I’m sorry for not being a better Daddy to you.
I’m sorry that my actions caused you such pain that you made bad decisions.
I’m sorry that you didn’t come to me and tell me about those things and make it right.
I’m sorry that I had to hear about it from someone else and confront you after all this time.
I’m sorry that you don’t remember what occurred or feel like it isn’t real.
I’m sorry that you’re feeling guilty now.
I’m sorry for not hearing what you were trying to say about a particular subject in the past.
I’m sorry for not being a better listener during those discussions.
I’m sorry for making you feel as if your feelings were wrong back then.
I’m sorry for making you feel like you didn’t have an opinion or a voice on the matter.
I’m sorry that I made you feel so broken.
I’m sorry that I made you feel so empty and hurt.
I’m sorry that I made you feel unimportant or that I put my friend above you back then.
I’m sorry that you called me when you needed me and I wasn’t there for you at that moment.
I’m sorry that I could not protect you.
I’m sorry that I could not keep you safe.
I’m sorry that I can’t change the past and take your pain away.
I’m just so very sorry!