, to when would this all take place.

They both agreed to not date anyone while they were still together.

They both agreed that she would get all of her healthcare needs taken care of while still on his insurance.

They both agreed he would pay off all their debts currently to give her the cleanest start possible.

They agreed that within 3 months she would have a job, a new place and an agreed upon $750 a month alimony from him.


See, she has not worked in quite some time. She stayed at home and raised their son. Homeschooling him. Taking care of the house. Making a home.

Their son is now 28. They would not have to worry about custody on any level.


Shortly after they agreed to separate she asked to have a conversation with me after our return from fishing one afternoon. In this conversation she proceeded to tell me she had feelings for me and wanted to know how I felt for her. I assured her I felt nothing but friendship for her because I stated from the outset of our communications that I would NOT engage in ANY emotional conversations. Most certainly not about any of my own on any level. It is a boundary I hold for myself with ANY woman.


Now I would like the reader to note something......this conversation happened in HIS home. While he was asked to stay in the bedroom so she could have this moment of privacy. She also dropped on me that she had been feeling this way towards me for approximately 9 months prior to this revelatory conversation.


I succinctly told her I felt nothing for her other than friendship. That I would never express to her any feelings I had around anything because I believe that is a recipe for disaster. That if she could not control her emotions please tell me and the friendship would end. I did not wish to see her struggle. 


This was on a Saturday. On Monday I called my friend and apologized to him for any disrespect he felt I may have caused him. And honestly asked him if there is ANY thing I have done that would have been unbecoming. I reiterated the importance of he and my friendship and assured him I had no feelings whatsoever for his wife. He assured me he did not believe I was anything but honorable and transparent and he believed it was simply his wife's desire for that elusive 'more'.


6 weeks later she reached out to communicate with me as we had always and asked if I would have some time after fishing this weekend to simply have a brief chat. As she put it, "Nothing major." She reached out on a Thursday. I did not respond until Friday morning. On Saturday afternoon again her husband was relegated to the bedroom and this time she professed her love for me. That the 6 week distance only made those emotions more pronounced. She expressed how upset she got that I did not respond until Friday morning. How she had figured I just kind of blew her off. I pointedly told her that is a red flag. She should not allow herself to be feeling ANY kind of way towards a man she truly does not know, let alone while she is married and living under her husband's roof!!!

She proceeded to try to convince me we would be great together and how she wanted to be my slave (trying to play on my ego). I told her no. Period. That just because I feel like strangling my coworkers sometimes does not mean I act on those emotions! And this is a case where the same truth applies!!!

We parted that afternoon and have not talked since.



At this moment i want the reader to hear my heart here.

I think she is a good person. 

I am not here to crucify or vilify her. She is a human being that is hurting and lost. That's all. She deserves and gets my empathy for the pain she is operating under. I know some of what she feels and why.....I have navigated spaces just like it.....of course from a dominants and male perspective. I write these things because I believe it is important for others to see what pain looks like. And how in that pain our actions can destroy us and the individual we purport we desire to be.


She was a leader in the community. Respected. Valued for her wise encouragement of other submissives to take their time. To be choosy and not rash. 

She left her post as the submissive groups leader of her own free will and determination around the same time her husband and her decided to get divorced. She felt she needed the time to focus on her.

This woman purported to be demisexual. She said all the right things around being an emotionally intelligent human. She used her intellect as a way to show her value and to reiterate her boundaries and healthy limits.



That was a year ago.


She is still in her husband's home with no job.

She now has a dominant that is her son's age.

This dominant has recently been banned from the community for a consent violation with another submissive. She stays steadfast at his side.

Her husband gets to sit and watch her become this completely other person whom she has spoken in the past warning other submissives not to become. She has no ambition or desire to find a job, support herself, or move out. She will not file for divorce or do the things necessary to prepare for a life without her partner of the past 30 years.

He has paid off all their debt. Continues to pay all the bills, groceries etc cetera and STILL gives her an allowance. To his credit he recently got his own bank account and started having his paychecks deposited there so she can not get to it ......much to her frustration. As he puts it, "He is done funding her social life."

She goes out nearly every weekend to munches or play parties. Playing recklessly with her health and consent, with those whom she barely knows or can trust. 


Time and decorum would not permit me to expound upon all the ways she uses and manipulates her estranged husband. It is awful to watch.

But that is not the point of this writing......


This writing is to draw attention to the pain and what it causes us to do.......


Her stance for needing 'more' in the way of emotional connection is a lie. Her actions today prove it. Meaning, the gaslighting she has and still does to her estranged husband over his inability to be emotionally available is a crock of shit.

I know this man. I have spent 4 years getting to know him. He is not an emotional powerhouse by any stretch of the imagination and he will tell you so. But that's just it!!! He will tell you so!!! THATS EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE!!! He knows himself. VERY well. He is more emotionally intelligent than he gives himself credit for. He is very wise. INCREDIBLY kind hearted and patient. I have RARELY met a man who is so emotionallly available as he is.

Imagine how challenging it must be for him. She has drilled into him that he is not emotionally available. So much so that he has believed it! He has, in the past, accepted that HE is the reason why they needed a third. And why she wants a divorce (which oddly enough she says today is his decision. More gaslighting and projecting).

And I would like the reader to notice......this is what pain looks like within ourselves. She is SO scared to look at herself she projects. She has done so for possibly decades. It appears innocent enough. It shows up as simply a need that she determines her husband cannot fulfil. When he has absolutely tried to meet her as she outlines she desires....she moves the goal post and he is still a failure.

It reminds me of Lucy holding the football for Charlie Brown......."Come on Chuck. I won't do it again. You've got this." As she pulls the football away once more.

Rather than admit her husband is so emotionally in tune that he was getting too close to her and that caused her panic, she creates a fiction where no one can possibly measure up. Because the second a person gets close to doing so the goal post is moved. 


"That is good but I also need......."


Something she has said on repeat to her husband.


You see, when they first got together 30 years ago he was a very detached man. He had some AWFUL things happen to him that bruised him so horribly that he withdrew. He became an unfeeling-cold-asshole. So much so she threatened to leave (and did for a while) 10 years ago. Since then he has crawled back with help from Emotions Anonymous, a 12 step program for the emotionally challenged. He is not close to the man he was back then. In the 4 years I have known him he has only grown as I have witnessed him!!


The point?

She chose him because of his emotional immaturity those 30 years ago. He was safe. He did not expose or press on all that which she does not want to look at. And today he does.


If she wanted to truly look at her pain as she purports she wants and says she does she would begin by realizing her actions and how they are affecting those around her.


When she professed her love to me......not once did she take into consideration how that profession would make me feel. How it would affect me. How it would make her husband feel. How it would affect him. How it would make Amethyst feel. How it would affect her. She saw someone in front of her that she felt would distract, manage, take control of, fix, stop that pain. And we all know.....that is an inside job. Nothing external will make that pain cease. 


You know how I know???


Because if it could, we would interact with that thing once and our pain would no longer exist. 

And we all know that's not real.

We would get drunk/high/ BDSM/online games/online chat/work/shopping/exercise WHATEVER just once and then no longer have to do it.

The honesty is......our pain remains. And because anything we extend our focus to so intently as our savior because it 'makes us feel good' in a moment that does not last is so enticing.....we continue.


Her actions today prove it.

All the things she warned other submissives about for 7 years not to do she is doing today. Ignoring all the red flags. Getting lost in sub-frenzy. Ignoring others in an attempt to just stop the pain.


Is she evil? NO!


She is human.

I absolutely know I have done the same thing in the past. This is NOT a judgement on her. I actually feel great sorrow for her. Because I know some of what she is feeling. I know how lonely it is. How unwilling you can be to look in the mirror. How scary it is to not know how to stop and find a safe space to navigate this pain. How terrifying it is to even consider looking at the pain even if you did have a safe space!


We ALL have those things we are frightened to look at. I am honestly no exception.


What I hope we take away from this writing is what fear can do to us. I have not used that word yet in this writing and it was intentional. I have used pain as it's substitute. Because the result of our fear is pain. Pain within ourselves. Pain that we subject those around us to when we do not resolve to navigate our fears.

I have caused pain in Amethyst and my connection because I was too afraid to navigate my fear of trust. That pain was not such that it threatened our dynamic. Gratefully we are aware enough to have those crunchy conversations and work together to support one another as we navigate our fears. And it sucks!!!! 

But the alternative is what???


30 years from now, if left unchecked, that fear grows into a monster that controls us and we feel out of control with.


That is not to say that fear is impossible to be navigated! 


Something I have noticed with fear that I would like to leave you with as an encouragement:


We all feel so overwhelmed by our internal pain at times. Like it is insurmountable. Or we have no clue where to begin. Fear can absolutely feel like a monster we cannot overcome. But it only takes one action. One step towards bravery. One courageous choice to stop the cycle. It maybe that you have no clue where to start.....that is ok. It only matters that you do! Because YOUR peace is worth it!!!!


Can you imagine the hell she must be in internally????? How scared and how much running within from herself she is doing??


While where you are may not be the same. While you may comfort yourself with the thought that, "at least I am not living that life in my pain." Are there other areas where you run and hide into things that 'make you feel better' but never truly bring you peace??



Conversely, my friend, while in deep obvious pain. 

Sits and supports his wife in the safest way for himself he knows how.

He does not go out and seek the solace of another woman's arms. 

He does not go out to the bars. 

Or take drugs.

Or gets lost online.

Or works himself to death.


He comes to me, and others, and speaks his pain. He courageously takes a step and bravely says, "I am in pain and I am afraid." It does not heal the pain, that is not the point of courage. But it DOES bring healing. 



How can YOU begin to heal today????


If I can encourage you, please, for YOU, find someone you trust to hold a safe space for you and speak your pain. Give a voice to your fears. It will not solve them, but it WILL be a courageous act that shows your fear you no longer wish to be controlled by it.


We say all the time, "Communication in a relationship is vital and the key." This is just one reason why! A very important reason!



I truly hope each of you finds your voice and peace today!!!








Drago and Amethyst 



LilAmethyst​(sub female){DaddyDrago} - WOW, what a BEAUTIFUL writing Sir 🀯❀️πŸ”₯🀯❀️πŸ”₯🀯❀️πŸ”₯
10 months ago
MsDove​(sub female){Eternal Pi} - My heart goes out to all involved.

10 months ago
WhatamIfightingfor​(dom male) - True, till you find that missing part fear rules. It sure is painful, for all involved.
10 months ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+β˜•} - Drago, while I'm not a psychologist, I've been around long enough and done enough research to be able to provide a viewpoint about the psychological processes going on. The question is, would they be welcomed by you.

I do not wish to disrespect your view of her, which is why I'm asking first.
10 months ago
DaddyDrago{LilAmethys} - You are good!
Thank you for asking!
10 months ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+β˜•} - Thank you, Drago. I'm glad I asked first (and thank you, Amethyst, for your blog recently about asking first..😁❀️).

It is my belief that she experiences "Limerence". Her's is connected to her "attachment" style, of which there are four: Avoidant, Disorganized, anxious, and Secure (that's an area that is confusing to me so I won't begin to name which one she may have). ALLLL of which is connected to her childhood.

We have all seen Limerence in action. All those "super fans" of Hollywood stars who *KNOW* that their obsession is singing "just to them" but that their relationship HAS to be kept secret. It is the grasping at the breadcrumbs of perceived affection and blowing those crumbs out of proportion because of a void within themselves. He was DEAD ON ACCURATE when he said that she was looking for "more".

Yes, she is in pain. Deep, emotional pain. I've lived it, even here, in my earlier years.

I was reading just the other day about which attachment styles tend to be drawn to each other with anxious and avoident being mentioned. When you said "no" to her, during that 6 week period, she probably reread every email exchange, reviewed every memory of every interaction, every phone conversation and convinced herself that you were hiding your TRUE feelings for her but were afraid to tell her because you didn't want to hurt Amethyst. She probably convinced herself that you were "just being kind" to Amethyst and that kindness made her "love" you deeper.

Drago, there is NOTHING you did wrong. There is NOTHING you implied that gave her that impression. As you so rightly pointed out, it's her pain that she is trying to fill because of her fear that if she isn't loved by someone, ANYONE, that she is unloveable...
The blame is with her parents. They originated the problem but SHE is the one responsible for dealing with it....

And she isn't. She is trying to numb the pain with adrenaline. The "high" she gets from doing unsafe/unsane dynamics mimics the chaos she lived as a child. She understands that feeling.

Your friend, the DaddyDom, became too healthy for her to cope. When they first got married, he was unhealthy, probably "avoident attachment" so she knew the "steps" to cope with it (my former Dom was just like that...emotionally distant). But then he started to heal....and she didn't. To HER, he left her but the reality is, they just grew apart.

What's interesting, is that I had been speaking with a DaddyDom from her and we had been working towards a dynamic. He was in a similar situation with his former sub. They lived together and he was paying her way but wanted out without hurting the mother of his child. They had previously made an agreement but time passed and she made no changes. I advised him to set a deadline several months in advance, just like a landlord would. He seemed to be able to accept that way of viewing it, since he wasn't tossing her out on the street AND she isn't a child with no experience in the world.

I hope he follows through.

Drago, your Dom friend is not in a healthy place. It would be better for him to separate completely from her. They are both adults. He is no longer her Dom and it is not required of him to be her security net.

I know her pain all too well, and I know the damage that pain is doing both to HER and to ANYONE she is coming in contact with. Unfortunately, she seems to be going backwards rather than forwards in her healing.

It's not healthy and it will NOT end well.
10 months ago
LilAmethyst​(sub female){DaddyDrago} - SBD, I absolutely agree that she has "misplaced" feelings towards Sir due to her attachement style. It's what I've said from very early on in their communications. I could intuitively feel and see how she was taking what and how he said things, plus the time that he would spend to respond to her messages and making them mean something they were NOT. It's absolutely unconscious on her part. Today I FEEL empathy for where she finds herself. πŸ’” I too have been guilty of similar actions that she currently finds herself navigating. It's painful AF! πŸ˜”

I truly do hope that one day she's able to find the internal peace that she is seeking from outside of herself right now. πŸ™πŸ’•
10 months ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+β˜•} - Amethyst, your Sir LIVES (loves...but thank DamnitJim )YOU, deeply and unabashedly. You have been blessed with a man who is honorable, kind, secure in his boundaries (even if they may quiver a little), and authentic. He listens AND hears (sometimes, far too much).

Please, PLEASE know that for all our conversations, I make the assumption that you are there. (Actually, sometimes I've been frustrated when you WEREN'T commenting since I was trying to figure out if I was crossing a line WITH YOU.). I WANT you there, in our conversations. I WANT to hear your voice. I WANT to feel more comfortable with you....I've always had a difficult time connecting on an emotional level with other women. You being involved in our conversations, helps ME in more ways than I can articulate. I love you both, but Am's, you scare the fuck out of me, simply by being a woman.
10 months ago
LilAmethyst​(sub female){DaddyDrago} - Awwwwwwww, sweetheart thank you for your vulnerability. I deeply honor you having the courage to express how and what you feel. πŸ™πŸ’• Truly I do NOT EVER take that lightly!!!!!

PLEASE know that I HEAR your fear and I am sitting next to you holding your hand and whispering you are safe here with me(puts my hand over my heart). I am NOT here to hurt or harm you. I am here to simply love you and show you the way back home to yourself. πŸ’• I know that FEELS scary. But please know that you are ALWAYS safe, even if you do feel scared. 😘
May I ask you what about me being a woman brings up fear in you? I will honor and respect if you do not feel comfortable sharing that here in a public space. Also I will respect if you do not choose to answer my question, as you are NOT obligated to at all. πŸ’• My feelings will not be hurt if you choose not to answer sweetie πŸ’œ

Awwwwwwww, thank you for expressing how you desire me to be a part of the conversations, that you find value in me as a person and how/what I have to share. πŸ™πŸ’•

10 months ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+β˜•} - Sweetie, I don't mind answering. Discussing my trauma is NOT a point of vulnerability for me. It's not MY shame because it wasn't MY choice.

It was a woman who abused me. It was a woman who abandoned me. It was a woman who didn't protect me. It was women (well, girls at the time) who ridiculed me the most.

I know it's not you. I KNOW that this fear is based on my past. I also know that on the flip side, it was men who rescued me. It was men who protected me. It was men who were a source of validation.

It's the gender of the person, not the person themselves that trigger my internal struggle.

Oddly, it was the men who SEXUALLY abused me. The women emotionally abused me...which is harder struggle to overcome and heal from.

It's not you darlin'. It's your gender but I also know that as a Brat, I push boundaries. I need you to keep me in check. I WANT you to keep me in check, in regards to your dynamic. Yeah, Drago has a voice and is perfectly capable of telling me to buzz off...but he doesn't have YOUR feelings. I need to hear where YOUR line is. If I say something that starts coming close to your boundary, please, let me know. I TRY and stay away from the electric fence when it comes to you two, specifically, but when I'm feeling comfortable in a friendship, I may get to close to that fence. DONT LET ME! The moment YOU start to get that "eh...I don't like it but I'll be ok" feeling, speak up. Please...
10 months ago
LilAmethyst​(sub female){DaddyDrago} - Awwwwwwww sweetie I assure you that I did NOT in ANY way take your expression of feeling scared of me "personally". Me expressing that you are safe here with me is simply how "I" was meeting you in your place of fear and REASSURING you that as a "woman" I am NOT here to do harm to you. πŸ’•

My heart truly goes out to you for the pain that others, both men and women has caused you. πŸ’”

I was reminding you that me as a woman am in NO way here to harm you. πŸ’•

I hear your trauma, your pain, your fear and this is how I love others in their pain. By meeting them and simply loving on them by encouraging them they are safe with me and in general. πŸ’• It's an emotional attunement aspect 😘

I know that your pain is not about me or has ANYTHING to do with me. πŸ’• I asked you the question that I did, as way to discover how to love you more and where. ❣️
10 months ago
LilAmethyst​(sub female){DaddyDrago} - Ooooooops hit send before I was done πŸ™„πŸ€ͺ

Please TRUST that IF I personally feel as though you are crossing a line that I do not feel comfortable with, I WILL speak up and have a conversation with you about it. 😘
10 months ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+β˜•} - That's all I ask, Babycakes 🀣. Think of it as a self-check for myself. While I try REALLY hard to not even step near a possible boundary, it means assuming quite a bit of the time. It also means that quite a bit of the time, I can't be complete self. Maybe that's a good thing? Maybe not. I don't know. Maybe I NEED to have that ONE set of friends that I yank back hard on the reins to practice self restraint. *Shrugs*. Like the Owl said, "the world may never know...."
10 months ago
DaddyDrago{LilAmethys} - "While I try REALLY hard to not even step near a possible boundary, it means assuming quite a bit of the time. It also means that quite a bit of the time, I can't be complete self."

I would like to address this statement above.

It seems what may be in order are a list of boundaries 'I' have for online etiquette.


First, an admonition.
I would encourage you to consider......who you are with your son is someone different than with a coworker. Or who you are with your grandma may be different than who you are with your bestie.
You are still you! And I shudder to think you would EVER have to water yourself down!
Now, I get cannot sit there and be all sexy raunchy with me......but would you really want to be knowing Amethyst is watching???
Swearing is NO big deal. Nor is teasing. I have a VERY thick skin. And whether I show it or not......I am exceptionally sadistic playfully. But that is not something I do too much with other women.

Which leads me to MY boundaries.....

1. Unless I have openly discussed a topic first, if you want to broach a subject and are unsure......ask.

I will NEVER (AGAIN FOR THOSE IN THE BACK NEEEEEEEEEVVVVVVEEEEEEERRRRRR) be upset, judgmental, cruel, demonstrative, demeaning, belittling or in any other way manipulative to a question. I welcome them. Invite them gladly.
I of course reserve the right to not have the space to answer when I am asked or to decline answering altogether. However, I GUARANTEE, whatever my choice is it is NOT an indictment on you. The question asked. How it was asked. The context. Et cetera. As you pointed to, I SEE quite a bit, often more than others consent to!!! 😜 I assure you, I see the heart behind the question.

2. I will NOT discuss my personal feelings with other women with any specificity.

IE: I feel.......about this person. This thing. This topic.
I will generalize......mostly because I do not believe it is necessary to point to how I feel about anything. That's for me. Also, truth is, feelings change. I reserve the right to shift my lens on anything given the specific moment.

3. Respect is king. Meaning, if I feel disrespected it is up to me to say so. And honestly, as I have mentioned, there is very little a person can do to disrespect me in an open online forum. Again, when in doubt, ask.

4. Make no pre-supposition of my feelings. This is a hard limit for me. NEVER decide for me what I think or value. What is important to me or what is not. Either show up as your most authentic self and trust I will accept that or do not show up at all. I absolutely refuse to be labeled or put in a box and told, "I feared you would not I did this." That is others right of course. But I do not fuck with someone who cannot be their unapologetic self. Because I damn sure am going to be!! And if you cannot I assume you will conversely summarily judge me likewise. Basically, make NO assumptions about me at all. Ask. Seek. Scared or it!!! πŸ˜›

5. If I do not know I need a boundary somewhere and discover gracious. Do not take it personal. I am never against someone. Please do not assume I ever would be.

6. Respect yourself. I value my time and energy. They are precious to me and I do not give them away lightly. This goes back to quality over quantity. I am interested in quality conversations and introspective people. If we are conversing, please stay focused. Respect me and yourself enough to not be multi-tasking by conversing with 5 other people and then think our conversation is going to be fruitful. I extend that courtesy to much so that if I do not have the moment I wait until my attention is undivided......I request the same.

7. Agree to disagree amicably. No one has the answers. Certainly not me. If we do not see the same point......good!!!! That is a growth area for both of us!! Passive aggressive words/behaviours, manipulation is a SURE way to get me to stop communicating. Please respect yourself and me enough to be humble and leave your ego at the door, just as I work to.

8. Accountability. With grace......hold me accountable. If I have said something that does not like up in your mind with another thing. Please do me the courtesy of asking me, not accusing. Just as I work to hold you accountable without blaming.

9. We are both humans having a human experience. Not kings/queens or Gods. Just humans. Let's treat each other as such. Equals. Traveling the same journey if only in different paths.

10. Stay curious.
This sums up all the above in my lens. Curiosity like a child. Wonder filled. Idealistic. Optimistic. When we communicate with others one of the purest things we can do is to not make assumptions. Not determine we know.....but with curiosity we seek. Admiration for the other person as a human traveling THEIR journey. Not as someone to understand. Someone to respect regardless of whether we understand.

In ALL of these things I have seen YOU (SBD) respond thusly.
Perfectly? No!
Neither have I!!!
And that is why boundary number 9 exists. To extend grace.

Anything else you think should be added????

I hope this helps. It is my lens. How I predominantly operate. And if I am in some sort of mood where I do not desire to operate within this way I generally do not converse.

10 months ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+β˜•} - Thank you for sharing this *cough* tiny *cough* list. It actually helps...and yet...πŸ˜‰πŸ€ͺ

Do I ever water myself down? Yes. Do you ever hold back the whole of your personality due to the sheer fact that time/place/person couldn't handle its magnitude? I'm not talking your values such as honesty, integrity, and honor. Those are not something to compromise. I'm talking about HOW you speak to people and what topics you share with them. Of course you do! Everyone does! You certainly wouldn't talk kink with the president of your company. You wouldn't tell raunchy jokes to the pope. Holding back is part of social norms and decorum.

Once, I had to hide Babygirl from my former Dom. It made him too uncomfortable. He had the commonly held belief regarding age play and littles...that it was akin to pedophilia. It took time for me to explain to him how *MY* little was. It was the most painful thing I had to do. It felt like I was abandoning myself.

Do I share her with my minor child? Yes and no. I share her voice and her interests, but it's done in such a way that HE believes I'm play acting. I've also shared Hanna, in a way, with him, at least her sarcasm. (He's been able to throw sarcasm and snark back at me since he was little..*sniff* I'm so proud! Oh the stories I could tell!! 🀣).

Regarding your boundaries:
1) check...kinda figured that about you anyways and yes, I've done just that. As a friend from a millennium ago once said when I asked him if he could do me a favor, "You can always ask." (The implied rest of that sentence is, "but I could still decline.".

2) This one reminds me of the movie "Dogma". Have you watched it? Funny shit right there! Your statement about changing your beliefs reminds me of a conversation in that movie:

Rufus: His only real beef with mankind is the shit that gets carried out in His name. Wars, bigotry, televangelism. The big one, though, is the fractioning of all of the religions. He said mankind got it all wrong by taking a good idea and building a belief structure on it.

Bethany: You’re saying having beliefs is a bad thing?

Rufus: I just think it’s better to have ideas. I mean, you can change an idea, changing a belief is trickier. People die for it, people kill for it. The whole of existence is in jeopardy right now, because of the Catholic belief structure regarding this plenary indulgence bullshit. Bartleby and Loki, whether they know it or not, are exploiting that belief. And if they’re successful, you, me… ALL of this ends in a heartbeat, all over a belief.

3) You remember I'm a Brat that struggles with picking up on "social cues", right? Jus' sayin'.

4) This one is easy. Why? Because I'm not seeking a romantic dynamic with you. Since you can neither give me an order nor discipline me, I don't have to "impress you" in that way. (I wish more submissives would remember that little fact when talking to people...ANYBODY, male or female. ). I will admit that there is a fear of the loss of a valued friendship IF I push the boundaries too much, so I DO measure my words.

5) There you me orders 🀣..I can only say that I will *TRY* not to take it personally. Since I can't read the future, I cannot state that I WILL NOT take it personally. If you discover a boundary because of an interaction with *ME*?...If you discover one, please try to remember that it is never my intention to cause you discomfort (unless I have a whip in my hand 😝).

6) I've noticed that, actually...about the extent of time you put into our conversations. It's kinda hard not to, since we write NOVELS to each other. 🀣🀣 Personally, I love it. I'm going to add an addendum to the "respect yourself" rule. Neither of us is allowed to make self-deprecating statements. To me, it's a form of abuse. I'm **EXTREMELY** sensitive to it because of the amount of work I've done to STOP doing it to myself. My practice is: If you wouldn't say it about someone you love, don't say it about yourself.

7) We've encountered this many times. It's been difficult and many times, I've had to " words" carefully when I really wanted to beat your fuckin' ass with a stick. I will say that when I DO make passive/aggressive statements, it's a CLEAR signal that something has triggered me, I'm in a state of emotional dysregulation, and I didn't catch it. I request that if that DOES happen, that you halt the topic of conversation and have me take a breath. SOOOMETHING is going on and I *MAY NOT* realize it. It is a behavior and coping mechanism that I am currently ACTIVELY trying to break and narrow down the feeling/s that trigger that behavior. I'm asking for your help in recognizing those moments (thankfully, they are getting less frequent.).

8) πŸ€”......when you say "doesn't link up in your mind with another", do you mean like how when the other day I said it SEEMED like your thoughts went faster than you could type and they slammed into each other? Holding you accountable is a difficult one, since really, we have no obligation to each other. What I TRY to do, is point out moments when your words don't seem to match either the values I know you to hold, or your message intent. If that is what you define as "holding you accountable", 😈 game on dude!

9) While we are treating each other as human, let's also remember that one of us is walking the journey WITHOUT in-person support while the other has to worry about his Domly Dom Dom card being revoked, ok? Both are difficult, for different reasons.

10) The curiosity I'm down for! I've got that in spades...."Not as someone to understand"? Please clarify that statement because how I'm inferring that is: "Don't try and psychoanalyze.".

So, to quote Jack Sparrow, "Do we have an accord?".

(Amethyst, would you please be so kind as to write this down somewhere? I'm such an idiot that I'll break these things left and right if I'm not careful. 🀣)

I worry about you when you get in your "moods". I have to convince myself that it's none of my damn business but still, I worry. Maybe it's the doer in me...the fixer. Mostly it's cause I give a fuck damn. When you go silent, I feel the ground quake.
10 months ago
DaddyDrago{LilAmethys} - Do you ever hold back the whole of your personality due to the sheer fact that time/place/person couldn't handle its magnitude?

No. I refuse.

Content? Yes. Not everyone gets access (or to your point can tolerate) what I might discuss. But I DO show up the same with everyone regardless. There are only two things that shift what I am open to discussing: my boundaries with that individual. Their tolerance of the subject matter. To your point, the pope would hardly care or desire a conversation on kinky matters.
I believe we are saying the same thing.....just uniquely from our lens.
I do not believe that is watering myself down.....I call that self love. Why extend my energy and efforts towards another who would not appreciate or respect such?
Does that make me less than or somehow a different individual? I would say no. It just means to THEM I am a different person...... because they choose not to receive all that is me for whatever reason.

1. You got it right!

2. Are you saying I am funny???? πŸ˜œπŸ˜‚

3. The point is you do not have to pick up on social cues. You get to trust that unless I have said otherwise you have caused no disrespect. Now that may be foreign and uncomfortable territory for you......and I am good with that! Because it is NECESSARY for any healthy interaction. I see this as a form of disrespect to not trust what I am saying (or not saying). Living in a state of anxiety where you are uncertain whether you have crossed a line when I have not said you have is counterproductive to you being your authentic self firstly.....and secondly it is a form of deciding for me my presuppositioned disrespect. And I DO understand where this is coming is also why I ask that it not be allowed to breathe in our communication. It is unhealthy.

4. And this fear is what I speak can you lose something you do not own or have? And why try to manage my or anyone else's feelings? If I feel disrespected or what? I am allowed. They are MY feelings. You are hardly going to lose a friend because I felt some sort of way. Living under that form of where you cannot POSSIBLY control how anyone EVER feels is a form of emotional masochism that only harms you. I would encourage you to consider seeking to not hold on to such fear. It truly is beyond your control what another feels and why.
You do your best....As a human that's all we have. The rest, how it works out, the mistakes we make, the wrongs we unintentionally do.......that's life. Normal. To be expected. If someone else (me) gets pressed on uncomfortably by how you show up that's for ME to navigate. It has zero to do with you. Yes, do the best you can to be considerate .....but not at the expense of your sanity and peace.

5. I KNOW with my head most people do not intend to step on a boundary. They often do so out of an unfulfilled need. Even if they are unawares. My heart may FEEL differently in the moment. But that moment will pass so it is all good!

6. You are spot on. Never any self deprecating talk that is false humility. I do not mind honest humility where one states the honesty of how they see themselves ........example.....I accept I can SEE others......I do not believe it is a large deal. That is NOT me crucifying myself. It is me being honest about how I feel. Self-deprecation in my lens is beating ones self up unnecessarily because we 1. Either we believe we are lacking in some form of human civility. 2. Or we desire the attention of another's disagreement of our personal judgement.
Just clarifying my definition. I would say, either way, we are soundly on the same page.

7. I have noticed those moments. And, I receive them. It shows your humanness, which is not ugly, damage or unhealthy......just, human. I will do my best to point you to stop and take a moment to breathe. Thank you for helping me with a guideline on how best to serve you here.

8. Holding another person accountable for ME is about holding them to their words and actions. Ensuring they line up. And if they do not, accountability says, "What is this?"
Something you and I have already both done with one another. I believe it is a necessary value to hold in any interaction......because the breaching of such accountability on an individual and personal level says a lot to me about the character of that individual. I am uninterested in long term communication with someone who cannot show up with integrity.
We share the same definition here.

9. We EACH have our difficulties on our respective journeys. I do my level best to remember that everyone is fighting their own unique demons. I am no exception. And whether I have someone next to me in my life does nothing to change the reality that the journey I walk is filled with conditioning, fear, wounds that I and I alone must navigate. Because I understand this, I am empathetic towards others because the same is said for everyone. Having someone by my side only presses on the conditioning, wounds, and fears more. In the sense that I get to navigate the discomfort and pain in real time that is a help! But it is also quite a heavy cross to bear. I often envy you and others who have no such mirror pressed to them!!
And I have little to no ego investment in who I am. My Domly Dom Dom card means zero to me. Literally. How someone views my dominance means nothing to me. It is not for them to decide or judge except for how they interact with me for themselves. Or rather, maybe it is best to say I have no worries, concerns or care for how someone views me. Truly. I am content with me and know who I am. The value I bring to my own world and to a few people in it.....that's good enough for me.

10. Correct.


Do you need to understand to respect? Really?

Asking why is a trauma response and with it comes resentment and judgement.

"Why did this happen to me/them?"
"Why is this here?"
"Why do things like this keep coming around?"
"Why are they like this?"

A better question, one that is born of curiosity and respect is.......what.

"What are they trying to share with me?"
"What has happened that caused so much pain?"
"What makes their fears real to them?"
"What am I meant to learn from this?"
"What can I do to support myself and others in this trying moment?"

Why seeks answers when usually, even if we do find them, create little peace. The answers only serve our mind with a fake sense of control. Because of course if the same moments were to arise knowing facts about the moments will do little to help us navigate how we feel about it.

What questions help us focus on our heart. Grace. Comfort. Self-accountability. Self-love.

In MY lens, it is better to be curious about someone's fear and pain. To not try to understand and fix. Oh, I desperately want their peace!! But it will not come with facts, or understanding on a mental level. It will come with empathy. Sympathy. Encouragement.

No person who has lost a limb was ever comforted or grew more peaceful when the doctor explained the medical purpose, reason, facts around their missing appendage. They, however, do become more at peace and comforted when others were sympathetic, gracious, patient, kind supportive with their curiosity on how best the individual felt they needed support. Not arbitrarily decided by someone not going through the pain.

Knowledge has its purpose. It can help bring clarity AFTER we tune into our hearts to be supportive where the other person needs it, not before.

A more pertinent example would be the way in which I have navigated our friendship.
You have not been helped or felt supported because of facts. You have felt heard and seen. Met. Your heart has felt safe. Yes, you may value knowledge and that can provide a launching pad for trust or capability of another. But you, like everyone else, desires to be seen. Met. Heard. Appreciated for who you are. Not for what you can DO. Or what you KNOW. Or HOW you travel your journey. Just......YOU.

The same as all of us.

And no one receives that from facts. They receive it from a heart that desires just to accept another individual. To learn them. To be curious and open to seeing them in their honesty. Not arbitrarily applying some facts to them by quantifying them down to an equation or formula because others have shown up this way before and so it must mean this. We are all so very unique. And the labels/boxes/parameters we put around us with the 'facts' do not allow us to be more. Or to not be fully who we are in each moment except what those facts say we must be.
Again, why carries with it too much limitation. To rigid an 'understanding' that simply leaves out the humanity of others. The uniqueness.
Facts are a starting point. A guideline even.

But just as a surgeon must rely on their training and facts.....each case is unique and presents it own challenges and cannot solely be quantified with facts. If it could there would be no medical journals with breakthrough procedures discovered under unique circumstances.
Did the facts create the understanding and growth? Or the uniqueness of the circumstance?
Unless that surgeon had been curious enough to explore what would have served that moment (asking what does THIS patient specifically need?) there would be no healing.

For ME, it is a subtle shift from the the heart of the matter. And I for one seek to be curious enough to not discount the facts......but also not depend on them to define who the person in front of me is. Because we are ALL more than labels/boxes/prejudices/quantifications.

And what kind of "moods" are you referring to pray tell????? πŸ˜›
I am RARELY in them to begin with!!! Lol.

Knowing all of the above.......
"Do we have an accord???"

You are welcome for the novel!!!!

10 months ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+β˜•} - Yes, we ARE saying the same we always seem to do. 😁.

Actually, I think the Pope WOULD be open to discussing kink, at least from an educational point of view (unless I'm one pope's been a while since I followed the goings on at the Vatican.).

How can they make a choice to receive or not receive....if they do not know you because you have withheld parts of yourself? Choice means that you have all the options and picked one. By withholding part of yourself, isn't that YOU making a choice FOR THEM, because you have studied them and decided FOR THEM that it would be the more human and gentle thing to shield them from having to make that choice? (This is all just a philosophical debate. I do not believe you are in the wrong in reserving CONTENT for those who can accept it or are of age.)

Maybe that's what we are really talking about here, "reserving content", compartmentalizing our lives and interests. *Shrugs*

1. *Accord reached*

2. Am I saying you are funny? In that quote, no. I was addressing your statement about being able to adjust your thoughts and feelings as you acquire new information. As for your level of humor? I think you are hysterically funny, when you allow it to show. It takes an ENORMOUS amount of time and trust for you to show that side of you, ESPECIALLY with online interactions. Personally, I'm deeply humbled that you have shown it to me, bantering with my Brat side on occasions (I had originally used the word β€œplay” but that’s a loaded word in this community so decided to be a bit more precise). I DO have other "not so honorable" thoughts regarding that process, but they only feed my ego and not something I choose to share publicly. I can assure you, they aren't inappropriate, just my own arrogance.

3. "Foreign and uncomfortable territory"? That doesn't even BEEE-GIIIN to describe the feeling! Especially since it flies in the face of what OTHERS whom I had viewed as "knowledgeable and "socially accepted" have told me.

"Living in a state of anxiety where you are uncertain whether you have crossed a line.."- welcome to my childhood, in a nutshell. In my house, it didn't matter if I was following a previously voiced standard. The line kept moving one way or the other (just like the sun in your blog did to her husband). And that was from the ONE PERSON I should have been able to trust. How is a child supposed to learn to trust their intuition if no matter what they tried, they were told they did it wrong and were whipped and beaten for it? They can't, and social cues, social decorum, socially acceptable behavior learning is non-existent. The ONLY thing we learn is HOW TO SURVIVE the next beating. The message we learn is that no matter WHAT we do or HOW we do it, we are wrong, we are rejectable, we are"bad", and it’s all our fault. Then we are compared to other people (β€œ If only you were like…”, β€œIf you did THIS just like THEY do….”. I’m certain you know the statements.).

No shit it's unhealthy..🀣 It's also why I look to Amethyst as an example on how to ignore my instincts, take a deep breath, and trust you bit by bit. (*pulls Amethyst's hands away from her face*...didn't know that, didja'?)

4. I am trying to get better at dealing with the fear of abandonment (I suspect that the fear of our friendship disintegrating is connected, in part or as a whole, to a fear of abandonment, or more accurately, a fear of having to β€œdeal” with the grief associated with loss). As one example: When you and Amethyst left the Cage, I felt bereft. My world got VERY quiet and I had to readjust. Sure, that's a normal part of life, but that didn’t wash away the feeling (and fear) that I would never again β€œsee you both” again. I didn’t have you guys around anymore to run to in excitement over some personal revelation or triumph I made. Frankly, I was lonely for your company. I’ll classify this as a β€œphysical loss” (just as if someone had died), but an β€œemotional loss” is sometimes much harder to deal with. As a hypothetical example: Something happens and a severing of communication happens that requires blocking each other. That’s an β€œemotional loss”. Being in the same place but needing to not speak with each other……i have recently learned that the fear of being β€œleft out” is connected to PTSD. I don’t know enough yet to really discuss its origins or how to manage it, however, I can say that I’ve seen it significantly in my life. Its a spot I need to have time to sit with.

You, however, seem to be a different kind of barrel of monkeys. My history with you is most ASSUREDLY based differently. Just bear in mind that your requirement for the good/bad/ugly is butting heads with my experiences with others where, when I *DID* show my good/bad/ugly....they bolted, because the ugly was too ugly for them. Its happened with other people here, who kept encouraging me to be authentic, reassuring me that they could accept it. When I took them at their word, setting aside my fears in the moment and trusted them, they rejected me. Of course, back then, I had less control (and awareness) of my emotional dysregulation so I lashed out at them in an attempt to be heard, using the passive/aggressive crap. And round and round we went...till bridges were burned, insults traded, and the last words uttered placed ALL the blame on MY shoulders.

I will not apologize for a physiological system that, AT THE TIME, I had no control (or awareness) of. I can't. I can only continue to get better, to learn, to heal, to grow so that I DON'T revert back to those same, unhealthy behaviors. Part of the message I learned as a child involves the belief that there was something intrinsically, genetically, and irreversibility wrong with me and THAT is why I was behaving that way.

5. My question for you is: If someone is UNAWARE that you have a particular boundary, then how can they be fulfilling their own personal, unmet need? As an example: Someone goes to another country. Different cultures have different things that you β€œjust don’t do”, different β€œsocial norms” (yes, that’s an anthropological term. I learned about it in Cultural Anthropology class in college.). It could be something small, like leaving your eating utensils in your food dish rather than over the top of your dish. I believe this is where forgiveness is needed and an explanation of why it is an insult (I’m not talking about sharing the history of the feelings, but how crossing that boundary made you feel…words are failing me right now.)

Now, if someone IS aware, FULLY aware of a boundary and THEN breaks it, the choice is either provide a stern reminder of the boundary (which gives grace to the person for simply forgetting or forgetting because something in THEIR life was causing extraordinary stress), OR, throwing down the gauntlet and walking away.

6. In laymen’s terms, β€œYou are not allowed to insult yourself (I.E: refer to yourself as an asshole) and neither am I (I.E: calling myself an idiot like i did as a joke about our β€œcontract work” with Amethyst previously.”. -Accord Reached

7. Accord reached…Thank you.

8. Accord reached.

9. We may not have anyone to press the mirror, which makes any progress more difficult because those dust bunnies of trauma hide unless we are courageous enough to go looking for them. Some just can’t be found without another person, similar to how I could only go so far in my work overcoming my fear of a belt. Without that loss of control over its deliverance, I can’t go deeper. That part of my healing has stalled, for the time being.

However, IN a relationship, sometimes the mirror doesn’t get pressed, or if it does, it doesn’t get pressed in a healthy way, out of love and as a service for mutual growth. Many times, it’s one person’s triggers reacting to another person’s triggers (refer back to the second to last paragraph of #4).

In that way, you are the lucky ones because you both care about each other’s growth in healing. It still sucks, but at least the bunnies never get a chance to hide from you.

10. Learning the WHY (the physiological processes) I was feeling such dysregulated emotions opened the gate of grace, towards myself. I already knew the "what" (childhood trauma). What I DIDN'T know then was the scientifically provable alterations to my brain that the "what" caused. For me, it mattered. It mattered because there was PROOF that I *wasn't* genetically flawed or irrevocably damaged or inherently "bad". For ME, understanding the biological WHY I was feeling the way I was, allowed me to place the blame where it belonged rather than on me. By placing the blame where it belonged, by understanding that what happened caused a natural, normal, and understandable cascade of effects within my body THAT IT WAS DESIGNED TO DO, I was able to let go on THAT shame spot.

I was normal! My body did EXACTLY what it was designed to do. After that, I needed to learn how to teach it that the trauma is over and we were safe. That is where I am now…which is why I asked for you help recognising my passive/aggressive moments, so I can continue to narrow down the EXACT trigger moment… I can KILL IT!

I couldn't have done that without learning WHY. It allows me to display greater amounts of empathy, both for myself and others.

Drago, I believe you are incorrect when you said that focusing on the why causes me to make a judgment about a person, though, I think I understand how you could view it as such and I can understand how the β€œpsychoanalysing” can be annoying as fuck! I offer this: Should I want to say something (about you or Amethyst) that I KNOW is β€œpsychoanalytical”, I’ll attempt to ask if its something you are open to hearing or if this is a situation where you wish it to stand alone, as is. Does that sound reasonable for you? I believe it allows me room for growth, effort, and human misjudgement, and allows you both a choice to receive my thoughts or not.

What β€œmoods” were I referring to? Hmmm…rarely do you show your anger (I might be able to pick it up because I’m used to your typical β€œonline voice” or maybe I’m just projecting, I don’t know) but I was really referring to when you need to disconnect and be all introverted, caving away to digest something.

Tag, you’re it. (FYI: google docs says this is 4 pages long. ROTFL!)
10 months ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+β˜•} - But you don't have to take MY word for it....

Sound familiar?

And this one?

(Btw, Amethyst, your provisional Brat membership card is in the mail. 🀣🀣🀣)
10 months ago
LilAmethyst​(sub female){DaddyDrago} - Jumps up and down clapping hands together, I WUV surprises in the mail πŸ€£πŸŽ‰
10 months ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+β˜•} - 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣 Here that Drago? Your girl has come over to the daaaaahk side of the kink! Bwaaaaa! *Makes light saber sounds*
10 months ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+β˜•} - You know how sometimes, you think of something too late?

*Makes violet wand saber sounds*
10 months ago
DaddyDrago{LilAmethys} - Yeah, yeah, yeah.......
I KNOW this......but I would be a poor friend or dominant if I did not PUSH.

Fine line between pushing and shoving!!!! πŸ˜œπŸ˜‚
10 months ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+β˜•} - Oh? We're on a swing now? I get airsick, just so you know.
10 months ago
DaddyDrago{LilAmethys} - I am good with HOWEVER you feel!!!!

NOT MINE!!!!! πŸ˜›
10 months ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+β˜•} - No worries...I know how to clean leather. 😁 If I puke, I'll just aim it at you. 🀣😁
10 months ago
DaddyDrago{LilAmethys} - I think you underestimate how standoffish I truly am!!!!!!

Or how spry!!!!!
10 months ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+β˜•} - 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣 I may be older than you, but I'm flexible still. 😈🀣
10 months ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+β˜•} - Besides, YOU were the one who mentioned pushing and know, like on a swingset?

(Totally kills the mood when I have to connect-the-dots. )
10 months ago
DaddyDrago{LilAmethys} - No I connected the dots just fine.......................It is YOU who assumed I would stick around after I pushed you!!!

10 months ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+β˜•} - πŸ–•
10 months ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+β˜•} - Oh! Off topic: I just saw this shirt. I learned it in rock climbing class but being kinky...well, my brain went left:
10 months ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+β˜•} - Besides, you CANT leave....

Not safe.

10 months ago
DaddyDrago{LilAmethys} - It is TOTALLY safe if I have you blindfolded, tied up in a harness and let you just 'sit there awhile'.

How would you 'know' I left or was even there?????

Sadists learn early on the fine art of a ninja!!! lol
10 months ago
DaddyDrago{LilAmethys} - You could swing all you one of those baby swings you used to wind up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That visual is hilarious!!!!!
10 months ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+β˜•} - 🀣🀣🀣🀣

Yeeees pweeeeeeaze!
10 months ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+β˜•} - Bitch? Please! You may be as agile as a ballerina (I'd LOVE to see your tutu), but I've been sneaking since I was a kid. I'll match your sadistic stealth with my survival sneaking, anyways if the week and twice on Sunday. Bring! It! OOOOON, Brotha! 🀣🀣
10 months ago
DaddyDrago{LilAmethys} - Pssssssshhhhh,

I have been sneaking since I was little......because I was a hellion of a child.

My VERY first memory is that of my mother putting me down for a nap at 11 months old and me getting out of the crib, out of the house and running down the road in my diaper!! Seriously!!

Fortunately we lived in farm country on a back road!!
10 months ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+β˜•} - Sneaking down the hall while mother was passed out on the couch JUST so I could watch tv, knowing where to put my foot so the boards didn't squeak.

Oh, your mother was a peach all right. At 11 months, it probably took you a while to get that far. Hobbling like a lame duck, fat diaper hanging down.
10 months ago
DaddyDrago{LilAmethys} - 3. I NEVER said it was easy.........that IS the point of stretching someone so they SUCKS!! BUT, it is a LOT less about trusting someone else as much as it is teaching someone to trust have already come a LONG way.

4. 'Just bear in mind that your requirement for the good/bad/ugly is butting heads with my experiences with others '
To quote one of my favorite TV shows......."Do I even look like people???" Of COURSE i am different. Again, see #3 is about trusting YOURSELF. Will you die? Will you have a moment where it all is a failure? Really? No. It is teaching the body that lesson however. Because our 'fight or flight' mechanism is STRONG. The ONLY way I know to do so is to show up consistently......try me......and look at it this way.......YOU HAVE YOU. You have survived a WHOLE lot worse than someone rejecting you. I am NOT saying that may not sting for a moment. But, it is learning that a bee sting may be irritable but not life threating. Even if you have to use an epipen, YOU have the tools to survive. Someone else's rejection, ESPECIALLY when they ask for your authenticity and then shame you is a LOT more about them and nothing at all about you. I know your trauma may not feel so.......but......the ONLY way to exercise that muscle and gain resistance is to push through it. Rejection that is brought your way through no fault of your own is an opportunity today to soothe the inner child that wants to revert to feeling less than or abandoned. YOU get to speak kindly to yourself and remind yourself that someone else's choices are NOT about you. It is in their right to make whatever choice they wish. Including ones that do not take how you feel into account. Because ultimately, YOU are responsible for your feelings.
Of COURSE, it is nice when others actually think of you and are considerate. But, you cannot make them.
The point of YOUR growth and healthiness is that you take accountability for what is YOURS. Their actions or lack thereof CERTAINLY are not yours!!!

5. 'If someone is UNAWARE that you have a particular boundary, then how can they be fulfilling their own personal, unmet need?'
The answer is they cannot. Which is why I expressed you get to trust that if there is a boundary I (or you) find it is up to US to express it. And to be very clear......needs change. What I have as a boundary with you I may not have with another. It is all situational. Based on how WE decide to navigate any given moment.
I could say, "You know what, I have decided I no longer need this boundary with you." Or, "I need to enact a further boundary with this individual."
The difference between discipline and punishment is what I hear you expressing.
Healing, boundary holding is a disciplined way of living our life. We are FAR from perfect. Or have all the answers. BUT, we work towards understanding ourselves in the process, in MY lens doing so with grace is paramount. OR, we risk creating or triggering the same traumas we have from what others did to us.

9. 'Some just can’t be found without another person' speaking of traumas.
You are not wrong.
THAT is the point of who we choose to associate and spend our precious time with. Because, as you pointed to, who speaks into our lives may be doing so with unclean hands. Having not navigated such spaces themselves. Or, as you said, trigger upon trigger.
Amethyst and myself have found ourselves there over a particular topic. We have wounding over the same issue. Here is the thing.......we individually are processing and navigating our own inner epistomology around such so that when we do discuss it.....while it presses on the wound......we have done some personal numbing.
THAT can and must be done on our own. YES, it helps when someone else is there to press against that wound so we get to discover just where we are. BUT, that does not have to be an intimate partner.....hell......there have been times a store clerk inadvertently stepped all over a wound of mine......and I got to navigate it.
In other words, consider me at your service!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10. I am NOT discounting your why. Or your process. Or how you feel you needed to navigate. I want to make that perfectly clear up front. It is NOT for me to decide for YOU what you need and how to traverse your journey.....sincerely.
I ONLY point to this reality......what about when you do not know why?

Why did they do this?
Why were they so mean?
Why did I not feel the kind of love from them I wanted?

Knowing the answers to these questions (and many similar ones) would help us very little to 'feel better'. Or to be able to navigate the cascading hurts and walls built around the pain that was caused because of the circumstances.
I am NOT saying it isn't nice to know. I am saying.......whether one knows or not does not change the happened. For WHATEVER the reasons. And, I get to accept it, move forward, heal, and try to find some peace.

What I hear you expressing is that you had to find and anchor point with which to feel some semblance of human and 'normal' (whatever that is). To begin, as you say, to give yourself grace. Because others had convinced you, or you convinced yourself, that your response was an abherrent one.

' I believe you are incorrect when you said that focusing on the why causes me to make a judgment about a person' I would encourage you to go back and reread that. I have NEVER said YOU make a judgement with a why.
I said, I BELIEVE asking why carries with it a type of judgement. Like, "Why me?" As if somehow we should not have to suffer or have cruelty done to us because we are somehow above receiving such? Should a child be subjected to such? NO. Not if at all possible. BUT, we live in reality. What is possible and what IS are two differing things. Asking why only takes you through the pity. Through the depression. Through the victimization. YES, that is often the first step. It is at least a way of FEELING what has been done. Often, many stay right there is all I am expressing. They never leave the why. They never move on. They sit with it forever (ask me how I know!!).

I do not need to know the why any longer.
Oh, I once did. I fussed and fumed and studied and became 'knowledgeable' to 'understand'.
And, it only took me so far.
There is NO reasoning for someone's cruelty. Or dismissiveness. Or abandonment. Or narcissism. Or.......whatever.
It is enough that I move forward from the attempt to understand and take the next step into acceptance.

You know, the five steps of grief.......denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance.
In MY lens, healing happens in the acceptance.....or a better way to express it is.......that ENTIRE process is necessary. To be human. To feel ALL the things. The breadth an scope of what has happened. No doubt. I am not saying otherwise. Where someone is on this journey is where they are. I respect that. Completely.
Because I KNOW WHAT IT IS LIKE. And, I know what it feels like to not be allowed. Even from myself, to feel what I do. To judge myself as wrong. Or messed up. Or a failure. Or faulty. Or too damaged. Or.....the list goes on and on. That is the depression stage. Where we attempt to understand why this was done to us and we fail to find any meaningful answers that allow us to feel better. So, we end up staying there......or we find a way to accept things (which is what I hear you saying in finding your physiological reasoning).
Moving from what.
That is what I am interested in because that is where I am on my journey. The why I (or no one) can speak to. Because the why, the reason that someone finds to latch onto that pulls them from the darkness is going to be wholly unique. For THEM. All we can do is encourage someone. Give them grace. Which is NO SMALL THING TO BE SURE!!
However, often, that is where people find themselves the search for why.

THAT is what I mean.
People need to find the why for themselves. The reasons we use. The way in which we discovered our why was for US. Unique to our situation. No one will EVER be able to follow our why. We CAN impart some things we learned.....IF others are open to it. Often, it simply adds more confusion when others are in this state. Sometimes, the best thing is to just be next to someone. To love on them. To show them they are safe. To support them however they need. To be patient with them as we wished others were with us when we were trying to 'figure it all out'.

'I was really referring to when you need to disconnect and be all introverted, caving away to digest something.'

SHIT.......that's ALL THE TIME!!!!!! lol
I am a HUGE hermit. And SUPER HAPPY TO DO SO!!!!
It IS where I gain the insight though.......because I sit, listen, and learn.

I am NEVER bored.
And I RARELY get angry (I truly believe at this point there are only a couple of triggers that can be pressed).

OH, I have it in me!!!! Irish blood and all!!!
But, I CHOOSE not to let my anger control me. And I work on it diligently.

10 months ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+β˜•} - 9) β€œYES, it helps when someone else is there to press against that wound so we get to discover just where we are. BUT, that does not have to be an intimate partner.....hell......there have been times a store clerk inadvertently stepped all over a wound of mine......and I got to navigate it.
In other words, consider me at your service!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

I get this and agree. I also know that more times than not, you both have left me in tears because something either of you has said hit a spot I hate admitting to.

10) Drago, Im not sure if we are referring to the same β€œwhy” here. Correct me if I’m wrong but when I’m using the word β€œwhy”, do you think I’m talking about the self-pity β€œwhy” type questions such as β€œwhy me?”? If so, then you would be incorrect.

I’m talking about the body processes.

Student: β€œWhy is the sky blue?” (when the real question is β€œwhat causes the sky to be blue?”)
Teacher: β€œWell Jane, the sky is blue because when the sunlight hits the atmosphere, blue light waves are shorter and scatters more.”
Student: β€œWhy does it scatter more?”
Teacher: β€œBecause the light waves of blue are shorter.”

THAT’S the kind of β€œwhy” I’m talking about.

ME: β€œWhy do I have such turbulent emotions?”
Science: β€œWell Jane, you have turbulent emotions because your prefrontal cortex is suppressed and your amygdala is over-stimulated.”
ME: β€œWhy is my amygdala over-stimulated?”
Science: β€œBecause of the changes made to your brain during your childhood from the over exposure to Cortisol.”

Do you remember my blog story titled: Dark Journey: Through the shadowlands? Do you remember the end, when I asked about the correlation between speaking badly to the disembodied voice or myself, and the thunder coming? The last word in that story, Hello.”.. is NOT said sarcastically. It was a greeting.

I left the self-pity β€œWhy” questioning a LONG time ago. I've confronted my mother multiple times and know that she will NEVER be able to see the depth of her abuse, and its not my job to show her. Having her apologize is not going to wipe the slate clean. I’ll still have my issues and she will still be her.

But what I CAN do is learn how her behavior, mental state, and how the natural developmental process of children intertwined and went awry.

Remember, I have a little so SOMETIMES, the way in which I verbalize my questions are done just like a child would ask them….always the why. Please also bare in mind that I’m missing 10 years of childhood memories. I have bits and pieces but for the most part, I remember next to nothing of my childhood.

Why? What happened that was so horrific that I can’t remember my own childhood?

Who am I?

I may never know but learning how to come to terms and accept that possible fate with that takes time.
10 months ago
DaddyDrago{LilAmethys} - We are on similar pages.

For ME, I do not care about the why (even from an entimological stand point) so much because it looks to a past that no longer is in front of me.
Yes, learning patters or the 'whys' of how we show up or the resulting conditioning from our past traumas is helpful. I have ALSO found it can retraumatize an already tender position. Is that sometimes necessary?
Yes. Sometimes the only way to navigate those emotions is through reliving them.
And certainly it is important to allow one's self feel what they do today from those past moments.

All of that taken into account......the mental 'why is this the way that it is? ' serves very little to actually processing or navigating how one feels.
Feelings are of the body. Not the mind. We will never understand how we feel by understanding why they are there. Where they come from. It is enough to accept they are there. Meant to be felt.


Emotions are present. You just got beat with a belt (intentional thought process directed at you). Knowing the why of your feelings will not allow you to actually feel, process and provide comfort to yourself.
Yes, knowing why some of those feelings are present can help you anchor into allowing you to feel what is coming up for you. Yes.
But the experience is about what you felt.
Not what you understood. Or can possibly understand.
The whole process is about letting go. As a submissive the point is to feel and heal.
Being in your head with knowledge or understanding hinders the healing.
No amount of understanding the why will make a difference to the reality that what you feel in that present moment is here and for you to navigate.
The why becomes the distraction. A distraction from just feeling. A resistance to the letting go and allowing yourself to feel what it is that is coming up in your body.

What more is necessary to understand than that all these emotions are present front and center for you to feel?
The why MAY come later.
Why you felt such an extreme response here or here.
Or, it may not.

A scene will ABSOLUTELY bring forth emotions you will NEVER be ready for. All the 'knowing of why', understanding, or figuring out will never prepare you for what comes up with in you on a given day in normal everyday life.
You know how I know???
Because today you can no more quantify why you feel what you do in a given moment than you could at any other moment in time.
Accept that we learn to let go. Accept that when we learn to actually sit with what we feel out body tells us why. Informs us. It is not a head thing at all. When we come to understand ourselves and the why of what makes us show up as we do it is through the navigation and witnessing of our feelings AS we feel them. Not as we think about them and study them.
The science behind it is irrelevant. It serves as a sign on our journey of one POSSIBLE outcome or reason. The honesty is humans are vastly more complex than a set of scientific truths. How one person shows up in a specific way and why are often unique to them.
And while the 'sky is blue because of the smaller wavelengths in color' is what way does that translate to an appreciation or experience of the sky?
It does not. Except from a cold distance. Which does little to affect the bodies need to process the feelings about the sky.

A beautiful sunset is before you.
One can look at it with a knowledge of understanding why the colors exist as they do. What creates the clouds in such a formation or the science behind the way the trees reflect the light and water as the sun is setting.

Cool. I am not discounting the honesty behind such knowledge.

But have you experienced the sunset? Have you enjoyed it?
Have you felt it?
Allowed the beauty to rest on your soul?

Some things, a great MANY things, and certainly emotions are not meant to be quantified. They are meant to be felt. Experienced.

In experiencing the sunset I can understand beauty. I MAY not be able to scientifically express to you the why. But you would not be as interested in such anyway.
You know how I know?


These are things that are made valuable to us by our experience with them. Not our understanding of them. In fact, often, what we believe we know of a thing robs us from the experience because we set up prejudices or predispositions to a thing we have never experienced.

How many times have you heard of someone expressing they were certain they hated a thing, or had it on their hard limits list only to find they enjoyed it immensely once they chose to try it?
I can tell you it happens more times than not.
It is not the understanding of the thing but the fear of what they believed that thing was that prevented them from enjoying it.

The point?

The why can be helpful. It can also be a massive hindrance.
My experience has taught me that the why is more often than not the thing that is born from a fear of letting go and just experiencing.

Understanding is not necessary to feel. Even if it is fear. Or displeasure. Or uncertainty.
Those feelings are not wrong, or bad! They are just feelings! Meant to show us a part of ourselves. That we felt some sort of way about a thing and we get to sit with those feelings and allow them to teach us.

Our body will tell us more about ourselves than 'facts' ever could. Because the facts are generic. They are not specific to our moments. Or our experiences. They are surface level information. Not unwelcome. But also not extremely helpful im experiencing what we have before us that is present.

All the facts of a sunset are great. But they do not inform me how I feel in the moment of witnessing the beauty. They do not teach me my response to the beauty. The facts do not show me myself. They show me patented knowledgeable facts. About nothing that truly pertains to my experience in life.

Humans experience life in the abstract a LOT more than they do in the literal. I'd this were not true we would not have trauma. Trauma is born from the literal but lives in our body in the abstract. The literal points to the misalignment, but it does not negate or speak to the abstract conditioning or experience we are living in our bodies.
Only feeling what is in our bodies will bring us back to a balance.


Because when we were traumatized the thing we did was to run from the feelings that were present in the moment. We did not know how to navigate them. We did not have the tools. We were just a child. Lost and had no compass on how to process what was in front of us.
So, we turned what was before us into something we could navigate and process. To survive.

Today, as an adult, we get to see how the ways in which we chose to survive damaged us. Necessary? Absolutely. We did the best we could.
Today, however, we get to choose a different, wiser and healthier way to navigate those SAME emotions. Because they are stuck. We are stunted from growing past what we have refused or errantly navigated.
So, we get to FEEL what we chose not to feel because we simply could not all those years ago. To become unstuck.
Knowledge or 'the why' is evident. And often, what we believe the why is is a mask and hidden from us because we have not felt what is stuck in order to see clearly.
Our lens can only see what we believe because of the mechanism we had to build just to survive.
Often, what we discover through feeling those feelings is that the why we believed existed was a lie. Because the truth we were unwilling, not ready, and unable to see until we navigated the feelings.

Again, point back to the scene with a belt.

You are evidence of this truth.
You KNEW the why. But those feelings hid from you parts and pieces you could not see, navigate or understand until you let go and chose to FEEL the emotions around the space.

Now, is there more to navigate??
And often, there may be for years to come.
And only AFTER you navigated into that space did you discover more about yourself right?

Why is curiosity.
No science stops there though. And what we think we know is only the beginning of understanding.

When it comes to humans. There is just so much to discover and learn about an individual based on their experience. Their moments. That the why just barely begins to touch.

In learning my submissive I do not need to know why she has a trauma here and here. It is enough to know she does. And while I can learn and understand when I know the why from MY lens it does not change that the why for her is uniquely different. Because her lens of her trauma will never be mine. And try as I might I will not ever understand it. I am not in her shoes. I did not experience it and I cannot.
Empathy is not about understanding, it is about resonating with the frequency of an individual's feelings, and sitting with them.
If all I did was try to understand I would not be empathetic. I would not be compassionate. I would not feel at all. Except about my lens of the why. I would not discover who she is. Where she is. What comes up for her. I would miss how to support her. Because knowing why a person shows up under this kind of circumstance is good....for ME. It does little for someone else.
I can know she has a PTSD response to this or that. And I can understand why. But if that is all the further I take what way does this support her? In what way am I validating her experience? In what way am I being compassionate? Or empathetic? Again, it is a starting point. A vague and rudimentary understanding of a human. Simplistic. Narrow. Small. Dare I say, incomplete. I want to know who she is. Not why she is.

THAT is what I mean by the why not being as important as the what.
Why is the beginning of curiosity. But it is limited to definitions. And facts. That are limitations and boxes. Best left for theories and labs. They are not in any way going to help anyone of us help us support ourselves or another human being in our pain, fear, or hurts.

"Hey, I know you are no why don't you? Your hypothalamus is being pressed upon by your amigdala from a past memory you cannot escape."

So compassionate right?
So tender right?
So empathetic right?

Of course not.
People, women in particular, generally do not waj tfacts or knowledge, or fixing. They want to know you hear them. You see them. More than the reasons of their trauma. More than the why's of their reactions. They want to know you see beyond the why to who they are. Who they have become because or in spite of that why.

Because we as humans desire to see ourselves deeper than the why.
I know why I have my fear. I know what caused it. I know what it exists. I would say, a lot of people do.
But can you know me enough to see beyond that reason and see me? The person I am? The man? The boy? The human?
Because I am more than what has happened to me. I am more than why I respond as I do. I am more than my fears.

Can you be curious enough to ask what do you need today for support?
Forget the why. Why is discussed ad-nauseum. Let's focus on the, 'what do you need today to be more whole? '

In my line of a lot of poeples jobs I imagine......why is always give as an excuse.

I did this because of this.

A sort of defensive position justifying an action.

I cannot afford to care about the why.
I MUST focus on the solution. To keep moving forward. Now, AFTER the solution I may circle back and discuss the why. But not always.

No success comes from understanding the why unless it is a systemic, reoccurring failure in a system. Even then, it is only to find the root cause and eliminate that cause..... IE: the solution.

Am I saying people are problems to be fixed!!!!

Goodness no!!!!

They are, however, as I expressed, humans that want to be seen over and above the why of them.

You want to help someone find their purpose in life?
Help them find their voice?

Ignore why they are where they are. Or why they believe they are where they are. Because it does not matter. If they do not know their purpose or have their voice obviously the why is not helping them! Understanding their plight becomes superfluous to supporting them.

Instead focus on uncovering where they are in this moment and provide them with tools to motivate them towards discovering where they truly want to go. Them support them. Encourage them. Push them. Build them up in this regards.

The why will reveal itself.

Because most people have an idea of why......but very few people actually truly know why.


Why do you like being kissed deeply, passionately?

Now, I do not care what the answer is. In fact I do not even want to know. Whatever your answer is......was it born from facts? From knowing the scientific why behind it?
Or was it born from the emotions it illicits?

Why do you enjoy a sunset?
Or the smell after a thunderstorm?
Or fall leaves?
Why do you love your child?

None of these why's tell you anything in a factual way that your body does not inform you deeper on.

This is honest in ALL cases with us as humans.

Learning the why from a scientific, or 'factual' lens will only ever take us so far. In fact it is a very small part of actually learning.

If I gave you facts on how to build a house it would mean little to you. Even if you were passionate about wanting to build a house. You would 'know' next to nothing.
Experience. Living it. Practical, real life, hands on is the ONLY way you would ever truly begin to know. And even then, 30 years in I have a TON left to know.

And how much more infinitely complex is our heart?
Will knowing the why actually teach us what we truly wish to know?
Again, up to a very limited knowledge. Head knowledge. And we will NEVER solve questions of our feelings with our head. Just will not happen. Because the heart is not something to 'make sense of'.
Trying to do so will only increase our frustration and successfully lock us out of actually knowing ourselves. We still would be unwilling to sit with and feel what we must.
Scary as that is!!!
10 months ago
DaddyDrago{LilAmethys} - Okay.
So yeah, I repeated myself a bunch here!!! πŸ˜›
10 months ago
LilAmethyst​(sub female){DaddyDrago} - Ps I've NEVER questioned Sir's LOVE & devotion for me πŸ˜‰β€οΈπŸ”₯
10 months ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+β˜•} - Drago, here is the article I mentioned previously.
10 months ago
Vacquero one​(dom male) - This one is for the ages. All I can say. Thank you sir.
9 months ago

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