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My own little corn field

(If you understand this, you've earned my eternal, undying friendship. You're never getting rid of me now - sorry)
5 months ago. October 19, 2024 at 6:43 PM

I want to know what it feels like to have loving arms wrapped around me

I want to know what it feels like to be dressed or have my hair brushed

I want to know what it feels like to wear something that symbolizes his ownership of me for all to see

I want to know what it feels like to have my fingers idly played with as a way to soothe himself

I want to know what it feels like to hear the deep baritone of an "I love you" and be made to believe it

I want to know what it feels like to be relieved of the obligation to speak when out in public

I want to know what it feels like to be told what to do, knowing that I will obey

I want to know what it feels like to be protected, safe, secure, and content

I want to know what it feels like to be petted while receiving nourishment from his hand alone

I want to know what it feels like to be looked at with love and pride and hunger

I want to know what it feels like to be handled confidently with patience and care

I want to know what it feels like to be held at night or laid down for a nap

I want to know what it feels like to have a protective and possessive gaze locked on me with a constant awareness

I want to know what it feels like to be taught how to please him

I want to know what it feels like to have my hair wrapped around his hand when I don't

I want to know what it feels like to be watched with eyes full of gleeful, predatory anticipation when I purposefully disobey

I want to know what it feels like to have teeth sunken into my shoulder while I'm held immobile from behind

I want to know what it feels like to have a low growl rumble against my back

I want to know what it feels like to hear the low timbre of a praise

I want to know what it feels like to hear the promises hidden within a dark, animalistic laugh

I want to know what it feels like to be pushed up against the wall with a hand wrapped around my throat

I want to know what it feels like to have the deep impact of a palm strike me down to the muscle

I want to know what it feels like to be held and comforted while being punished at the same time

I want to know what it feels like to admire the canvas of bruises in the mirror and thank him for such beautiful art

I want to know what it feels like to have a hand on the back of my head, guiding my movements

I want to know what it feels like to keep him warm while we watch a movie

I want to know what it feels like to be at the mercy of his strength, held in place without hope of getting free

I want to know what it feels like to be conquered and claimed

I want to know what it feels like to be marked in all ways possible

I want to know what it feels like to be filled and dripping

I want to know what it feels like to be stalked and hunted by his predator

I want to know what it feels like to be taken whenever I am needed

I want to know what it feels like to have my legs spread while I'm asleep

I want to know what it feels like to experience exhilarating fear and unwavering trust in equal measure

I want to know what it feels like to sit at his feet and look up with unadulterated adoration

I want to know what it feels like to serve and worship him

I want to know what it feels like to be able to provide and take care of all of his needs

I want to know what it feels like to give him everything

I want to know what it feels like to be owned, completely and irrevocably


I just wish I knew


Jack in the box -
Oh Precious girl ?
Such a thing can only ly within
The gaze of a distant warrior
5 months ago
HeyLittleOne - ?
5 months ago
Kelpi - I could tell you how it feels from my side. The power I draw from it the pleasure i get from it the pain of her letting go. Somethings have to be felt in real life to understand.
5 months ago
HeyLittleOne -
"Some things have to be felt in real life to understand."
So very true. Thank you for sharing a perspective from the other side ♡
5 months ago
amalthea​(sub female)Verified Account - This is so beautiful. And once you feel it, you want more. You crave it. That is love
5 months ago
HeyLittleOne -
Thank you so much for such kind words ♡
To know such a feeling is truly a blessing, and what more could one want ?
5 months ago
Max Heathen​(other male) - By the time a man gets to the point of learning how to do all this, he's considered to old for those who crave it ? Love the notion though. Hope ya find it someday.
5 months ago
HeyLittleOne -
That is the one thing I'll have to respectfully disagree with you on, dear friend. If your soul finds the one it has longed for, it won't matter how many more times that long-lost piece has traveled the sun. If age is the thing that prevents someone from taking the chance at true happiness, then that person was never meant to be theirs in the first place. If a man has taken the time to learn these things, then he deserves someone who will see only his effort and appreciate it for all it is worth.

And thank you - I truly appreciate that ??
5 months ago

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