I have never found the right screen name for me. I can not stand that moment when the computer tells you that the name you have so Caerphilly chosen is all ready being used, so I have, at times, used my own name and then added Ses to the start until the computer let me in.
Steam Punk is a name I thought of for my self, because that way I keep my real life initials, but I am not, in any way, a steam punk so it was not really appropriate.
I went through a phase of calling my self names like preold (to indicate that I am not old yet) or oldbutstillgood. A friend advised me DON'T DO THAT!!! and since then I have called my self just me.
Just me is a name that you use when you can not come up with a name, but it is also accurate because I am just me. I realise that ever one is just themselves, but I am not trying to come up with a screen name for everyone. Sometimes I think of, what at first seems to be, good names but then I either find something wrong with them or ells they are too long.