Thank you to Kit for this irritating challenge hahaha! 10 compliments to myself? Hmmm...
I am freakin' hilarious! - As the funniest, most wiseassy person I know, I can be all alone and still make myself laugh by just making up funny shit. My dirty slut is a close second, and I'd rather do everything with her, but I am a fucking riot all by myself.
Other people like me too. - I am not a party person yet somehow I can walk into a room and own the crowd inside of 10 minutes. It's weird, and I'm not sure why or how, but people are drawn to me.
Brains beotch! - I am super, super intelligent! Or educated. Whichever.
I am musically multitalented. I started playing piano when I was 4, took a couple years of lessons between 8-9, and using that knowledge taught myself 4 more instruments by the time I was 16. Since then I have picked up 2 more, though I don't play those well (yet). I also write original music.
I am a talented writer. I was always reading, writing, and playing music as a child. I originally went to college to become a music teacher but I changed my focus to English because I decided to become a middle-school English teacher instead. Along the way I just got good at it, top of my classes, teacher's pet, all that nonsense. Except for music it is my greatest creative passion.
My love for children. This is the biggest part of why I wanted to be a middle-school teacher. I have always had a very easy connection with children, which is what would have made me a good educator. One of the very few regrets I have is that I never had children. I would have been a great father, which may be a little odd considering I had a terrible childhood. Or perhaps that is exactly why I would have been?
I am very good at my job. - My profession requires an ability which fortunately I have naturally so I am well suited to it, I do it very well, and I really enjoy it!
I'm proud to be humble. - My belief is, that though it often requires great strength and humility to say "I am wrong" or "It is my fault" there is greater value in admitting it anyway.
I really, really care. - I am one of those irritating people who feels like he has to support and protect and take care of and save everyone and be the hero all the time. Everybody needs one of those people, though it can get very exhausting. Which brings us to 10...
I finally learned how to be selfish. - It sounds strange to say that out loud. I found myself at a point where suddenly I had no one that absolutely needed me, or who I had to answer to; no one who I felt compelled to try to save, or who couldn't live without me. So for the first time since I was... a lot younger, I decided that it was time to for me to go do whatever the fuck I wanted. It took a while to stop wondering if I wasn't doing the wrong thing, but I learned. And I'm happier now!
There I was able to come up with 10, though I had some inspiration from a wonderfully filthy little slut I happen to own and operate and love!