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Secret confessions

"What am I trying to achieve here with this blog?" I keep asking that question... I'm probably just looking for some kind of stress relief? Or a way to obligate myself to talk and open up since I always have such a hard time with self expressing/explaining.
My deepest fears and feelings are just so messy all the time...
4 years ago. January 13, 2020 at 8:03 PM

Has been a week...

A week since he decided to broke my heart into tiny miserable pieces 

What was his excuse ?

"self preservation" he said 

Am I that much of a lost cause? 

Am I that messed up? 

Am I that bad? 

I must be since the person who asked me to marry him just dumped me for something like "self preservation" 

Couldn't feel more destroyed than this 

I had a huge panic attack last night, screamed and cried out for hours alone in my empty room, my throat got so swollen I couldn't breathe

My body collapsed completely, never thought that someone would be able to shake for so long and in such a violent way without breaking a tooth or two 

I'm so incredibly sick and numb my mother took me to the doctor this morning...

I'll have to stay home for a few days, my "condition" is worse than I thought it would be 

I hate skipping work, it feels like I'm failing miserably 

I'm terrible and a failure  as a lover

As a worker

As a daughter 

As a human being 

And he couldn't care less 

How pathetic am I? 

TheChimera​(sub female) - The loss of any form of relationship- be it love, family, even simple friendship - can be difficult.
I can relate that things are extremely difficult. Things may seem dreary, gloomy, and dim.

Please keep in mind that it's OK to feel loss. It's ok to feel it profoundly and deeply. There is no time limit on loss.

You are not a lost cause.
You are worth it, and good enough.
You survived before this, you'll survive after.

I know when things are difficult for me (As difficult as it may be at the time-) I try to do this exercise; I hope it helps you too.

-Write 3 positive things about yourself.
-Write 3 positive things that happened during your day/night.
-Write 3 goals you want to accomplish tomorrow.
(Even if it's silly, write it down. An example would be like you had a cookie you liked. Or you managed to pull yourself out of bed instead of staying in it all day. Or tomorrow, you just want to make sure you folded your laundry.)

I'll usually reread this paper when I first wake up the next day- when my mind is impressionable and still waking up.
It may sound goofy, but it's worked for me in "switching" my mindset. The goals I write down give me a "Target" to focus on for the day.
Warmest regards~
4 years ago
NyxWolf​(switch female) - Thank you so much, I'll definitely follow your advice, I'll start with baby steps and I'm sure it will help a lot
It seemns like a great idea and it might help with all my negativity...
I'm incredibly thankful...
Wish you the best!
4 years ago
AshenFenrir​(dom male) - First of all, I'm sorry for your suffering. There is a lot of raw, unfettered emotion in that post and it speaks volumes. There is something I've told my sub, and I feel it's very applicable here. "Scars show that you're still here, and that you are strong. That whatever came your way was too weak to keep you down" They're like a roadmap, something you can look back on and use to help realize just how strong of an individual you truly are. And something for you to keep in mind, which also ties in a bit to what auria was saying. With how she said there's no time limit on loss? There's also no time limit on recovery..especially with something that leaves a scar on your heart or soul. It's going to be a long road to recovery, and to undo the actions of what scarred you. I do get a strong feeling however, that you'll find a day comes when you are able to look back at it with unclouded eyes, learn from it, and continue moving forward to something so much better than you ever thought possible.

For now though, all you can do is take it a day at a time. Literally. You don't have to make it a year, a month, even a week. Just one single day. And then tomorrow, you can focus on getting through the next day. Best of luck, and don't give up on yourself
4 years ago
NyxWolf​(switch female) - Thank you for your words and support
Both you and Auria are such amazing kind hearted persons and I couldn't ask for better advices
I'll make this through, even if it hurts, even if sometimes I feel like curling into a corner and give up
Day by day with small, almost insignificant, baby steps

And I can't express how grateful I am to you all

Wish you the best
4 years ago
hominedominatur - Hi, I just read what you passed one years ago, I hope now you feel better.
But please don t think you are a failure just because someone broke your heart! You are just a sensitive girl and this is a wonderful thing, even if you sometimes surely feel it painful.
2 years ago

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