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My journey

On my growth
3 years ago. October 1, 2020 at 12:41 AM

So tonight I just wanted to post some memes that hold meaning for me.   And thank Master for making me feel special today.. Over time, I have developed a sense of self confidence that has not exactly shown through in recent times.  Knowing I'm beautiful inside and out is an incredible thing, but being told I am beautiful is even better and makes me feel amazing 💜. 


Have a great night cage friends 



3 years ago. September 30, 2020 at 1:14 AM

I was talking tonight with my Master about different aspects of our growing relationship and I just started thinking how different I might be from subs in who I am and what my limits are.  And that it definitely is the same for Doms.  For anyone out there, we are who we are. Just like in a vanilla relationship, people have their preferences, we have preferences in a D/s dynamic too! For example, one Dom may like edge play. Another might not like it at all!  We are all different. We all have unique needs /desires/ limits. 



Have a wonderful night cage friends!



3 years ago. September 29, 2020 at 12:15 AM

I have realized something today whilst being quite busy and really not having the best day myself..

     Bad days. We all have them. We hope and reach out.. For support.   Wanting support is different from expecting someone to carry all of your load on their shoulders.   We do anything for the ones we care about.   We lift them up when they are down.. But as I have mentioned in past blogs, no one wants to hear negative all of the time.   I struggled with this for so long and I'm human, I still have my moments. I would turn even a positive into a negative sometimes.

     My point is, if you have a bad day, reach out to others for support.. The ones who care about you. But don't expect them to carry your negativity around constantly. It will drain them.  You might just lose someone who really cares about you. And keep in mind.. We ALL have bad days. You may be having one, but you can guarantee.. Someone else probably is too.  Don't forget to ask them how they feel!


Have a wonderful night cage friends.. 

This song, I feel fits perfectly.. Hence the title of my blog tonight. 


3 years ago. September 27, 2020 at 4:22 AM

Who would have known I would meet someone I would have SO much in common with... someone who would respect me, someone who would open up to me, someone who won't push me, but let's things fall into place, as they should...Who would have known, when I thought I was at my lowest a few months ago that I would meet an amazing Dom that I want to share everything with and show my emotions to, a Dom that I want to learn everything about. Who would have known... I'd meet a Dom who showed those emotions back.  He wants to know everything about me too!

Thank you Neo 😘 for giving me the opportunity to know you on a deeper level.  





3 years ago. September 26, 2020 at 3:54 AM

For all those fighting Cancer.  For my Grandmother, Mom, and Aunt who all fought cancer and for everyone else fighting and who have fought 💙. 


Thank you Cherry for creating such a lovely challenge and for all of you showing your support.




3 years ago. September 24, 2020 at 5:48 PM

As some of you know, I have been working hard to get healthier.   I was going through clothes today and of course discovered I don't have too many to fit.. Anyhow... I was amazed at how some of the clothes look that I wore just last year compared to now!  Still working and far from perfect.. But I am still sooo freaking proud! A year ago...

Me now. 


Have a wonderful day cage friends. 




3 years ago. September 24, 2020 at 1:11 AM

Spending time with someone, talking.. Exchanging stories, laughing, and learning who they are on a deeper level can be so much fun. It's what you make of it.  Do you share interests?  Do you like how the person says something?  Maybe you just like how open they are about sharing things about their life and their feelings.   You create memories and the memories begin to build. The trust begins to build.   You have bonding.  It is fun. <3



I hope for each of you, that you are able to start making these memories with someone special. Or even someone(s) special.


Have a great night cage buddies. 



3 years ago. September 22, 2020 at 1:05 PM


And now to start my day.. 


Have a great one Cage friends. 



3 years ago. September 21, 2020 at 12:45 PM

This morning, I woke up.. Sleeping very little due to maintenance being done to home.   Grabbed some coffee, stepped outside.. Felt the cool air and thought, fall is definitely 100 percent here.  Went back in, made some coffee and got ready for the day. Emotionally being a bit off lately, I decided today won't be that way. Even being busy, I'm gonna feel and be the sexy woman that I am 😁.  


Enjoy your day cage friends... No matter where you are right now, please be true to yourself.



4 years ago. September 19, 2020 at 1:45 AM

     Every day is different. Each day may be easier or more difficult than the next. We are never promised tomorrow.   We must remember how far we have come, from one day to the next. We all have learned something.   Life is full of lessons... We learn everyday.  Be proud of your accomplishments.   Remember what life has taught you.  You will make mistakes, but you will also succeed.  Let those successful moments be your drive to make it through.  


Here's my smile 😁.

Have a wonderful evening Cage friends. 

