Hello Cagebots,
It’s been a while, but after experiencing what can best be described as a fraternally inspired episode of poor mental health I had to step away from most my social medias and spend a bit of time “touching grass” as kids say these days.
Over the past year or so I have made the decision to cut the people that were causing the issues as best I can. Figuratively of coarse, I’ve not got the stomach to operate literally, however tempting it may have been.
Anyhoo, I know I left quite abruptly and if anyone I was talking to remembers me, I am sorry. I would reach out but I think after nearly two years it’s probably not the done thing,
I’ve had fun reading back over some of my old posts today, planning to add a bit more going forward. Talking shite on here is always quite cathartic.
til next time cagerinos