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lambsone's thoughts

Just things I think about or feel from time to time either from experience or observation.
1 month ago. July 8, 2024 at 7:09 PM

I found a way to express a desire for D/s in my Vanilla Christian profile at a senior Christian website. I filled out all the vanilla info with photos and then in the category for who I was looking for, added the D/s there.

I emphasized that I wanted a dominant man who was the head of the household with a submissive wife supporting him and looking to him for leadership. Like what is found in Ephesians 5 of the Bible. It sounds vanilla, but any kink Christian would know what more it would involve.

I also reached out to one guy over there so far who lives about 30 min. South of me.

Just did this today so I have no responses yet. Looking for 65-75 over there. We'll see if anything happens that is worth it. 

I also reached out to 2 gentlemen at Fetlife but no response after several days. One of them I knew at the Christian BDSM website from 1999 that Taskmaster ran. So, I'm doing what I can to get something going that's worthwhile in my dating life.

TopekaDom​(dom male) - Woohoo! Good for you! ⭐🔥⭐
1 month ago
lambsone - Thank you.
1 month ago
lambsone - Thank you my friend. I'm trying. I think I've exhausted my prospects here.
1 month ago

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