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M/s 24/7

5 years ago. December 5, 2018 at 4:39 PM

So we have decided not to go to the comunity meeting.Each of us individually and as a couple.


For me, a person's Behavior matters In the Heat of the Moment, and the luncheon after the competition was indeed the Heat of the Moment. But more than that a person's Behavior matters after the Heat of the Moment. What do ppl do WITH the information. 


After the explosion at the bear luncheon where my love and I we're truly at our lowest. We knew that retribution was coming. We knew that nobody could stop it.


What I didn't count on, and I don't know why. Was people going right back to our abusers and telling them everything that was said.

Not from the big explosion, but the small private conversation that was had afterwards. I expected the big explosion to get back to our abusers it was too public. I did not anticipate our private words at a private table also being disclosed.


Don't know why I didn't see that coming. I think because we were so, how do I put this?


We were truly at the bottom of the barrel. I had falsely assumed that they would at least be discretion. Confidentiality was never discussed and I assumed the stories would get out.

After the luncheon we said okay let's have a get together let's see if we can fix this, in essence.


I did not factor in the people that we were actually talking to going right to our abusers. 



48 hours after the luncheon my wife starts getting trolled on Facebook, and there was a bunch of other s*** that I won't get into here.




I however, did my part. I  got in touch with the group and set up a time and a place. My thought was we are going to do this once, everybody's going to lie, and that'll be the end of my obligation.


Between confirming the date, time, place, and now was when it was confirmed that they had gone directly back to our abusers.

When it was confirmed to me that people that were at the intimate time at the table were going right back to our abusers I was triggered, stunned, and quite frankly scared.

And that's where they truly showed who they were and what their end product was.


Our emotional safety and our ability to be emotionally candid was a joke to them.

 In essence, all I did was give are abusers more cannon fodder.


So I put out on the group text that my love and I would not be going. I outlined how the retribution has taken place since 48 Hours post the bear luncheon, and I let them know quite frankly we aren't safe at this meeting.


I got two responses. One ripped me apart for being a coward. And the other was a very political "I respect your decision".


No one asked how we were. I stated very plainly what retribution was and what we were going through since the bear luncheon.



And no one asked if we were okay.


Deciding not to interact is absolutely huge for me. This is actually the first time within community that I have chosen not to try to talk it out 


It is the first time that I have chosen to not go and be as candid as I can be.


It is the first time I have actively said you, as a group, are unsafe for us.


I know in my heart that this is the right decision.


From watching what they did after the bear luncheon I knew that that was absolutely going to happen this time too.


So I'm struggling. I am struggling with the idea that I actually just may be a coward. I am struggling with the knowledge that if we went it would have ended bad and if we didn't go it would have ended bad.


I am struggling with the knowledge that our abusers win again.


So today I am hopeful to take the horses out driving. To try to make some sense out of my own self.


For me, my time is short. My time of mental Lucidity is even shorter.


So I have a couple of choices on how I spend that time. I can either go and be candid and honest and have that be abusive fodder and made out to be a joke. Or I can simply say no. This is no longer safe for us.


Then walk away and continue the work that I'm doing.



I'm writing this because I need a pair of eyes. 


I need somebody else too look at this and put their opinion out there. Perhaps I am looking for validation. But the other thing that I'm looking for is accountability.



I honestly want to know what you think. Because when you disagree or agree with me it helps hold me accountable.


Thanks for reading. 






EnforcedBliss​(dom male) - Awww Bear that sucks bud. I feel so sad for you. Anytime there is a rift between people who were once tight it hurts and to feel not only excluded but vilified by a community you helped foster is a hurt and betrayal that I can't begin to imagine. I wouldn't want to if I could. *Hugs* buddy.

I don't know you. I don't know your situation. I sure as shit do know that you are not a fucking coward! You are MasterBear and you have stood up to this with fortitude, strength and a spirit of unrelenting reconciliation and it is not you who are the problem. The cowardice is elsewhere.

You have shown grace and dignity and a spirit that says I will not step on you but you damned sure won't step on me. You and your Love have given an excellent accounting of yourselves. Your Love.

How truly lucky you two have each other and that two such strong people came together and can draw from that mutual reserve. Seldom do you say two people deserve each other without derision but in your case it is true in all the best ways.

Sorry I can't help you for real Bear, but you know that I'm pulling for you and that you have an entire community here who understand the love and respect you deserve and will treat you as such. Sartre said, "Hell is other people" and I've seldom found him wrong. So hands up, chin tucked, slip the punches and dig to the liver! If a claw happens to get in there then so much the better ;)
5 years ago
Amdis​(sub gender fluid) - From what I just read it seems like You are doing exactly what is called for in this situation. Putting up boundaries, and more importantly knowing WHEN to put them up, is a skill unto itself. You have to know when and where to draw the line and it seems You are making a stand.
You're doing the right thing in putting your safety (mental and physical) above a situation where it seems no positive resolution can be found.
If these people are treating the two of you this poorly, you are better off without that negativity surrounding you and can find better company among others.
I wish you both all the luck in navigating the unnecessary drama.
5 years ago
CK45​(sub female) - I think you are super brave.

Standing up for yourself and your wife, standing up for what you believe in, deciding not to sit and discuss when you know nobody will really listen....
Cowardly? Ya I think not.
Seriously....their loss. Authentic people that cross our paths are few and far between...
Stay true to yourself because it’s an awesome and beautiful way to be ❤️
I’m so sorry you have been going through this.
~big hugs to you and your wife~
5 years ago
Bunnie - @ MasterBear, reading this broke my heart. I don’t know the situation, so I’m not here to state rights or wrongs. The words I read here aren’t of a coward... the words I read are of someone who has become so disillusioned by their community that they’re on the verge of giving up hope that it can be better... that breaks my heart. Something I have come to learn about this lifestyle in the short time that I’ve been a part of it, is that because of the deep connection and characteristics required for the D/s, M/s dynamic to function, many of us tend to believe that that’s how everyone is, and how they will interact in the greater community... with dignity, honour and respect. We seem to think that because it’s so important on a micro level... we must all respect that enough to transfer it to a macro level, right? Kind of like believing in fairytales, really. What I’ve realised is that this isn’t the case. Bdsm-land is exactly like vanilla-land... with its own set of social complications. There’s no “honour among thieves.” It’s just people... always. And people are people. I recognise the enthusiasm in trying to create a sense of community and connection in you, as I’ve had that also in myself. I also recognise the hurt and jadedness... because I too have had that in myself. The struggle I think comes from hoping for it to be more than what it is. Taking a step back and truly looking at it as it is... not what it could be, may help to relieve some of the burden you carry. (And no... I’m not talking about ignoring abuse). I’m talking about accepting that there are many different walks of life that make up a community. We all have different ideas and concepts as to what works and what doesn’t... what’s safe and what isn’t... what’s right and what’s wrong... what’s honourable and what’s not. The list is endless. In my opinion, tolerance is the key... not just for the individual people... but for what it is as a whole. I think all we can do, is focus on ourselves and those we care about, and try to be the best we can be in those situations. If it affects others positively... fantastic.
5 years ago
MasterBear​(other butch) - To Enforced, Amdis, CK and Bunnie----

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I have read your replies to my love through out the day and because of you all have found some peace.

I am deeply greatful for all of your well thought out replies.

Thank you all so much for helping us find calm in the storm.
5 years ago
EnforcedBliss​(dom male) - Anytime Bear bud :)
5 years ago

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