Hello cagebots,
I have a bit of question for you all. I am aware that some may take it as a personal attack but it’s not intended that way.
I think the best way to ask it is offer up a bit of background.
In my time knocking about and talking to different people various kink sites I found found that many folk don’t seem to show much personality outside of what role they are in a bdsm setting.
I do struggle with these peoples as I like people and making friends with them before any kind of dynamic. Unfortunately it seems like many people just want to project an image that may not be there true selves, window dressing. I get it the internet is all about But because of this I can only assume that they have nothing else going on. This is I should note, in chat/message interactions, not profiles.
I have to say, this not something I have experienced here as many people seem to be pretty genuine.
Anyways, onto the question. How much of your personality on here is defined by your role?
an example, I am a sub male however I don’t submit to everyone I speak to., though I am always respectful...I’m not a total dick.
I like to get to know people and explore connections before considering submitting to someone. If you are ever speaking to me in chat or through blogs I am exactly as I would be if you were standing infront of me.
So i hope that made sense. Like I said I hope nobody takes offence at this. It’s just something that I’ve noticed on my journey’s through the internets.
also if you made it this far down well done, that was a whole lot of words. I would offer to add you into a raffle by way of reward unfortunately I lack a tombola and any prizes. Let’s not forget the fact that raffles just stress me the fuck out.