Been having a rough time lately... rough enough that I'm starting to contemplate seeing someone to talk to about it, despite my distaste of therapy/councelling, because of bad past experiences.
I ended up hurting Wolfy twice between last night and this morning... not intentionally, but I did some stupid things that resulted in some arguing and hurt feelings. Everything is fine now, but still, I regret deeply that I hurt him and wish I could take it back.
But my cute, sweet, loveable wolf is such a love, that despite /him/ being the one hurt, he went out of his way to bring these to me at work, so he could brighten/my/ day:
It was such a sweet, unexpected surprise... I almost wanted to cry in the middle of the lunch rush Haha.
So many times, he does things so sweet, unexpected, and wonderful things. I find myself constantly amazed by the amount of love this man has in his body... I'm so blessed. <3
I love you Wolfy. My sweet mate <3