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My journey

On my growth
3 years ago. October 17, 2020 at 2:13 AM

My Walk up song - released on my birth year!  Yep,  I love all kinds of music, oldies too!



😁 Have a great night cage friends



3 years ago. October 16, 2020 at 10:17 PM

Always remember... 



Don't waste your time on people who don't have time for you.. If they leave, they gave up-not you.  Don't hold onto guilt and hold your head high and Keep going. There are people out there who won't give up 😉. 



3 years ago. October 16, 2020 at 2:33 AM

How I'm feeling tonight made me think of this song, wanted to share it to see who remembers! 



Have a super night cage friends 



3 years ago. October 15, 2020 at 1:07 PM

     I tend to be more a "giver" than a taker most of the time and this doesn't even have to do with submission or my sexual being.  Does it play a role in my submissive self?  Absolutely. Giving up control, giving myself with a level of trust and understanding, with love... It absolutely plays a role, but I want to focus more on how it makes up my personality. 

      Since I can remember, I have always wanted to please.  In childhood, I was taught to appreciate what I was given, but more important is giving to others.  Giving makes another person feel good, and in return.. I feel so happy.  This time of year, I spend a lot of time shopping to find the right gift for all of my loved ones.  I hate gift cards, lol. I have bought them when I have been in a rush or when someone requests when asked, but I like to find a gift that I know will have meaning for the person I am giving to.  That makes it special.  When I watch my loved ones open their gifts, I get super excited! I can't wait to see their reaction and the smile on their face.  It's important to note, you don't have to spend a lot of money to give a meaningful gift.  It could even be hand made. This time of the year makes me happy for many reasons, but this is probably up there and number two on my list.  First on the list is something personal that I can't share here. 

     So why am I writing this blog?  To share my happiness and love for making others feel good. With you, I share the joy of giving.  What's the hurt in putting a smile on someone else's face?  Try it today, if you will... I can guarantee it will bring happiness to someone else and make their day brighter. It will make you feel good too!


Have a great day cage friends. 



3 years ago. October 12, 2020 at 10:04 PM

Thank you to the Cage for taking corrective actions needed to make this community safe. Lately, I have noticed a lot of trolls/folks that definitely have set off BIG alarms for me. I just want to thank you... I love that you are looking out for all by taking these corrective actions.  May the community be safe.


💙 Ds

3 years ago. October 12, 2020 at 12:34 AM

And One day Cage buddies... One day this will come true - For all of you 🌹



3 years ago. October 11, 2020 at 1:33 AM

I am me...  Some may not agree with me or my opinions. Some may not agree with my choices.  Some may not think I'm "cool." I'm free to be me and express my feelings.   If people don't like them, they should keep it moving!   Bottom line is...I'll always be me and true to myself. 


Please, cage friends.. Do the same.  Don't change for anyone, be yourself.  Not everyone is going to accept everything about you! 



Have a good night cage friends. 



3 years ago. October 6, 2020 at 9:16 PM

     From my perspective, many come online to kink site thinking their emotional issues can be solved. Often times, I have seen people pretending to be Doms come to a kink site to find a sub who is "weak." Why do they want this? Because they view them as very easy to manipulate. Most don't even realize what they are doing or why. But this is what often seems to happen. Subs often come here because they are brought to a kink site by Doms who have helped them achieve something and think they can find it again... Or they simply come hoping they will find a Dom who won't manipulate them like they have been. Some people who claim to be subs come here because they think having control taken by a Dom will help solve all of their problems. My question is.. How can we stop this as a community from happening friends? What can we do?
     I have chosen to take a break from all of this because I am sick of seeing this happen. True Doms and subs are getting bad reputations because of these things. I don't want to personally be a part of a revolving cycle, seeing people come to a kink site for the wrong reason. Another question is.. How can I continue my journey as a REAL sub.. When this shit is going on.. Do I even want to? That's something I personally need to figure out. But I wonder how many others are feeling this way..


All I have for today.  


Have a good day cage friends. 



3 years ago. October 2, 2020 at 8:31 PM

Encouraged to post this.. So here goes..


Have a great night cage friends. 



3 years ago. October 2, 2020 at 1:52 AM


That's all I have for tonight cage friends.  A good message, that says a lot. I don't even need to elaborate on this one. 


Have a great night. 

