Not everyone remembers their dreams.
Researchers say that most people dream 3-5 times every night. They go on to say that the average person (whatever that means) remembers about 50% of their dreams, 95% of which are already forgotten by the time the dreaming person has gotten out of bed and set their mind on other matters. And they define nightmares as not necessarily scary or sad like in the movies, rather anything that wakes you up from a sound sleep.
I wouldn't know. As far as I recall I've never had a movie nightmare.
Both psychologists and sleep scientists are divided as to whether or not dreams "mean" anything. Even sex dreams can be about lots of things: intimacy, a desire to be desired, unresolved emotions, plain ol' fucking, and many other things. Including, not surprisingly, power exchange.
Those same experts are never too far away from prominently placed frames containing bright white paper covered in proud, swirling calligraphy which, roughly translated means:
"To whom it may concern - I know more about this shit than you do."
I'm sure they do. Still, I tend to find myself somewhere in the middle of the argument. Some dreams may mean nothing specific - but the repeating ones might.
I think this because of all the vivid Dom dreams that I've had repeatedly over the past couple years. And there have been a lot of them.
I am certain that I'm not unique in this, I suspect that every side of every slash has them, or ones like them.
In my case, they don't wake me, are generally very satisfying, they are not themselves sources of any frustration.
Nonetheless, they linger and so they are bothersome when I am awake.
They go something like this...
I'm surrounded by subs. No one in particular, no recognizable faces, random in every respect. Nothing to distinguish any one from any other except that they all meet the criteria of being subs/slaves, and being mine.
Then ensues a scene in which I become Super Dom! and proceed to act out of all the dominant, sadistic, degrading, fun kinky things that are me.
Everyone limps away completely exhausted, and entirely satisfied.
The thing is, for the past couple years I have not had anyone with whom I could do those things in "real life." And this year I've been stuck inside the house most of the time anyway. I think that's why I still keep having those dreams. I did have an LDR much of this year with an absolutely, perfectly wonderful woman who suggested I find a local sub to help satisfy those unfulfilled urges. (I declined. It was a little off-putting because I had not yet begun to explore poly.) Since then I've made more good friends here, and I've met subs with compatible interests. I've even played a bit. None of which stopped the damn dreams.
And I think those dreams do in fact mean something. They could easily be explained by any of the aforementioned interpretations; power exchange and plain ol' fucking would certainly make sense. Ultimately though, I think I really just need to let the Dom out. Then maybe the dreams will happen less frequently.
The problem is that I can't right now.
And it is fucking frustrating!