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Bacon, Idolatry and other such Sacrilege.

Sometimes my mind forgets that it’s encased inside my skull.

Ramblings, stories and random absurdity brought to you from the writer of “1001 Uses for Hoarded Toilet Paper” and “I’m Willing to Bet $10 Jesus Christ was from Outer Space” and many other books, papers, and requisition forms you’ve never heard of. Read at your own personal peril, laugh a bit, cringe a lot and visit often!
4 years ago. May 8, 2020 at 4:22 PM

Zolar: Dude, Francine gave me some insane tentacle last week.

Blorg: Are you serious? She never did that for me!

Zolar: Yeah, what can I say man, it’s crazy. She did this thing with her thorax...

Blorg: Bruh! I don’t want to hear any of this shit.

Zolar: Sorry duder, it was just so...

Blorg: Dude!? Enough already!

Zolar: Right. Sorry. So what’s the name of this planet we’re invading again?

Blorg: The locals call it Earth.

Zolar: Earth? Really. They actually named their planet “Dirt?”

Blorg: Yeah, insane right?

Zolar: Fucking humans. No imagination. Hey yo, pass the blunt.

Blorg: Oh yeah, here dude.

Zolar: *long toke* So, are we gonna, like, abduct their leader or what?

Blorg: Which one?

Zolar: Planet Dirt. What we’ve been talking about...are we snatching their leader or just vaporizing him?

Blorg: Dude, I’m saying WHICH leader?

Zolar: There’s more than one?

Blorg: Yeah bruh, like 194 or some shit.

Zolar: WHAT THE FUCK??? How does that work??

Blorg: Dude, I’m still kinda fuzzy on that myself. So like, they divided their tiny planet into 194 different sectors and each sector has its own leader.

Zolar: So it’s like a collective?

Blorg: Nah bruh, they’re all constantly competing with each other over limited resources and lame ass ideas. Pass the doobie man.

Zolar: Sorry, here. Lame ideas?

Blorg: Yeah, so like, 2/3 of the planet think that some all powerful Deity made the universe and their little planet in like 7 days or some such shit and the rest still think smart phones are a really good idea.

Zolar: Smart phones?!! Really? Geez...what kinda idiots would...?

Blorg: I know right?!!! It’s crazy.

Zolar: So what’s the plan?

Blorg: Well, I was talking to my partner, Yorn, over on Marexx 2 last night and he told me about this fucking ridiculously good weed at a bowling alley in a place called “South Bronx” so we’re gonna head over there to see this dude named Mickey.

Zolar: No dipshit...I mean with the invasion?

Blorg: Oh...that...I dunno man. I thought we’d just get fucked up and see what happens.

Zolar: Seriously? That’s all you’ve got??

Blorg: *shrugs shoulders*

Zolar: Fuck it. I’m in.

Blorg: Fuckin’ A you and Francine? That getting serious or...?

Zolar: I don’t know man. You know what they say? Once you go insectoid...


SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+☕} - Rotfl!!!!! I want some of YOUR drugs!!
4 years ago
RequiemforaSoul​(dom male){BlueBabyGi} - I bake my own edibles and I may have been a bit liberal with the cannibutter.
4 years ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+☕} - Hehehehehe
4 years ago
shysweetness​(sub female) - ❤ Zolar and Blorg
4 years ago
RequiemforaSoul​(dom male){BlueBabyGi} - They may be around for awhile.
4 years ago
shysweetness​(sub female) - Yay! Glad to hear it, I hope they stick around a good while. 😉
4 years ago
RequiemforaSoul​(dom male){BlueBabyGi} - Always happy to entertain. 😊
4 years ago

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