So a day or two ago, at about six in the morning, having slept about one hour, I had a very stupid idea, and instead of keeping it to my self I wrote it down, but at least I did not try to put it into practice. Partly I think this hole BDSM / online thing is making me a bit mad (but then maybe it is just the insomnia) and, I know that I have said this several times before, but I think I need a long break from it. I know that you have to be in it to win it, the trouble is that you also have to be in it to become bitter and self pitying.
I will probably still write my blog, and will look over the sights, but just not make any response. (I actually think that these sites are addictive and maybe if I am less involved I will be able to get off them all together) but maybe all kinds of things (this is not a contract. I might feel completely different by tomorrow). Anyway I think I will continue to write the blog.