Finding The Cage has been a pleasant surprise.
In the past I have found on-line places like this to be less than desireable for many reasons.
Here there are people of substance and good character who are thoughtful and honest. So refreshing.
And women. Women who are open about their observations, desires, needs and ideas.
As a woman who is a sexual sadist I wondered: Was I just this weird oddball rolling about the edge of life's petri dish? Turns out, no.
I am married to my best friend. It just doesn't get better than that. Oh wait. It did. Because as it turns out our sexual desires are like bookends. And we are still learning about one another and ourselves. Growth continues.
This is one of my favorite photos of my love. He is kneeling, having been flogged and tortured to take another man's cock deep in his throat. His service to my desires fills my heart to near exploding. He truely is the object of my desires.