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My Journey

Good thing I enjoy rollercoaster.
1 year ago. June 11, 2022 at 2:18 AM

So this question is mostly for all submissives, but I'm sure any Dominant could give very useful information too! I am just curious...

For those of you in an online BDSM relationship (any form of a dynamic will work), what does your Dominant partner do or have you do that makes you feel important, cared for, thought of, or special to them throughout your day? Hopefully that made sense. LOL

I can give an example of, while he was at work and I was at home, he gave me something specific to write about in my journal. I thought about that for quite a while and it took me a bit to actually write it. That day I knew he was thinking of me, because he knows that for me, too much time between communication is a struggle. He kept my mind busy on a task, instead of me feeling forgotten for the day. Yes....I get needy without the communication. 

Rising - Love this!!!
1 year ago
SoaringFree​(sub female) - Inquiring minds want/need to know! Maybe sharing with each other can help others with things I personally find difficult....distance from my Dom.
1 year ago
Rising - Well I don’t have a Dom at the moment but distance would be difficult for me as well.
1 year ago
SoaringFree​(sub female) - I hope you can find the One who makes you feel whole and fills your day with special moments.
1 year ago
Rising - Thank you! I do too!!
1 year ago
Ingénue{VK} - Nothing. I'm very neglected. He just sleeps all the time. I think sleeping is his kink.
1 year ago
ButterfliesAndCuffs​(sub female) - Aw being neglected isn’t cool. Careful though. A comment like that would definitely get me a different kind of attention from my Dom. Hahaha
1 year ago
Ingénue{VK} - Well I'm glad *yours* works that way. Mine's too sleepkinky. Sighs.
1 year ago
SoaringFree​(sub female) - You did pick him:)
1 year ago
Ingénue{VK} - No I didn't. He picked me and refuses to go away.
1 year ago
SoaringFree​(sub female) - Well....😂
1 year ago
slaveMikayla​(sub female){MstrJ } - So much. He remembers, even the small things; a few days ago He even mentioned the type of pie that I used to be really excellent at making. It's not a very common thing, so His memory makes me feel important. He is considerate; He remembers what is going on in my life and actually asks/cares. He makes intentional time for U/us. He works a swing shift, so sometimes I get up at stupid dark thirty to be with Him, and sometimes He does. This week, on one of His days off He woke at stupid dark thirty to spend family movie night with us. He actually makes plans and intentionally considers our future. When W/we went on O/our trip he brought me a pair of swim goggles. It may be a small thing, but that right there is Him considering my needs. He always actively and intentionally puts in as much or more effort than He expects in return. I'm an active and real part of His life. His family, friends, coworkers, and neighbors know who I am <<<<< big huge deal.
There is a quote on my profile from a really controversial book series called Gor, and the quote is very intentional having to know with the "knowing" of a girl. He KNOWS me, and I know and see that He knows me every single minute of every single day. I'm hella lucky and i NEVER EVER forget it or take it for granted.

I'm very glad that you are considering the ways you feel loved. Knowing your needs is the first step to seeing them met.
1 year ago
SoaringFree​(sub female) - Excellent reply Faith! My goodness you certainly have someone who makes you feel special ❤
I think it is safe to say that we can all feel how happy you are through your words. ❤❤
1 year ago
slaveMikayla​(sub female){MstrJ } - *grins* yeah, I do not take Him for granted. It took oh..... *cough* almost 20 years *cough* to find Him, and more importantly, be the person I needed to be to be the person He deserved in return. It takes some doing, but that makes it all the more precious. More to your point... the thing is knowing what your needs are, His needs are, and how Y/you can both meet those needs over the distance. If MstrJ's #1 need was physical intimacy.... well.... I'd be up a creek without a paddle. I'd be the wrong girl for Him and He for me. My needs series was the exact right place for me to start finding the right Dominant for me, and how I could be the right girl for Him. If that makes sense. Now... once you identify a need (like feeling special) then look back through your life at the times you FELT special. Find the common thread in them... and then say "ok, how can we do THAT?" << worked for U/us.
1 year ago
ButterfliesAndCuffs​(sub female) - My Dom and I communicate all throughout the day for one thing. We also have scheduled date nights when we are on cam together. He comes up with fun tasks for me like dancing videos or creative writing. He’s adjusted his schedule for me so that we have more time together. He sends me selfies sometimes even though he doesn’t like them. He’s just consistently attentive to me.
1 year ago
LongerJohnny​(dom male) - Because we are attached at the heart, it is hard to be apart. That rhymed.
1 year ago

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