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Bacon, Idolatry and other such Sacrilege.

Sometimes my mind forgets that it’s encased inside my skull.

Ramblings, stories and random absurdity brought to you from the writer of “1001 Uses for Hoarded Toilet Paper” and “I’m Willing to Bet $10 Jesus Christ was from Outer Space” and many other books, papers, and requisition forms you’ve never heard of. Read at your own personal peril, laugh a bit, cringe a lot and visit often!
4 years ago. April 27, 2020 at 12:45 AM

"Hello, I am an Autonomous Surrogate Incubational Android or ASIA model 2.0. I am a self-governing procreational facilitator designed and manufactured by the Hitachi Robotics laboratory. For potential religious reasons I am required to disclose to you that my core organic AI is formed by a double helix DNA matrix suspended in a positively charged electrolytic gel. This government issued model is equipped with inhibitors designed to prevent emotional bonding with its assigned host. This unit has been assigned to citizen NA-CA008700635. This citizen has reached the age of 41 years and has failed to mate and/or procreate within the allotted time period. This unit will evaluate your interpersonal skills and physically examine your fertility potential. Once an assessment has been made this unit will collect your genetic material and begin the accelerated 6 month incubation period. If you have any objections or are able to provide proof of viable conception you may contact the Department of Human Economic Expansion at any time to void this mandatory assignment."


Richard stood in his entranceway as the artificial female began its pre-programmed spiel. Today was his one and only, mandatory, bi-annual day off and he had fully intended upon spending it indoors and unconscious.


"Christ, really?!" He groaned. "For fuck's sake, I haven't had a day off in two damn years!"


Richard Sanders was in fact citizen NA-CA008700635. That had been his designation since his birth on Octovember 43rd, 2177. Terran citizen ID replaced all other forms of territorial identification after planetary unification was achieved post World War 6 in 2113. This number consolidated everything in a citizens life; identification, licensing, finance, property and pension. In 2123 the twelve months were consolidated into 4 blocks consisting of 90 days each; Janumarch, Aprune, Juleptember and Octovember. It was also at this time that the 24 hour day was increased to a 25 hour day in order to boost economic output.


"Please refrain from using profanity." It stated firmly and without any emotion at all. "My presence in your domicile is a direct result of your noncompliance with Terran law, code 67, section 12R, subsections A through E, specifically subsection D,  all 2nd-tier Terran citizens are required to begin procreating before their 41st year so that new fully trained citizens are available for contribution to the world wide economy in a timely manner."


"Today is my ONLY day off!" He shouted. "Can't you come back tomorrow??"


"Today is the 41st anniversary of your birth. You are required to comply with this assessment. If you resist you will be reprimanded to the nearest government reconditioning center for retraining. After which your total assets will be reduced by 35 percent and you will be reclassified to tier 3 citizenship with the retirement age of 90 years. Will you comply citizen NA-CA008700635?"


"Fu..I mean..yes." He grumbled. "I suppose I don't have any say in the matter. How does this work exactly?"


"Over the next 11 days I will be observing your behavioral patterns to determine why you have not been able to find a mate. I will also obtain and examine a sample of your genetic reproductive material. If no abnormalities are detected in your sperm you will be required to inseminate this unit..."


"Wait, WHAT?!!" He interrupted astounded. "What do you mean by inseminate?"


"Please refrain from questioning until the end of my statement." It resumed. "If no abnormalities are detected in your sperm you will be required to inseminate this unit via sexual intercourse. My synthetic vaginal simulator is sterile, disease free and equipped with multiple levels of comfort adjustments that will automatically calibrate to your genitalia's dimensions for optimal pleasure."


Richard couldn't believe what he was hearing and the look of shock mixed with semi-revulsion began to creep across his face as's...statement.


"This process will be repeated until successful fertilization of two donor eggs have been detected and verified. This unit will then begin instructing you in United Terran Government approved single parenting techniques and continue to do so over the next 6 months throughout the accelerated gestation period. Once both fetuses have fully matured and are ready to evacuate this unit's artificial womb the offspring will be placed in your care until they reach the mandatory career training age of 11 Terran standard years. They will then be remanded to the nearest training academy for conditioning. Offspring born of artificial gestation do not qualify for tier 1 or 2 citizenship. Do you have any questions?"


Richard's mouth hung open in disbelief as he stood in silence before the feminine shaped android. How the hell did this get away from him? He was well aware of Terran laws concerning procreation but there were so few cases of men being in violation that it was almost unheard of. In fact it was such a rarity that most citizens hadn't even heard of the ASIA series. Almost everyone knew about the AMREA(Autonomous male reproductive enforcement android) model. These were dubbed as the government's licensed "rapist-robots" by several underground revolutionary sects. If a woman reached the age of 41 without having reproduced the Department of Economic Expansion or DOEE assigned an AMREA to find her, evaluate her and impregnate and monitor her over the course of her pregnancy. The practice was so common now that almost everyone knew someone who had experienced this. There were even a few women who opted for this solution voluntarily despite the fact they would be birthing a tier 3 citizen.


A million questions flooded his mind all at once making it very difficult to formulate anything coherent. He finally isolated a single thought long enough to ask simply "when does all this shit start?"


"This assignment began 5 minutes ago." It stated rather matter of factly. "I will require access to a class 2 charging port for at least 45 minutes daily. Your weekly allotted power consumption will be increased by 3 percent to compensate for my energy requirements."


"Let me get this shit straight." He snarked. "You're moving in with me??"


"Correct." She replied.


"That's just fucking great!" He shouted back. "That just fucking perfect! That's exactly what I fucking needed!! Fuck!! Shit!! God FUCKING dammit!!!"


"Citizen NA-CA008700635, you will refrain from any further use of profanity in my presence. You are reminded that my evaluation of your behavioral patterns has already begun and any further outbursts will negatively affect my final conclusion."


"That's wonderful...just peachy." Sarcasm dripped from each syllable. "Look, can you at least call me by my damn name? I'm Richard. Can you at least give me that?"


"That is an acceptable request...Richard." She robotically replied.

Jack in the box - Comment deleted by poster.
4 years ago
Jack in the box - Amazing story! Thank you
Your good 👍
4 years ago

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