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Name' sake

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1 year ago. January 12, 2023 at 7:38 PM

So I got to thinking . . . . 

What exactly are the benefits of being a member of a bdsm site? A "kink" site, if you will.

(Ms V, please allow me a moment of inspirational transgression 🙏)

Is it the comradery? Seeking the "like minded"? 

Is it for education on the subject?

Perhaps a jolly get off on the unsuspecting?

Hopes for nude pics.


I like to do things in the bedroom that are "out of the ordinary"


So why join a website that promotes such behavior?


Heres my philosophy on the subject -


People are horny and bored.











Jack in the box -
Take in the back
Honey, spice it up
You're becoming
A bore
You know its you,
I adore,
And your sister,
The whore
Who could ask
For more?
1 year ago
Bunnie - Damn, you got me, Jack. I had no idea I was so transparent :b
1 year ago
Jack in the box -
Why the hell isnt your sister answering her phone??
1 year ago
Jack in the box -
(Kidding, of course - you know I respect you Bun Bun (and your sister if you have one 😏))
1 year ago
The Kinky Poet​(other male) - Awesome read great piece Jack well done
Love and light T.K.P
1 year ago
Jack in the box -
Thank you my friend 😏
Cheers 🍻
1 year ago
moll​(other female){owned slav} - You post the questions we have all asked ourselves. STAY OUT OF MY HEAD....ITS DIRTY ENOUGH.
1 year ago
Jack in the box -
Ya know, that one corner . . . . Its kinda hot.
I mean, yeah, I know "dirty", right? But damn!
I promise I wont tell anyone. 🙏
It'll be our secret. 😌
1 year ago
moll​(other female){owned slav} - Oh dear lord I am in trouble. 😯
1 year ago
Jack in the box -
Its ok, really - I wont tell, I swear 🙏
That thing you like, with the _______
In your ______, I mean, come on - thats hot. With the ________, wow!! 😃
1 year ago
moll​(other female){owned slav} - Yeah....that ______ is pretty hot! Happy you are enjoying it.
1 year ago
Jack in the box -
The question was so confusing, he drew a _______
1 year ago
Jack in the box -
So hey, btw, Ms Moll - what do you think of Nelly Furtado?
1 year ago
moll​(other female){owned slav} - Not familiar with her music.
1 year ago
Jack in the box -
Oh, right - right
You weren't born yet at her time of rising. So anyway, how do you feel about . . . . . Women?
1 year ago
Max Heathen​(other male) - You sir, are a genius! Though to be honest, I was just horny 😂😂😈
1 year ago
Jack in the box -
Same my friend, same 😏
And thank you 🍻
1 year ago
A Cloud​(sub female){Owned} - Yep. And sometimes for information.
1 year ago
Jack in the box -
Hiya Ms Cloud 😘🌹👋
How are you tonight? (Tonight for me)
1 year ago
A Cloud​(sub female){Owned} - I'm okay Jack, a bit bored. It's a beautiful day. And you and the night?
1 year ago
Jack in the box -
Bored and . . . . Horny? 😌
Im good, thank you - tending my garden n what not. (I should probably start a garden soon)
But yeah . . . . Just um, ya know . . . . Hang'n out.
1 year ago
A Cloud​(sub female){Owned} - Gardening, yes, a good idea
1 year ago
moll​(other female){owned slav} - I'm jealous.
1 year ago
A Cloud​(sub female){Owned} - Of night? Yeah me too
1 year ago
Jack in the box -
Jealous of what? Me n Ms cloud?
1 year ago
moll​(other female){owned slav} - are giving her attention. Oh wait....
1 year ago
Jack in the box -
Oh come on girl, you know me n Ms Cloud are um . . . .well . . . I Mean . . . .we um . . . Oh ffs!!!
1 year ago
Jack in the box -
She was like . . . That night . . . . In the club . . . . Like, wow . . . . Up on that . . . I mean . . . mmm . . . . With all the right . . . . All night . . . .
1 year ago
A Cloud​(sub female){Owned} - Oh you two. I'm not sure if I'm flattered or shy - definitely both. So that's my cue
.... lots of ❤️ to you all.
1 year ago
Jack in the box -
Sweet soul Ms Cloud, such a good sport
Thank you for playing along 😘
May your night be filled with bountiful dreams. And your dawn be blessed with all that you dreamed 🤗🌹
1 year ago
moll​(other female){owned slav} - She is a good sport.
1 year ago

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