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Bacon, Idolatry and other such Sacrilege.

Sometimes my mind forgets that it’s encased inside my skull.

Ramblings, stories and random absurdity brought to you from the writer of “1001 Uses for Hoarded Toilet Paper” and “I’m Willing to Bet $10 Jesus Christ was from Outer Space” and many other books, papers, and requisition forms you’ve never heard of. Read at your own personal peril, laugh a bit, cringe a lot and visit often!
4 years ago. May 5, 2020 at 12:47 PM

Last night I dreamt I was in a crowded room surrounded by people I didn't know. There was a girl who I didn't really recognize but somehow knew I was involved with. I also knew that she was involved with someone else in the same room. It was the man behind me. If I looked over my shoulder I could kinda get an upside down view of him but I was unable to turn completely around. I could tell he was heavy set, bearded and seemed really tall from my vantage point. I kept talking to the girl and the nature of the conversation was sexual. She kept telling me she wanted to fuck me but she was more into the other guy. I kept asking her why she didn't just fuck the other dude but she kept saying she couldn't fuck him without fucking me first. I thought this was some crazy ass shit but I was getting more and more aroused as the conversation progressed. I kept looking back and seeing this guy she was talking about. He seemed to be looking back down at me every now and then.


Eventually everyone left except her, myself and the guy behind me. It was clear that sex was about to happen but I just couldn't wrap my head around this guy behind me. She reached over and placed her hand on my cheek and slowly stroked it and then she kissed me. Her lips seemed to envelop my entire head as she moved up and down my face and neck. After some time she leaned back and spread her legs wide open. This was it. We were going to fuck. I was just getting ready to move between her legs when I felt this dude’s hand around my neck. He held me tightly and there was absolutely no escape from his grip. He seemed to be pushing me down between her legs and I couldn’t stop him no matter how much I jerked and twitched. Closer and closer it approached until I could feel the heat of her sex. Then, I was enveloped in darkness.


Warm, steamy, wet darkness completiely surrounded every part of me. I was flush with excitement and terror. I had no idea what was going on or what was going to happen. I thought I might die. A strange tingly sensation began to creep up from below and I felt like I was either going to be sick or...something else? All I knew was that whatever was about to happen was the only thing on my mind. I didn't care about consequences or feelings or any human emotion. I just needed release and I wasn't concerned about her or him or anyone else.


I'm such a dick.


Jack in the box -
Nice 👍😊
4 years ago

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