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Self-absorbed nonsense, tinfoil panty conspiracies, random horseshit, spontaneous out-of-my-ass pullings, and a time or two when I made myself laugh.
Co-founder of ⭐The Elite Dream Team⭐
Co-founder of ⭐The Romantically Horny Club⭐
2 years ago. June 11, 2022 at 2:51 PM

Courtesy is a fine thing. Close your mouth when you chew. Put the toilet seat down. Don't wipe your ass with the cat. The usual stuff.

But what happens when you get a ton of messages here and you aren't interested in some of them, or you just don't have time for all of them? You're inundated, but flattered. Some are rude or creepy, but some may have potential. There are a few you'd actually like to follow up on, but most are of no interest whatsoever.
Some people (primarily Doms) think that you should respond to all of them anyway. But to go out of your way to answer every single message you receive from every random person out of some notion that it is impolite not to do so is not only impractical, it's silly.

Yes, it seems that to have much hope that your profile will attract the desired attention necessary for you to find any success at all, you must accept and even expect a certain amount of messages that do not specifically serve that goal. But to suggest that the only two ways of addressing that are to either make your profile less interesting (thereby attracting less attention resulting in fewer messages) or to answer Every Single Message, is not only counterproductive, it's silly.

So how about this - don't answer every single message.

Because, realistically, how far could you extend this courtesy anyway? One message? 10? More?
If a person sends you 10 messages and you respond each time, first with "hello" then each time adding "no thanks" or "no, not interested" or "no, not looking" or "no, really, I'm flattered, but no" at what point to do finally decide that - despite their efforts, despite the fact that they a person, despite your manners - you have had enough of telling that person No! Then what? (And before you answer, saying that you don't have to be nice any more because they spammed you is the self-righteous adult equivalent of a child crying "you started it!")

It is typical of a Dom who periodically receives a handful of messages to think that he is doing the rest of the community a favor by granting the courtesy of his response. But as many subs here will attest, their experiences differ greatly from his. They will tell you that far too often just replying to random messages, even if only to say "not interested" is interpreted by the faceless senders (again, primarily Doms) as an invitation to send another, and then another, and so on. Some subs receive 100+ messages daily, mostly from assjackets and wannadoms (yes, sometimes even from people with genuine interest in them) but they feel that sifting through ridiculous, cut-and-paste nonsense, and drowning in the deep end of the domfish pond is a waste of time.

To help make the point lets say it takes only 30 seconds to open, read, and reply to a message saying that you are not interested, and 100 people message you every day. 30x100=3,000 seconds, or 50 minutes. You just spent nearly an hour saying No Thank You over and over and over in the name of courtesy. And that's just on this site. There are other, bigger sites that many of us are also members of where a sub could also get 100+ messages every day. And if you don't get to all of them, they add up, and so would the amount of time it takes to answer all of them. If you grant the courtesy of your time to every person that infringes on it how much of your time is wasted just communicating to people that you don't want to communicate with them?

If your profile already made you seem like an intelligent, thoughtful, wonderful person (before you broke the unspoken rules of courteous messaging etiquette, that is) that could actually be a small part of why your box got so stuffed in the first place. But if there are not enough free minutes in your day to give the courtesy of a reply to everyone - or anyone at all - that shouldn't automatically overshadow everything else that your profile says about you because time doesn't give a shit about your manners or how thoughtful you are or what you look like or how nice you are to strangers.

So how about this - don't answer every single message.
(You don't have to answer me right now. Just consider that for a time and get back to me later.)


(LongerJohnny, co-founder of ⭐The Elite Dream Team⭐️)

ButterfliesAndCuffs​(sub female){LJ}Verified member - You are such a perfect combination of intelligence and wiseassery.
I don’t know why others don’t understand that responding to every single message some subs get would be tedious and time consuming. Doms should be secure enough in themselves not to take it so personally and resist the need to lecture complete strangers on manners.
2 years ago
S D - I have by no means ever been inundated with messages, but I can certainly see the subs suffering from a myriad of ridiculous and even disturbing messages. Makes sense. Good post.
2 years ago
LongerJohnny​(dom male){B&C}Verified member - Neither have I. But in the years that I have been on sites like thecage I have heard and read countless stories from subs about how this sort of thing happens regularly. The suggestion that it is rude of subs not to reply to all of those messages is laughable, yet some Doms actually think that way.
2 years ago
slaveMikayla​(sub female){MstrJ } - *on point* thumbs up.
Even if it is only 5 messages, those of us who HAVE an Other (or you know.... normal human adult priorities) kinda have to do that thing called prioritizing our lives? If I havent done all I need to do in my day/week/month whatever, then replying to even 1 message from some other random person who has no logical claim on my time... that's going to take a backseat. That is called self respect. ... Took me way to long to learn it, but there it is.
I respect my Master's rights over me and my time. I respect my family's rights over me and my time. I have a priority called work to provide for said family and do all the things my Master needs me to do... and THEN and only then do I decide what to do with my "free time". That free time is limited and precious. Unless someone really really really has a need, chances are it isnt going to be spent on Randomstrangerperson. Very much less likley if it is randomstrangerdomlydude man, because "this girl is owned. If you have questions, ask Him. Protocol is a thing." (Not aimed at You, YOU grok it... just at the entitled masses who don't.)
GREAT blog.
2 years ago
LongerJohnny​(dom male){B&C}Verified member - I have never been overwhelmed but messages, but I have also never met a sub who hasn't had that happen to them. So I have to wonder what makes any Dom think that it is as simple as tossing off a few "no thank you" messages every now and then. I am pleased that you enjoyed it.
2 years ago
MsDove​(sub female){Eternal Pi}Verified member - I understand not answering. Especially creepy messages. I actually reported one that was truly disturbing (I think they may have been trafficking children). And those that just say "hello"... I
don't get. Are they looking for the sub to lead? But if someone reads your profile and crafts an actual message, they should respond. A simple "no thank, you and best wishes in your search" is fine.

As an older sub, I never received a deluge and mostly had messages from Dominants who were actually real Doms.

Subs nowadays seem to just block 🚫.
2 years ago
Ingénue{VK} - You came here just today for the sole purpose of relating this story?
2 years ago
LongerJohnny​(dom male){B&C}Verified member - hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!
2 years ago
Ingénue{VK} - Got to adore those 'last season' types who crown others with their own envy.
2 years ago
JustGreenie - Great blog! That is why if a person truly reads my profile in all its glory, I have given you an idea of what type of person I am when it comes to responses. Have a wonderful day!
2 years ago
LongerJohnny​(dom male){B&C}Verified member - Thank you very much. I am pleased that you agree.
2 years ago
A Cloud​(sub female){Owned} - Nice way to explain and with math to boot.
Personally I believe everyone has the responsibility to keep their own expectations in check - this includes notions of respect and courtesy. Expecting respect? Isn't that something of an oxymoron?

Courtesy and respect look very different for each of us. Expecting unified standards of behaviour to be known, agreed to and adhered to invites frustration, disappointment and resentment only on the expector.

Know your own code, expect others to differ in theirs, put your ego in a box and be content with having your very own value system and moral compass and worry about how you embody your own values (including courtesy).
Big rant! Lesson for myself there? Mos def! ;)
2 years ago
DewofHermon​(sub female) - Thanks for taking time writing on this topic. It’s good to see some normal views which helps neutralize those self-righteous and narcissistic ones
2 years ago

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