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Kajisun, the middle that takes a lickin and keeps on ticking

Any story, random thoughts, or musings that come out of my noggin. Sometimes if I put a lot into a response, I will post here as well.
4 weeks ago. May 22, 2024 at 5:42 PM

Me as a Middle, are you a different type of submissive? Do you feel you might be a little/middle with similar needs?


As a middle, I find myself mixed in with all submissives and some D's not really seeing a difference. I am not an age player or a general submissive. For me, I feel like there needs to be more care taken because as a middle, I have a younger heart along with many portions of my mind than those who are not middle/littles.

As an adult, I know my body has the sexual needs of an adult. I need that passion and roughness, the pleasing and being pleased, and in general, ravaging me while sating the needs and possible fetishes of my Daddy. I need the softness after the storm of a session, I need my Daddy telling me I did a very good job in doing what he asked of or told me to do during sex. I need more physical, mental, and emotional contact from Daddy or a potential Daddy at the moment, because I need more reassurance that being me is what my Daddy actually wants, what he needs. Not just in the aftercare session, but through out the day. NOT just someone to talk about sex and having sex with, but a 24/7 DYNAMIC.

I personally feel more like I have a middle school personality and heart; it is the essence of who I am. When I have to adult, I don't really change who I am, it's more like I change my hat. Similar to a kid who loves to play and relax with hobbies, they also know that chores/work must be done to be a productive person in the household. As an adult, I have the knowledge to know what needs to be done, which is darn near everything, and how to do "chores" in my own most efficient way. As a middle, I would rather be guided as to what chores I would be responsible for, my Daddy's guidance in how he would like them to be done including favorite meals, and if I get overwhelmed, that I will have a Daddy to help me get back on track. I need the Daddy to be strong enough to teach me a lesson when I misbehave or punish me when I act out willingly with disobedience. I need him to make me eat healthy, I need him to keep me in line to do what is best for my health.Maybe that part is regular D? Sensual is nice, but I need the other rougher more stern side too.

I need more patience at times from my Daddy because I can be really emotional especially if I did something wrong on accident. If I'm really trying hard on doing something to please Daddy, but I'm failing whatever training I'm trying to complete. I work so hard and the disappointment is jarring when I don't get it just right. I need a good amount of time with my Daddy around. This is me keeping in mind that working is a necessity and am not asking for him to go part time or anything silly like that. Kind of like how kids always want to be around and hanging out with parents until they turn into a 15+ teenager then you don't exist lol. I want him to read to me, give me baths and, play with my hair, watch an anime movie with me. If we had people over, I like to play card or board games. My psyche needs closeness without judgement. Attention without being burdensome.

Further, my well-being needs more thought put into it as well. It seems as if I don't have just adult worries and needs like paying the bills, working, or being street smart; unfortunately, I have my kid heart and brain worries as well. Like will I be kept safe from others that may mean me harm, and will Daddy give me a stable and consistent home to live in?   

I have the intelligence to know what I want, and what I need. To know where I'm weak and where I am strong. I not only know who I was, I know who I am at this moment in time, and where I want to go.  I just don't know when anything is going to finally take off for me, or why I am the way I am, in that I need this dynamic. I feel overwhelmed in this vanilla world where everything is wild and running amok. Always trying to be the perfect adult and having the stress and responsibilities of working, handling all household duties, being an adult/parent/step-parent on my shoulders. Luckily H helps a lot with his kids. Can you imagine all this on a young heart?

HeyLittleOne​(sub female) -
Beautifully said 😊
Thank you for sharing ♡
4 weeks ago
Little moon​(sub female){Not lookin} - I consider myself a Liddle-both little and middle. I don't do age play or use any baby things, I just experience different kinds of energy levels and happiness/enthusiasm according to the environment, stimuli and people around me. I feel there's a big tug of war between the two for me but not in a bad way. What you describe feels to me very similar to what most submissives desire I'm sure, I think as littles or middles there's just a teensy bit more neediness and possibly more rambunctiousness and playfulness where a submissive who does not identify as a little/middle etc may not experience these things quite the same way. I'm fairly certain that the uncertainty, restlessness and need for constant reassurance is the same all around regardless of which side of the slash one falls on. But I think that a daddy dom needs to have a lot more patience, and a lot more affection and willingness to put up with the different energies, moods and forms that come about when the different sides come into play. That's my take on it, hope that helps ^.^
4 weeks ago
kajisun​(other female) - Thank you for your reply, it’s nice to know my feelings are similar to other littles/middles.
4 weeks ago
flitter'fly​(sub female) - Brilliant
Thank You so much for sharing.
you are so strong for doing so.
i to am that little middle and more. Giggles.
i feel the exact same way.
We are us and we need a bit more.
Some call us allot, and I guess we are. But somewhere we are enough for someone. Not to much. Just right. And they are the perfect fit for us as well.
Thank You for putting Yourself out there and explaining in a way i myself have been having trouble doing.
Hugs 🤗 🥰
flitter'fly... :):):)
4 weeks ago
kajisun​(other female) - We need different things to keep our well-being top notch.
4 weeks ago
flitter'fly​(sub female) - Absolutely 💯 %
4 weeks ago
kajisun​(other female) - You are so right! It was difficult to put into words in ways that others might understand easier. lol it’s not so easy when someone doesn’t really know that our type of care, our neediness and the patience needed, our behavior in general should not be stomped out to make us as a general submissive. We need to shine as us or we fizzle and become a shell.
4 weeks ago

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