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My journey

On my growth
4 years ago. July 25, 2020 at 7:47 PM

So I have returned after getting my thoughts and feelings in order.  Glad to be back.  Interestingly enough, my first conversation back was an interesting one. It got me thinking what others in the lifestyle think. Please tell me friends, what does it mean to be in a D/s dynamic to you?   Who is the "prize?". Or Is it both in the dynamic?  Is submission something that can be forced?  

I know my thoughts on the matter.   But I'm curious how everyone else feels about this?




4 years ago. July 25, 2020 at 7:45 PM

So I have returned after getting my thoughts and feelings in order.  Glad to be back.  Interestingly enough, my first conversation back was an interesting one. It got me thinking what others in the lifestyle think. Please tell me friends, what does it mean to be in a D/s dynamic to you?   Who is the "prize?". Or Is it both in the dynamic?  Is submission something that can be forced?  

I know my thoughts on the matter.   But I'm curious how everyone else feels about this?




4 years ago. July 13, 2020 at 9:34 PM

I have evaluated my life situation today and have decided it is best time for me to say farewell to the Cage.  Maybe I'll return one day, but for now it is goodbye. I want to thank all of you here for being so supportive.    I want to thank you for being wonderful friends.    My time here has been special and I really will miss everyone.   I will leave later this evening after saying goodbye to some friends. 

I also want to wish every one of you luck in your journey. May you be happy, may your life be filled with fun, and may your dreams be fulfilled. 


Hopefully we bump into each other again... 

Until then - - -


Take care cage friends 


4 years ago. July 13, 2020 at 10:18 AM

Another blog inspired me to write this morning.   I read it and thought wow....  We are going through the same thing at the moment.    I have been positive, I have pushed through.   There have been rough times.   And times I wanted to give in, but it is time to let it go.  Time to move on, cut things off.. For good.   After my Dom and I broke up, I have gone back and forth... Wondering... Should I stay friends? .. It's what he wants....we both still care about each other.   But the right answer is no... And it's difficult because we were friends for a couple of years prior to the relationship, it is very difficult just cutting it off forever, but it's the right thing to do.  For my sanity and his.

Talking to others has made me believe there is hope out there.   There are some wonderful Doms out and about.   There is a right person for me.  There is one who will stand by me, through all.  Looking forward to what the future will bring...



4 years ago. July 12, 2020 at 3:53 PM

Believing and achieving go hand and hand.  Without believing, there is no achieving.  When I woke up this morning, I was not in the best place.  I believed I could bring myself out of that place, reminded myself of the positive things in life and that I am never alone in any struggle and I brought myself out of that place.  I call that an achievement.  We can all get down at times, be in bad spots... Focusing on the positive isn't easy, but important to get ourselves in a better place. 



4 years ago. July 10, 2020 at 11:01 PM

     I find so many here questioning if they are enough.  I've done it too. I think everyone goes through this at times. Just remember, friends, you are enough.  It is important to see yourself as enough.  You must love yourself.   You must see your worth.  We are often relying on others to make us happy and see these things.  You must see it first, and be happy with yourself before others will be happy with you.  

     I wish I had learned this years ago, some things in my life may have been different ...but that is in the past and won't beat myself up for things that happened then, that I have no control over.   I'm glad I have learned it and do accept myself and am happy with who I am.   I hope more of you will be able to also.  Here if any of you need someone to talk to.  





4 years ago. July 10, 2020 at 11:00 PM

     I find so many here questioning if they are enough.  I've done it too. I think everyone goes through this at times. Just remember, friends, you are enough.  It is important to see yourself as enough.  You must love yourself.   You must see your worth.  We are often relying on others to make us happy and see these things.  You must see it first, and be happy with yourself before others will be happy with you.  

     I wish I had learned this years ago, some things in my life may have been different ...but that is in the past and won't beat myself up for things that happened then, that I have no control over.   I'm glad I have learned it and do accept myself and am happy with who I am.   I hope more of you will be able to also.  Here if any of you need someone to talk to.  





4 years ago. July 7, 2020 at 3:44 PM

Some of the mail I have been getting lately really just gives me a good laugh.   One liner pick up lines telling me I should be someone's sub.   Yeah.  That's really gonna work for people.   The flip side is, it really isn't funny when people don't understand the lifestyle and are trying to swoop someone up and Dominate them or submit to them.  TRUE bdsm doesn't work that way.   Forming a true bond and trust takes communication.    I will say, there are some people out there who really know and understand how it works, but if you don't.. Ask someone.   I am not saying I know it all. I don't, and don't believe anyone really does or can. But those who have been around and understand how a true dynamic really works can help you.   Please don't try to enter a dynamic if you have no idea what the meaning behind things are.


Just my thoughts for today 



4 years ago. July 6, 2020 at 7:24 PM

I have really come to appreciate being out in the sun on a hot day.  Of course... Sunscreen protected 😉.   It's funny how things in life change over time.  For many years, I hated being in the sun. It bothered me and I avoided it.  Like other things over time, our likes, needs, and desires change.  Today, as I have been out doing some things in the sun and having some relaxing time now, I am just realizing how much I have changed.  Enjoying sunlight just being one of those things. I am thankful for those changes.



4 years ago. July 4, 2020 at 1:07 PM

Pick yourself up.

You are special. 

You are desired.

You are beautiful. 

You are worthy. 

And not a single person can take that from you.


Love yourself, before anyone else can love you.. It is important you do. 

It doesn't matter what we go through in life.  We all need to be reminded at times and to remind ourselves...we are all of these things.  I am proud that I have gotten to a point in my life where I can say these things to myself and I believe it.    Proud of myself today and I hope all of you believe these things about yourself too.  

