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Self-absorbed nonsense, tinfoil panty conspiracies, random horseshit, spontaneous out-of-my-ass pullings, and a time or two when I made myself laugh.
Co-founder of ⭐The Elite Dream Team⭐
Co-founder of ⭐The Romantically Horny Club⭐
3 years ago. February 5, 2021 at 6:50 PM

These are some of the funniest things I have ever overheard in grocery stores, on busses, just random places. Some might have made perfect sense in context but, luckily for me, right place/right time:


- "You know those times when you wake up and your breath is so bad that you really should go brush your teeth, but you're too tired to get out of bed so you figure fuck it I'll just live with the breath?"

- "Then when it's nice and warm you can eat it."

- "That's usually where I go when I want to get a facial."

- "And I didn't even notice my sock was wet until I got back into bed."

- "Remember that time that I shoved your nose in my ass and held it there for like 10 seconds?"
  "Yeah, that was fucking awesome!"

- "Ok, fine, Elvis sucked but that didn't make him gay."
  "But how do you know for sure?"
  "Because if he was he probably wouldn't have died on the toilet."

- "If it was meant to go in there then the end would be bigger."

- "Have you ever noticed how many different kinds of sex there are in the dairy section?"
(the rest of the conversation was hilarious but I'm not including it here because it could be seen by some as insensitive.)


Those are the ones I can recall. Please put yours in your comments.

Literate Lycan​(dom male) - Sometimes catching odd parts of conversations in passing is better then actually hearing the whole exchange!!😎😂😎
3 years ago
LongerJohnny​(dom male){B&C}Verified member - Yeah, and I can make just about anything naughty so when others do the heavy lifting for me I get to just stand by and laugh.
3 years ago
Morley​(sub female){Max Sterne} - I log in for a mental break and BAM, here's my friend making me laugh!

The Nose/ass one has me dying!! 🤣🤣🤣

"This one time at band camp... 😜

"I got cum in my ear" 🤣🤭🤣

"Mom...... Do you ever..... " 🤣😄🤣

And my latest fave....

"Of all the bat shit crazy stuff I have done in my life, I gonna raise hell if I fucking die from touching my own damn face" 🤣😄🤣
3 years ago
LongerJohnny​(dom male){B&C}Verified member -
Ah my friendest! Good to see you.
hahahaha wtf? Because you were touching your own face with...
And who gets cum in their own ear?!
(never gonna let that one go are we?)
3 years ago
Morley​(sub female){Max Sterne} - I heard someone say that, about touching their face, ya know COVID and all! 🤣
3 years ago
LongerJohnny​(dom male){B&C}Verified member -
Yeeeeahh, but that's not funny. Or naughty. How about:
"Mom, you know those days when you just feel... like you're gonna fucking die from getting cum in your own ear?"
If anyone can see the humor in that it is you. hahaha
3 years ago
Morley​(sub female){Max Sterne} - Yeah I see the humour in everything, usually. The face comment made me laugh because it could have been misconstrued in soooooo many ways and of course I am a pervert, so my mind went elsewhere. 😈
3 years ago
Jack in the box -
"Mom . . . . " ☺
3 years ago
Jack in the box -
I said this somewhere else on here awhile back, but fitting to post again now. ☺
Her and I were at the grocery store - in line to check out - I said (louder than necessary)
"Hold my nuts, im gonna get naked".

I was actually able to say it because I had a bag of nuts and wanted to grab a bottle of "naked" from the cooler.

Got a couple of laughs and a couple of eye rolls. Heehee. 😊
3 years ago
LongerJohnny​(dom male){B&C}Verified member -
haha that's a good one! When the opportunity presents you gotta go for it.
3 years ago
Jack in the box -
Lol, right. ☺
3 years ago
RedKat{Not now } - Shame on anyone shaming Elvis....oh my goodness, no...not even Tom Jones....yes, I love to shock folks, as in laughing at inappropriate times, ie, someone getting run over, arm yanked off movies, ok... I am warped but not completely mental! I usually bring up inappropriate topics laughter...
3 years ago
LongerJohnny​(dom male){B&C}Verified member - Sounds like a lot of fun to me!
I didn't quite understand the Elvis comment but I had to include it here because, who doesn't love the occasional wtf non-sequitur?
3 years ago
RedKat{Not now } - Well, obviously you and I have never chatted, because if we had, you would definitely remember me....Red
3 years ago
LongerJohnny​(dom male){B&C}Verified member - I will never forget 🙂
3 years ago

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