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Self-absorbed nonsense, tinfoil panty conspiracies, random horseshit, spontaneous out-of-my-ass pullings, and a time or two when I made myself laugh.
Co-founder of ⭐The Elite Dream Team⭐
Co-founder of ⭐The Romantically Horny Club⭐
3 years ago. March 23, 2021 at 3:42 PM

In a new radioactive sample the trick is recognizing which half has begun to decay first, and when.
But that can't really be determined until full decay is inevitable.
And it's all downhill from there.

3 years ago. March 19, 2021 at 11:39 PM

I have decided to accept this 5 Things Challenge!

Thank you to Theandreas for issuing it, and to KB and LL for unintentionally making me aware of it.

This actually took a lot less time than I thought it would but sometimes I get to blogging and I can't stop...


5 things I like about myself:

1. My musical talent/ability: I play several instruments, compose, sing, used to play in a rock band, and occasionally still perform. I can often play songs after hearing them only a couple times, and I can transcribe and play pieces that somehow suddenly appear in my head. I'm pretty much awesome at all of it! (author's note - see dislike #4.)

2. My writing talent/ability: I've written many short stories, (started then never completed) 5 would-be novels, a play, was hired to polish someone else's screenplay, repeatedly blogged all over myself and others, and passed uncounted notes in class. I've even been known to pen some very, very bad poetry, but anybody can do that so my stuff is pretty forgettable. (author's note - see dislike #4 again.)

3. My friendliness: People like me. Animals like me. Fruits and vegetables like me. Luckily, I enjoy the company of most of these nutty characters. Minerals are notoriously stand-offish so I don't really know what they think of me, but I suspect we'd get along well.

4. My voice: I have a deep, relaxing voice and have made money using it.

5. My sense of humor: Seriously, I'm fucking hilarious!




5 things I dislike about myself:

1. I hate that I don't get the point of visual art: Why would a person buy and hang a painting or photograph of a tree or a mountain or a sunset, or anything that they could just go outside and look at? I genuinely don't understand that - and as an artist I find that to be particularly bothersome.

2. I get way too territorial, overprotective, and even jealous: That's enough about that. Class dismissed.

4. My ego: It can't quite decide what it wants to be when it grows up. It's either too small, or too big, or too everything in-between. As you can see I kinda have a lot of ego to contend with. (author's note - see likes #1 and #2.)

5. I can never seem to finish procrastinating because I just keep putting it off until later.

5. Ok that last one was dumb so how about this: I'm very hard on my self whenever I don't do the "right thing" - as defined by own already too high standards for myself - especially if I don't do it immediately. A light turns off in my head and I start to feel like I've fucked up somehow.

4. My troubled relationship with numbers: Some days I can math like a motherfucker! Somedays I want to kick whoever invented numbers right square in the roots. Odd numbers are so cool that they should have their own comic books and movie franchises (complete with fully posable action figures) and I especially love prime numbers. But I don't even like even numbers because they seem puny and stupid by comparison.
And apparently today I'm really bad at counting.


(author's note - By strange coincidence, I actually gave this same challenge/task to someone special a few days ago!)

3 years ago. March 14, 2021 at 8:37 PM

Somehow during the last 2 days I did something stupid.

 I am not sure what it was but the result is that I fucked up my back a little bit. Not a real big deal, but I will be spending more time in bed for the next couple days than I usually do.

 Alone. Which makes it even worse.

 So to all of my friends out there listening, please call me periodically and make sure I haven't fallen down and can't get up.


3 years ago. March 1, 2021 at 4:20 PM

...when your alarm goes off so you roll over and hit snooze for please just 5 more minutes - but accidentally wake up anyway.

3 years ago. February 25, 2021 at 4:47 PM

Dirty talk is like...

When you see a new sub and think "Ah yes, an opportunity to make a positive first impression."
So you oil up, slide into your tight Mr. Creepy pants, straighten the sleeves of your snappy blue blazer, comb your hair, check your breath, and prepare to fire off an irresistible opening message - then you remember that nowhere on her profile did it actually say "looking for a Dom who can rock a pair of tight Mr. Creepy pants."

So you adjust your tactics and instead send a message that reads:
"It's ok, don't be alarmed! See - I took my pants off!"

Guaranteed to never work every time.

(Author's note: no pants were injured during the writing of this story.)

3 years ago. February 24, 2021 at 10:55 AM

Controlled humiliation. There, I said it.

Now add to that... The prying eyes of the public.

It is immensely satisfying to propel a sub to the point where she can no longer hold it in, and where the stakes are high if she goes beyond the egde. Toward the horizon of a flat world beyond which there be mystery. How long to the point of no return? And how better to test the waters than to sail amongst strangers.

However, though the risk of being caught is one of the main selling points, playing outside can get a bit sticky because it often requires a measure of discretion, which almost defeats the purpose of doing it.


But there are plenty of methods and opportunities to play with our outdoor toys, and I'd like to share a few of my favorites which I either invented (as far as I know) or overheard at the monthly gathering of the DaVinci Code Doms Club.
(It's a thing. We have hats and jackets and everything.)

1. Get your sub primed and ready (whatever form that may take) stick a vibrating buttplug up her ass, position and power a fully charged lush within her, and take her out to dinner at a fancy restaurant (where it is unlikely there will be minors nearby.) Of course, the gentlemanly thing to do is to pull out her chair, see to it that she is seated comfortably, open the RC app on your phone, and wind her all the way back up to where she was before you left home. Once fully wound, make her explain to the server that her silverware is dirty, or order several drink refills, or slowly walk around the dining room sitting in all the empty chairs, or request that the entire desert menu be read to her. Twice.
All without anyone suspecting anything.

2. Force her to her knees and instruct her to do her job. At the proper moment, you cum down the front of her shirt. But wait - you need some grocery items! Tell her to go the store (think Walmart) select a cucumber, a zucchini, a bottle of lube, and to stand in the longest line. By the time she reaches the register and is ready to pay, the dried cum has stuck her spotted shirt to her chest, and everyone has seen what she is buying - but only the 2 of you will ever know why.

Before I go, I wish to share with you one last example.

3. About 5 years ago I had a sub who lived several states over. She was a wonderful girl, extremely loyal, and unfailingly obedient. As it happened she loved being humiliated in public. I picked out her clothes for the day - a comfortable, modest sundress with large open pockets on the sides. I loved that dress on her.
I called her at work later with very specific instructions. She was to go into the restroom, lock the door, remove her panties, sit on the counter and masturbate until she came. And she had to send proof to me via pic and vid. Simple. Fun.
Lastly, she was to clean herself with her panties, thoroughly clean the sink and counter, put her panties in her dress pocket, and return to her desk.
No one ever said anything to her, but she spent the rest of the day humiliated, wondering if anyone could tell what she had in her big open pocket.

Now I put it to you friendly fellow Cagers, tell me your favorite - or most humiliating - public play/display experiences.

3 years ago. February 20, 2021 at 10:08 AM

It has been a trying week, but an end may be in sight.

Until last night there was only a small amount of fluid dripping pitifully from the tap, a weak stream barely flowing through the pipe.
3 days of no washing or showering or bathing or toileting, or however you relieve yourself when you're feeling especially dirty.

Finally, the powers that were never chosen to be, whoever they were, in their finite wisdom decided that the time had come to turn the water to my house back on.

I leapt into the shower and was able to scrub and rub and come out cleaner than I had been since Tuesday.
Then I stripped the sheets, dropped a load of laundry in the machine, washed the dishes.
As I mentioned to a good friend later in the evening - in defiance of mother nature I domesticated all over the bitch!

Of course, being able to get everything all wet made it easier, but the worst part of all was the cold. It was soooooo cold.

The heat had been off for approximately 24 hours. I had been alone the whole time and when it did come over me again, I screamed and writhed in satisfaction. It was over. I made it through a long night of no heat.

And no thanks to the limp dick who is supposed to be controlling the joint. While he was off getting his his sphincter bleached during a suspiciously-timed vacay, I was rocking a wicked chafe on my inner thighs due to the friction of rubbing against my ever-shriveling testi-cicles.

Then this happened:

Stiff from cold, I searched for a warm spot under the covers to retreat into until I was satisfied and ready to move on.
I could barely get myself up long enough to make it to the kitchen for a cup of coffee, but eventually the heat returned to my bones and I rose.

Thinking about the Walking Sleeping bag that someone has been threatening to give me as a birthday present, my mind drifted and I tumbled headlong over the living room table.
I heard a bone-chilling sound, not unlike the sound a rock-hard stalagmite makes when it snaps in half. Fearing the worst, I frantically checked to see if I had cracked an ice pube. Fortunately I had not, and the noise I heard was only the splintering of the polished oak table.

Yes, my sack street boys had frozen solid, enough so that they broke the hardwood on contact.

It was petrifying.
An icy moment like that tends to bring the mind into focus; makes the darkest, sickest fancies less taboo. It forces the body to stand taller by erecting a tower to ward against any future sack attack; a sheath to protect against any further issue.

As of last night the electricity, power, and water are all on, and even the wifi is back up and running.
It has been a trying week, but an end may be in sight.

Despite all that, today is not one that will live in infamy. But I have experienced very few dates that will.

3 years ago. February 19, 2021 at 7:29 AM

A heartfelt Thank You! to all my people for sending well-wishes and good vibes to me and everyone in Texas as we freeze our unwashed tits off.



3 years ago. February 18, 2021 at 1:38 PM

Any lovely ladies in Texas who want to come over and crawl under the covers and help generate some warmth come on over and we will survive this nastiness together.



3 years ago. February 5, 2021 at 6:50 PM

These are some of the funniest things I have ever overheard in grocery stores, on busses, just random places. Some might have made perfect sense in context but, luckily for me, right place/right time:


- "You know those times when you wake up and your breath is so bad that you really should go brush your teeth, but you're too tired to get out of bed so you figure fuck it I'll just live with the breath?"

- "Then when it's nice and warm you can eat it."

- "That's usually where I go when I want to get a facial."

- "And I didn't even notice my sock was wet until I got back into bed."

- "Remember that time that I shoved your nose in my ass and held it there for like 10 seconds?"
  "Yeah, that was fucking awesome!"

- "Ok, fine, Elvis sucked but that didn't make him gay."
  "But how do you know for sure?"
  "Because if he was he probably wouldn't have died on the toilet."

- "If it was meant to go in there then the end would be bigger."

- "Have you ever noticed how many different kinds of sex there are in the dairy section?"
(the rest of the conversation was hilarious but I'm not including it here because it could be seen by some as insensitive.)


Those are the ones I can recall. Please put yours in your comments.