I told myself I would write here every day no matter the topic.
I wondered if I would choose the title first or write the subject.
I wondered why I choose to expel my word vomit here rather than the comfort of a friend's welcoming ear.
I wondered what end will justify these means and now my imagination is going.
Y'all, work sucks sometimes. It drains me of the person I am and challenges me every. damn. day. There are so many times I feel fortunate and rewarded to be doing the work I do. I really do enjoy it, but sometimes it's just exhausting. Outside of the normal work related complaints is just one, one that I see mirrored in my writings here thus far.
All of my training and education is unfocused and broad. I excel in the things I want to do, but I don't have the resources yet for further knowledge.
That said, anyone who reads this that has a knack for public speaking, please reach out to your friendly neighborhood Moxie. I learned today that I don't have the, well, moxie to address groups about unrehearsed material.
Cheers, you beautiful kinksters! May you fare better today than I did!
(I still had an above average day, that means I'm wishing nothing but good for y'all.)
Oh, and a picture...uhhh,
Here's a twofer!