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A Dom's Tale ~ The journey there and back again

Thoughts and notes on the journey.....
1 year ago. December 19, 2022 at 2:32 AM

It's about what we don't see, are not sharp enough to pick up on, or are prevented from seeing by a master of illusion.



   I recall a time just before the holiday season started in 2010. I had stopped at the convenience store to grab something or another, and ran across one of my oldest friends, a man I had known some 35 years. We stood and talked for a bit, laughed and joked like normal, I gave him some shit and he gave me some. We said we had to get together soon .. maybe play darts. pool, who cares! It was great to see him, he always brought sunshine wherever he went, and always did.

  Two days later, he checked his son out of school early, dropped him off at his ex's house, told him he loved him and the boy went inside.  Chris went home to his garage and committed suicide. I have been over and over that for the last 12 years, usually around the date of his death, and you know what... there were no signs.  No indications of how troubled his soul was.  No warning lights. We all learned later that his current wife had told him she was seeking a divorce, and was planning on leaving him broke and homeless. And it would come to pass.  When hjis first marriage ended, he told her to take whatever she needed to be happy, luckily she was not an evil soul, but she took the lions share, and he never said a word. BUt this new wife ... She was "that" type - absolutely beautiful,  until you got past the looks and found the monster - the one that, well.. And he would have allowed her to complete her task, he just didn't want  to fight about it all I guess. I won't go into the events just that it is true.



   So as we go through yet another holiday season, be kind to people, especially this time of year.  There are alot of people out there, and I guarantee you in here as well, that are living in tempest in a snow globe.  Looks like its snowing on the outside, but inside it's a tempest and they usually won't reach out, just like my friend. So show the people you interact with that this ol world ain't so bad a place, and help em feel its better with them in it. Rethink your own actions before you lash out at somebody in anger, regardless of the reason. Two songs follow, 1 for Chris, and 1 for you.


Just my 2 cents



For Chris (I play it for him at least once per year)


For you.. maybe if enough of us do this



Mama Bear JJ​(dom female){koa} - Everyone is going through something, or has been through something, that they struggle with. Most of the time no one knows about it because they keep it hidden, because everyone around them is to busy or caught up in their own lives/struggles to to notice, or a combination of the two. As someone who has been through many struggles and been on the edge of a literal cliff before and been fortunate enough to walk away, I find myself trying harder to not only be more aware of myself and what I’m feeling or thinking, but more aware of others as well. It doesn’t take much effort to be more aware, to check in with those you are close with, to do something nice for someone, to remind someone they are important to you, to spare a minute for someone you encounter that appears to be struggling or needs help with something. All are especially important during the holidays, as they are throughout the year. Thank you for sharing your experience and encouraging others to be more aware and kind to others 💕 - JJ
1 year ago
MsDove​(sub female){Eternal Pi} - Dear friend,

As someone who was once plagued by suicidal thoughts 30 years ago, there is a moment in your mind that it makes perfect sense. In a rational mind, it wouldn't, but it's a moment without rationality.

From a very different perspective; I am a medium. And what I know about what happens when someone commits suicide is not hell fire and domination. It's very similar to how people who describe a near death experience as... being greeted with an incredible force of love.

People do cross over as who they are... we don't automatically become angelic. Chris obviously needed help and he was greeted with love and given the opportunity to come to terms with his problems. All the help he needed was available to him. It's such a loving and safe place, most take immediate advantage.

I never believe that suicide is the answer. But it's not the end either. What my late husband was able to show me is that those in the spirit realm live very much in the present. Unlike us who relive painful moments over and over again in our minds, they live in the now. So the horrible circumstance you imagine Chris to have lived in his last moments, no longer live with him. He remembers it as something that happened, likely lessons that he has since learned from... but the pain is just a memory. CHRIS lives in his current reality, which is, very likely to be a better version of himself than when he was here.

I hope I haven't overstepped my bounds. Whether you "believe in spirits" or not, most people have felt the presence of a loved one after they have passed. I just happen to have communicated with spirits since I was little.

Thank you for your poignant share.

Annie 🕊
1 year ago
Estaria​(sub female) - I'm sorry for your loss, this was an amazing piece.

No long reply from me, just the hopes that everyone reads this and remembers that every interaction you have with someone means something. Even if it's with a never know what's going on behind the smile and you giving someone a minute of kindness could be the thing that gives a hopeless person a reason to smile again.
1 year ago
SomonesSoulmate{Protected } - This makes my heart hurt. Sorry is never enough I know, but may you find peace in beautiful memories of joyful times with him.
9 months ago

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