As you scroll through the lists and the blogs and the chat, there are so many unique names. Some of them are so so clever. When I first came to the cage my name was no_ones. Then Umberlee… a few name changes but always back to Umberlee. It comes from a forgotten realms (DnD) Faerûnian pantheon evil sea goddess. It is my connection to the seas that made me choose it. That and they call her the Bitch Queen.
it tells you that I am in fact an Ubergeek and maybe of my love of the ocean.
Some name are memorable and some cringey. So the challenge? In a comment or in your own blog post, tell us why you picked your name. Feel free to add the crazy stories. Label the blog #A name challenge so can find it. I am looking forward to learning a little bit more about my fellow cage members.
- Umber