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My journey

On my growth
4 years ago. July 1, 2020 at 1:53 AM

     Tonight, before bedtime, I lay here looking at my handsome little boy and my adorable little puppy and just think how really lucky I am.   A lot can happen in a short amount of time that can make you doubt things, your sense of purpose, your confidence, and yourself overall as a being.   But what I do know is that no matter what happens, there is always something positive to counteract it.  There is always something to look forward to.  There is always a future.   I am thankful for the positive things and even the not so positive things... Because they often help us to grow. 



4 years ago. June 29, 2020 at 1:46 PM

     So writing is always a tool that can be helpful when we face things in our lives, for many of us.  Journaling and blogging have and always will be helpful for me. 

     Today I am writing about why I chose the nickname I did.  Being devoted means giving all of you.   As a Dom, sub... Anyone entering a dynamic/relationship .. It is important that you are devoted to the other person, as well as the relationship.  You need to be able to give the person the attention and time they need to feel fulfilled, as well as the relationship itself.  In being devoted, it sometimes means making sacrifices.   It means taking time out of your busy schedule to show the person they are important.  It means understanding and knowing that there will be hardships and that good communication between the two in the relationship/dynamic are important.  

     I am a devoted submissive. When I am in, I'm all in.  I take it seriously and I expect my partner to as well.  I want to give my partner everything he or she could need, want, and desire.  Sometimes, I'm not perfect. I'm first to admit that. I have flaws. Maybe sometimes I give too much.  But I am always devoted, dedicated... When I am with someone.   If I couldn't be, I wouldn't be with them.

     Everyone deserves to have someone who is devoted to them.  If you are finding you are with someone who isn't devoted to you, you may want to look at your relationship a little closer.  Have a discussion.  Figure out why.  Can it be discussed?  Can it be worked through?  Don't settle for less.   You are worthy and worth the time and effort.  


Have a great day cage friends. 


4 years ago. June 28, 2020 at 11:03 AM

     Given recent situations, it was time for a nickname change.  I was formerly His little bunny.  For those who knew me that way, I wanted to pass that on.💜



4 years ago. June 27, 2020 at 1:50 PM

     Today and yesterday have been some of the nastiest I think I have ever had. Just when you think things cannot be worse, they get that way.  My Dom and I have broken up now.  The pain is one I have never experienced... But luckily I have become strong and independent enough I am and will be ok. 


Hugs for all my cage friends. 😊

4 years ago. June 24, 2020 at 12:49 PM

     I have not shared this before here, as it involves my past and a bit of home life, but I used to work in psychology, before I became ill with an autoimmune disease.   Sometimes I try to over analyze things.  It isn't difficult to do, since I was trained to analyze.   However, at times it has been helpful for me.   I am able to help others at times and I am able to even try to better understand myself and my relationships.

     Improvements only become improvements when you stick with them.   Changes for the better only happen when you continue to work on them.   So often in life, we have this view that if we do something for a little bit of time it will look like we are trying to make improvements to others, in our lives, but we are only fooling ourselves.   And ultimately, hurting our partners.  If your partner is communicating to you that they are feeling a certain way and you admit you need to make changes and work on things, and start to for a short time and slip back into old habits, it isn't helping your relationship.   

     In saying this... You should never try to change anyone, including your partner.  You can communicate your needs and feelings and that you wish things would be different.  However, pushing them to change will accomplish nothing. They must want to change themselves.

     So for today, I think it is helpful for me to share this with you.  Maybe it helps some others out there in the cage.  Sometimes it is hard to me to remember... Everyone must make their own choices.  Pushing won't make things easier.  And when you make a change just to satisfy your partner, it usually won't last long.  It has to be something you want yourself and for your relationship/s as well.


Take care cage friends 


4 years ago. June 21, 2020 at 3:19 PM

Just wanted to wish all of the Father's on cage and the mother's who fill that role a Happy Father's Day.   I hope all of you have a wonderful day 💜.



4 years ago. May 22, 2020 at 1:02 AM

      I decided to use my lips for today's shape of you challenge.   This is actually a repost. Probably not identical to original... As the original was deleted. 

     The lips are powerful.   I have found that my lips often get me into trouble lately.   As a teenager, into early adulthood (early 20's), I couldn't seem to keep my mouth closed.  Everything and anything came out with not much a filter, lol.  Well.. When I hit mid 20's, I begun to learn to keep my lips closed.. Which started out as a good thing.   I started using a filter.   And sometimes, this is good.    But it got to a point where I never expressed myself anymore.  I felt I couldn't and I was focusing on everyone and everything around me, but me.   Over the last couple of years, and even more so.. The last few months, I have gotten my backbone back.  I feel more open and feel I can express myself more.   At times, like when I was very young, this can get me in trouble.   It is time I focus on finding a balance.


     I never really realized what my lips looked like until I took this picture, never focused much on them, except to put on make - up, of course.   Looking at the picture suprises me, in a good way. Just another positive thing I can now say about my body.  And for a very long time, I was unable to say anything positive about it.

4 years ago. May 19, 2020 at 1:39 AM

The Shape of You-  I am super proud to say that over the last couple of years, more so last few months my self image has improved tremendously.    I'm not ashamed to be me or show off who I am.   I don't feel I need to hide behind baggy clothing when I go out anymore and I feel comfortable wearing more sexy things... And this makes me feel good.  I have included a picture, also posted in my profile. This is a picture, 4 or 5 months back, I would have never shared with anyone because I would not have even worn the lingerie to begin with.  But, now I am confident and proud to show who I am.  Thank you, cage for allowing me to share with you. 

5 years ago. September 16, 2019 at 1:40 AM

Am I a true sub?  This is the question on my mind tonight.  The comment has been made to me on a few occasions, I'm not a sub, I'm simply pretending.   Does being  a sub really mean not having any say?  Does a potential TRUE Master really say they won't rush you but then a couple of days leave a sub and look elsewhere because they aren't moving at their speed?  Is perfection a thing?   Should a sub be ready to conform To a Masters every order immediately?   Maybe I am not a TRUE sub.  What am I?   I don't know.  

5 years ago. September 1, 2019 at 9:16 PM

      The thought crosses my mind often, why keep trying?   We keep trying because we know our right situation and our right person is out there.   The others we meet and may have relationships are simply learning points.    Maybe we learned something good or maybe it is bad.  We all make mistakes and we all misjudge.  I tended to trust easier than I probably should have and because of that, I now have a guard up.  People tend to use you when you are trusting and vulnerable.   Then, you become a recluse. You start to question everything and everyone.    Might you miss out on good things?    The answer is absolutely.   

     For me, on my journey it is time to let guard down, not completely and not quickly... But a little at a time.   The right person and situation is out there and the wrong ones are just another step toward the right.   Positivity is something I must keep.  And I encourage all others struggling in similar situations to do the same.   Just let your guard down little by little.   Together, we will make it.

Happy to talk to anyone reading this.  If you need a friend, reach out.

