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My journey

On my growth
3 years ago. March 12, 2021 at 4:12 PM

Some great songs to share today. Both of these with deep, deep meaning. 






Have a wonderful day !


🧡 Ds




3 years ago. March 9, 2021 at 4:59 PM

Accepting - definition according to Merriam Webster -
1: able or willing to accept something or someone : inclined to regard something or someone with acceptance rather than with hostility or fear
2: tending to regard different types of people and ways of life with tolerance and acceptance


We all grow up from a young age wanting to be accepted.  As children, we wanted to fit in, be a part of something.  That's just natural.  As we grow older, we realize we don't need the acceptance of everyone.  It took me longer than it probably should have to realize this.  I hated when someone didn't like me.  It made me hurt and wonder what was wrong with me.  The answer was ... We all have problems.  We all struggle with things.  I did and still do and always will and so will all of you. Those who accept us with these flaws and with our strengths are the ones we need to stand by.  We don't need the acceptance of every person. We don't need to love or be loved by every person. As people , we need social interaction. We need to have SOMEONE.  Having someone who believes in you , makes life much easier. Those who don't , don't need a place in your life.   


Also, something else very important I thought I'd share that I've learned .. before anyone else will love or accept you , you MUST love and accept yourself.  You are worthy of love. You are worthy of respect. Learning these things will help you in your journey throughout life.  


I see so many saying the opposite and wondering why they aren't but , remember -You are worthy. You must believe this before someone else will. 


Have a great day all. 



3 years ago. March 8, 2021 at 10:47 PM

Not sure I have words for a blog today , but thought I would share one of my favorite songs. 

Hope you enjoy if you're able to listen. 




Have a wonderful day all.  



3 years ago. March 7, 2021 at 5:58 PM

Shout out to everyone here.  It has been some months since I have been active here.  Life has been crazy and have been preoccupied dealing  with health issues and health issues of family members.  I have missed the community and reading the wonderful blogs and forums.  I hope each and every one of you are well and wish happiness for all of you as well. 


Hugs and lots of love,


3 years ago. January 27, 2021 at 12:20 AM

What is it? My heart..My heart I say.  

For each day my heart bleeds out hoping this time will be a new way.  

What is it? My eyes.. My eyes I say.

My eyes pour out tears of hope, wishing every day didn't seem like the same day.

What is it? My soul.. My soul I say.

My soul has been tattern and torn so many times and left in disarray. 

What is it? My submission.. My submission I say.

Please don't let me forget my submission, dear God, I pray.  

My submissive nature seems to be pittling away.


I needed to write my poem and voice my feelings.   Guess some would say I'm looking for attention by posting this.  I think maybe , I just need someone to listen.  I know I'm not around a lot , here , anymore.  But , I hope all of you are well and I appreciate the support the community gives.  Guess I'm in need of some at the moment. 


Much love to all.  



3 years ago. January 22, 2021 at 2:09 PM

     I haven't been too active , or written in some time.   When I logged in today, I saw some blogs giving advice , some venting , some expressing their appreciation and love for their relationships. I asked myself ....Ds...what do you want to write about? What is on your mind?

     The first thing that popped into my mind is do you know what you're doing?  So much is going on in the world.  So many things happening all over. Do you really know what you're doing ? Am I doing things right? What has caused the things in my life to happen the way they have?

     So many questions to ponder.  So much progress in some respects.  It isn't always easy for focus on that progress, but it is important.  Even with all of the set backs, even with all of the heartbreak and hurt.  Even with all of the restrictions in today's world...I've made progress.  Still I find myself asking why have I let some things happen and where did I even go wrong. 

Focusing on the positive isn't always easy, but I'm still working on it.



Have a great day Cage friends.  





3 years ago. December 17, 2020 at 12:44 PM

This was actually posted in another social media app.   I couldn't help but share. I hope it helps someone. 


Know you are important. Know you are special. Know you deserve more than wondering, hoping someone will be different. Know they will reciprocate the love and attention you give or they don't deserve yours. Know your standards and respect those of others. 



Have a wonderful day cage friends. 



3 years ago. December 15, 2020 at 9:22 PM

     How far are you willing to go? This question is asked often and I'm not just referring to sex here.  Often it's a question one might use to find out how willing a person might go with you sexually.  I'm referring to how far are you willing to go to show someone you care?  How far are you willing to how show your respect, appreciation and love. Do you feel it's important to go out of your way to show others kindness? I think these questions are important for us to ask ourselves about every relationship we might be in. May it be our families, our lover/s, our friends. Then how far is too far?   Do you see the people you go out of your way for reciprocating the kindness?  Do you tell your partner you love them and don't hear it back? Do you tell your partner you love them all of the time and yet they never say it to you out of no where?  Do you show affection to your partner and they don't seem to know how or want to return it?  

     Let's go to the subject of boundaries.  If you aren't feeling appreciated and you feel you are always the person who puts forth effort in your relationships... It's probably time to look at your relationships. What do you want from them? Is your effort alone enough for you? Do they tell you they care but can't seem to find a way to show it or the time to? If you want to stay in a relationship with someone you feel is respecting the relationship,'s time to set some boundaries. Boundaries are basically limits we don't allow people to cross. They are important in all aspects of life and even in healthy relationships. But in ones where you aren't feeling appreciated... They are very very important. In these situations we must take a step back.  Learn how to say no, give space (both physical and emotional), respect the privacy of others. Maybe even distance ourselves and evaluate is this really a relationship we want to be in. 


Hope I have given folks some things to think about.   These things weren't always clear for me and I still struggle with them sometimes. 


How far are you willing to go folks? 


Feel free to tell me what you think. 



3 years ago. December 14, 2020 at 1:06 AM

After some time away, I decided I would like to return to the cage.  The time away helped me to put things in my life into perspective. What do I need? What do the people I love and care about need?  Take time, slow down, and enjoy life!!!   It passes by so quickly, even when the days seem long.  My place as a submissive will always make up my persona.  I will always be a submissive. Do I always need SOMEONE? No. I need the right one. And only the right one. My heart, body, and soul don't belong to anyone who passes me by.   I don't just "need a Dom. " I need my Dom.  Until I have him, I don't "need" Anything but the air I breathe, family, friends, health, and the basic life essentials.  I encourage you all to only focus on what is right for you. 

Glad to be back! Missed the cage! 


To all - I hope you are well during this trying time. 



3 years ago. October 18, 2020 at 11:06 PM

This blog is going to be quite straight forward and probably could make me look like an ass.  I don't care. If this saves someone else the mess I have been through.. I have done the right thing.

So the topic is.. Getting involved with someone who I married.  Gee, funny right, I'm married and I'm talking about getting involved with someone who is. 

So.. The thing is folks.. If someone is married and out there looking for something and their wife or husband is not on board or ok with it... the relationship will ALWAYS end at some point. I don't care how involved you are, how much you love someone, or how much you trust them. It will always come to an end at some point. They will a. Realize they have been neglecting their marriage and need to make things right b. They will get caught. c. They will get tired of you because you aren't fulfilling what they need out of their partner.  Again, this ALWAYS happens eventually.   

Something else you must realize when you get involved with someone who is married.. You will NEVER be a priority for them.  N-E-V-E-R.  Unless they have plans to leave their marriage and can provide proof of the steps taken.. You will never be one. Even if you don't care about this, as they realize they are making a mistake.. You will move lower and lower on their priority list until you're no longer there at all.  You are most likely also not their only distraction they are using to escape what ever is going on at home. There will be numerous things that come before you. 

Also, if the spouse of the person you are involved with isn't aware.. Think of the spouse... How might you feel if you were them?  Would you want your partner lying to you and going behind your back?  

If the spouse is going out on their partner behind their backs, think about this please... Can you REALLY trust them? They are deceiving their partner.. What makes you think it won't happen to you? 

If you are a married person looking for something, and you have not discussed it with your partner and they have not OK'ed it... Think about your partner, how will they feel if they find out?  If there are kids involved, how will they feel?  Think of what you will do to the person you are getting involved with outside you will they feel when you misuse them and they get hurt?  Do you even care?  Why are you looking for something else?  Are you unhappy? Depressed? Lonely? 

They will make you feel bad and make you feel like you screwed up their lives.. Everyone is responsible for their own choices. 

How to move on from a relationship with a married person :

Delete.  Every single picture you have, video you have from them. Anything at all they sent you, delete it. All of their contacts.  Block. 


Remember what they put you through.  You deserve better. 


Focus on you.  You need to heal. Let it out. Grieve. 


Closure.  You probably won't get it. Because they certainly don't care what they did to you... They're busy trying to fix things with their wife or husband.  They most likely won't admit they made a mistake. 


Forgive yourself.  You obviously made a mistake getting involved with them knowing their situation. But you most likely weren't seeing clearly. We all make mistakes. 


Move on!  As much as you might want to go back and talk to this person and you want them in your life, you can do better than someone who will deceive others and you. Even if you go back and forth and have talked to them since the break up, it doesn't mean it is impossible to move on.  Let them go... Have some respect for yourself. 


After writing this long blog, if you made it this far, I will tell you why I am leaving the cage.   I made a mistake.. Although my husband knows I'm here and have been involved with others ,  I have been involved with married men and their wives DIDN'T know.  I made a mistake, I have learned my lesson. And I don't ever want to go here again.   It's not worth it, and I honestly just want away from anything associated with it. 


I will keep this blog up for a bit.  And then I will leave, I want to give others a chance to read this, in case it can help them and I want a chance to way goodbye to some close friends.  

Best of luck in all of your journeys cage friends. Lots of love and I hope you find what is right for you! 💙

