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My journey

On my growth
3 years ago. August 23, 2020 at 7:35 PM

Acceptance is generally a pretty positive word.  The dictionary defines it this way :

the action of consenting to receive or undertake something offered

2.the action or process of being received as adequate or suitable, typically to be admitted into a group.


     We all want acceptance in our lives.   Sometimes acceptance means accepting a person.   We want to be accepted by others.   I have learned it isn't important to be accepted by everyone, but by the ones who are close to me and who mean something to me, this is important.  But it is not important for me to be accepted by everyone and I cannot expect that.   No one will be accepted by everyone.  Everyone is different and some just won't accept your differences.   If someone doesn't accept you, they don't need to be a part of your life.  It is important for me to accept others, despite their differences and this is not always easy.   In fact, sometimes it's pretty difficult.   We want people to think like we do.  It's in our nature.  

     Acceptance also can be important in situations throughout our lives.  For example : "He must accept the relationship is over.  She isn't coming back."  In this situation, the man must come to an acceptance, despite the hurt and pain that comes from losing his partner that the relationship has ended, for good.  Accepting something like this certainly is hard, but if he doesn't get to this place after the break up, he will be stuck in a spinning cycle.   He won't be able to move on.   He MUST accept, before he can find closure and move on.   In this case in accepting, the man will learn something as well. He will gain strength he thought wasn't in him and he will move on and become a better person as a result. 

     Another example : "She was accepted into the college of her dreams.". In this case, the woman was accepted and is likely elated that she will embark on a new journey in her life.  She will learn and grow as a result of being accepted.  She must take the next steps herself and do her best in order to succeed. 


     Through out my life, I have needed to accept many things, some which were pretty difficult to accept (like having a chronic illness that will likely affect me forever) and some which were very positive (like finding out I was pregnant when I wasn't really planning for it - turned out to be the BEST thing that ever happened to me).   I have stopped seeking out acceptance in everyone because that is not important.  What is important is to be accepted by the ones who are in my life, whom I cherish.   This was a hard pill for me to swallow for some time as I was always taught to accept others, but it wasn't practiced by those around me. I needed to consciously make an effort to be different from those people.

     I try to accept others despite their differences.  It is something I need to continue to work on, and a lifelong process. Accepting a person does not mean agreeing with everything they do. It does not mean I need to form a close relationship with or a romantic relationship with. It means accepting they are who they are and they are unique and special because of it.   


Just my thoughts for today. 

I hope all of you have a good day, cage friends 




Cello Master​(dom male) - That is truly something I needed to hear today I also like to be accepted by everyone, and it’s hard when I’m not ..especially when I really like that person...But I’m learning… Slowly learning that that they have their right to view me as they will.
3 years ago
Devotedsub​(sub female){His} - Certainly it isn't always easy. We want to feel accepted. It feels good, but reality is not everyone will do so. It is the choice of each person and not in our control. We just need to be ourselves.
3 years ago
Cello Master​(dom male) - Yup... very true
3 years ago
Morley​(sub female){Max Sterne} - Awesome blog!!! ❤️
3 years ago
Devotedsub​(sub female){His} - Thank you so much Karyn 🤗
3 years ago
Mama Bear JJ​(dom female){koa} - Absolutely ... love the last point. I say the same thing about agreeing with people. You don't have to accept what someone says as true or admit that you are wrong/give up your point of view to listen to someone and agree with them. Sometimes agreement is just an indication that you heard and understood someone, not that they are right. I'd never thought of that in the context of accepting people ... thank you for that, I will have to remember it 💕
3 years ago

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