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lambsone's thoughts

Just things I think about or feel from time to time either from experience or observation.
1 month ago. August 5, 2024 at 10:19 PM

Funny personal pre-bdsm story:

One of my fiances (I've had 6 total over the years. 1 more and I'll become a contemporary of Elizabeth Taylor, except that she made it to the altar and I didn't.) moved from Texas prior to our wedding.

We were sitting one night together on the couch in my living room. So I reached into the front of his pants to take hold of his penis and couldn't find it. I pulled at his pants so I could look inside to search for it. Then he said that his penis retreats inside his body when not in use.

I never knew that about a man. Too bad the testicles can't be protected in a natural way as well.


Blondie​(sub female){Collared} - So he was a grower, not a shower. 😁
1 month ago
lambsone - I'm a bit slow. I don't get what you mean. He did have a smallish penis. He was also about 5'4".
1 month ago
Blondie​(sub female){Collared} - I’ve heard guys say that their penis is on the smallish side until they get excited and grow. It’s a guy joke. 😁
1 month ago
amalthea​(sub female){Owned} - I laughed my ass off at the grower shower joke
1 month ago

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