I like to take time around my birthday to evaluate my life and decide if any changes need to be made. This year I think I have some major changes that need to be made. Last year I started in a direction that I thought would make me happy, due to covid I have not had the opportunity to truly find out.
I need to make a final decision about the person I am semi-seeing and things are going to have to radically change or time to move on to another opportunity. Thankfully that should be resolved this week.
Work wise I am doing well. My family is in as good a shape as can be so all is well on those fronts. My house and car are in good shape though when the weather gets better more things will need to happen on the house constant improvements over time.
All in all I think most things are going well. Only one fly in the ointment to deal with immediately so I can't complain to much as these changes are within my power to make. So congratulations to me and Happy Birthday and Valentines day to me.😁💘🥳