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The Muse

A creature that drives inspiration and passion in the soul of an artist.... Why is she charmed? She has become enthralled with her subject. The artist has rendered her to her knees.
5 years ago. October 26, 2018 at 2:57 PM

**Warning: the following material may contain evidence that I am a geeky wackadoo. Proceed at your own risk**

After a three year spell of no role-playing, I decided to revisit my online fantasy world and glean some inspiration for the novels I was working on. At least that was my cover story; albeit true. It just wasn’t the only reason I wanted to play. I also wanted to reconnect with old friends.


Years ago, I created a character on the site; whom I decided to make a lot like me. Her backstory and preferences… motivations and desires… all mine. The huge difference between myself and this character is the fact that she’s a witch and a werewolf AND she can lob huge balls of fire at her enemies. Because… I couldn’t just be a normal person. This is just a nutshell description because the whole story around her is pretty wild and freaky.


This character was built for the modern play settings and she owns a metaphysical shop in NYC. I would log in and set up a chatroom just for her store. I went through great lengths to make it as authentic as possible by even creating a separate profile for the store, complete with pictures and a detailed description.


**Funny side-note: The store profile could chat just like any other character so I always had to be super careful not to be in the wrong window while trying to play my werewolf or I’d wind up emoting something like this:

The Bell, Book, and Candle made her way through the aisle with all the candles to approach the man at the counter, winding a strand of hair around her finger idly.


I was famous for doing this! You can only imagine how it was during an erotic scene! End of note**


I would also give ACTUAL faerie oracle readings… A somewhat different tool for divination similar to Tarot…

My point is, I placed so much time and energy into this character … she was like an extension of myself. I made myself feel what she felt… and she was/is very emotive.


As I logged on, I couldn’t help but notice there were hardly ANY players. Some girl in the Lobby who I will call “ Sharon” , and she just sat there… inert. I know a screen name is not the actual name of the player in most cases, but it IS an identity; so I shall protect it. The owner of the site was there as well and I could always count on him for some decent playtime.


Day after day … for several days… it was like this. Finally, Sharon moved from the lobby to my store! I was thrilled; but also very curious about this mystery character.


Before I proceed further and your mind is blown by my crazy nerdiness…*long awkward pause as my mind processes*. I’m not even sure how to explain it without blowing your mind with my nerdiness. Okay… I’m a freaky nerd and I love making up stories and creating fake relationships and romances. All in fun. It’s like writing a book and you don’t have any control over what most of the characters do. It genuinely helps me build my characters that I write about. My little witchy wolf lady had been in a relationship before I disappeared. Naturally that relationship dissolved…but to stay true to the storyline, my character was in the midst of recovering from that loss of relationship.


Enter Sharon. The two get to talking and discover that Sharon is dating my character’s ex-boyfriend’s brother. I don’t remember most of that particular scene but that’s when Sharon’s player and myself started private messaging each other. I thought, perhaps Sharon’s player was a woman at first…but it was hard to tell. We just started talking and sharing about our lives and interests; really getting to know one another. I found out that Sharon’s player was/is a guy…whom I shall call “Sir”.

(To be continued)

Lostasfuck​(sub female) - Nerds are fuckin hot. They are multidimensional thinkers. 😀
5 years ago
Thecharmedmuse​(switch female){My Wildman} - And here I thought I just was overthinking everything...
5 years ago
Max Sterne​(dom male){Morley} - I love nerds 😊
5 years ago

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