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Chubby body.

Azzabackam​(switch male){PawPawGirl}
5 years ago • Jun 6, 2019
I've never had body issues that severe, but I can tell you that I (and a lot of men) prefer a partner with more weight over someone who's thin. So, not important in the slightest to have a slim SO. In addition, as long as you're up front with it, no one would ever say you're being deceitful, unless they're deliberately trying to be a hurtful jerk.
bugsyssis​(sub female)
5 years ago • Jun 6, 2019
bugsyssis​(sub female) • Jun 6, 2019
My journey started a few months ago with my first Daddy. He would always tell me how sexy I am and that loves my body. WHAT?!?! The way he said it made me believe it. There are many more men who love bigger women than I would have thought. I had playtime with a man that I would have never thought would like someone like me. It was the best I ever had! Even though Daddy ended up being a douchebag ghoster, he helped me in so many ways. I spoke my insecurities to Sir after he wanted a nude photo. Being his blunt self, he said that I am fat or bbw or whatever, but that he loves it. HE loves it. It doesn't matter how anyone else in the world feels now. If Sir loves it, that is all that matters to me.

To speak to the other, it's your preference that matters. The playmate I spoke of earlier is an extremely fit man with muscular arms. A fine specimen indeed. My preference is a thin, athletic, or possibly average partner. No reason at all for me not to have this. It's hard to weed through all the unworthy or downright losers, but they help you to know when you find a rare treasure.
djinni​(dom female){smplylaura}
5 years ago • Jun 6, 2019
Like many others, I totally relate to your post. I've struggled with body issues my entire life. I've never felt good enough, pretty enough, thin enough, etc..... back when i first met my Master (15+ years ago), i honestly couldn't tell you what he saw in me. He's dashingly handsome and i always felt like a blob. Though he is attracted to BBWs, and always assured me that i was desired, it never made sense in my mind, and my self deprecation was likely a catalyst to our relationship ending.

Fast forward to the last year or so, and I've been on a bit of a journey to self improvement (it's funny as i was just working on a blog about this). Working on me though and finding my happy. M and i reconnected a few years ago, but suddenly things were different. We weren't just friends anymore and started traveling this road together, again. I wouldn't have had to confidence to approach him if i hadn't made some changes.

But this isn't about making changes, this is about accepting yourself as you are and recognizing that you are kickass. M still had digital photos of our time together from years ago. And one day he finally dug them out so i could see them. As i wandered down memory lane, i kept waiting to be appalled at my body/weight/beauty.... but i wasn't. Why was i so damn hard on myself? Sure i was a little chubby but i was damn cute, but here was this man who was crazy about me, and i couldn't see what he did. I'm thankful that i've learned to see in myself what others have always saw, especially Him. Love yourself as you are, sweet girl. If you desire to change, do it, but never for once doubt your value. You are young and have your entire life ahead of you. How i wish i could go back, with the attitude i have now.... and not have lost those 15 years with Him.
BDSM DOM​(dom male)
5 years ago • Jun 6, 2019
BDSM DOM​(dom male) • Jun 6, 2019

Hun, being chubby myself, I know how you feel. I can honestly relate to this. And even though I am a big guy, I understand how it feels to be put down, made to feel less important and overall depressed at my weight. But know this hun, you are not alone. Other people are in the same boat as you. Regardless I am quite happy you put this topic up. It helps to vent at times and or say what is on your mind. So let me say this hun. Love the curves you have. Love yourself, And don't let any negative comments get you down. No matter what, be the best you, that you can be. Don't conform to society's version of how it wants you to look. I know several chubby people myself and they are leading happy lives. So don't let your weight get you down. If you want to lose the weight, do it for you. And no one else. Because your happiness is what matters. I know its easier said than done. But you can do it. Just have faith in yourself. And if you want to stay the weight you are. That is fine to. The only person who you need to keep happy is yourself.

People should love you for who you are. Not what you look like. So I hope these words bring you comfort and hope hun. Believe in yourself and be happy. Don't let negative thoughts in. Trust me, you can make it through this.

I wish you all the best hun..
Hugs to you
CapnRick​(dom male)
5 years ago • Jun 6, 2019
CapnRick​(dom male) • Jun 6, 2019
Lisa --
I am a little surprised that a fairly clean solution for your worry about what potential partners will think of your physical self hasn't been suggested yet....
If you have some nice pictures taken, in clothes which make your shape evident, and put a couple of them on your profile, then those who contact you with interest will already know your general dimensions, and you won't need to be holding your breath -- they will already have a good idea of you, body wise.

Yes, you may get some juvenile shits tossing bad remarks your way. That might be a price worth paying for a man who is not bothered, or better, who is aroused by your chubbiness.

With posted pictures, you are free from fearing that an interested man will run away when you are finally revealed. Get yourself out there--the old picture and the thousand words thing. And best of good hunting to you!
MasterBrads painpet​(sub female){OWNED}
5 years ago • Jun 6, 2019
I understand you completely. I've been bullied all my life about my size. When I got married 3 yrs after my ex mother in law started humiliation. Dressing me as she thought I should be dressed as a BBW. Yes because she wanted me not to be an embarrassment to her. Later on I started excepting me until I met someone new. Last part of a 20+ relationship he started treating me bad. Fast forward to being here. I can't tell you all the rude, disrespectful things have been said to me and ghosting or blocking because of my introduction picture. Just in one day it was 5 and in the same week 5 more. It's sad and hurtful. It's hard to send photos or talk with someone as I know the photo request is soon and ghosting next and possible block.

My thinking you look at the window dressing you miss the good stuff. If the packaging gets ripped up and can't be fixed you'll sit it on the curb. Fancy window dressing and packages are fine. But truly whats in the inside is the piece ta resistance. But media has put importance on outward appearances.
heartbrokengirl​(sub female)
5 years ago • Jun 7, 2019
I definitely can relate to this over the course of the last year I have lost about a hundred and fifteen pounds. And I find myself being way less confident now than when I was heavier. Mine is more due to the fact after losing a bunch of weight now I have a bunch of extra skin and I feel it's disgusting.
But I think we tend to be harder on ourselves than any other person, and I think it's harder for us to see the potential we have and the positives.
It's definitely hard to put yourself out there and hope that the person likes what they see. After talking with a very supportive Dom he assured me that you have to let go of the mindset of not wanting to be seen that if it makes your Dom happy or your partner for that matter that it should make you happy too. And eventually you will find a person that's happy with you the Way You Are not for the person you could become, but also for your mind and your personality. 😊
Zaramia​(dom female)
5 years ago • Jun 7, 2019
Zaramia​(dom female) • Jun 7, 2019
CapnRick wrote:
Lisa --
I am a little surprised that a fairly clean solution for your worry about what potential partners will think of your physical self hasn't been suggested yet....
If you have some nice pictures taken, in clothes which make your shape evident, and put a couple of them on your profile, then those who contact you with interest will already know your general dimensions, and you won't need to be holding your breath -- they will already have a good idea of you, body wise.

Yes, you may get some juvenile shits tossing bad remarks your way. That might be a price worth paying for a man who is not bothered, or better, who is aroused by your chubbiness.

With posted pictures, you are free from fearing that an interested man will run away when you are finally revealed. Get yourself out there--the old picture and the thousand words thing. And best of good hunting to you!

Almost exactly this. I mean you are going to get a percentage of idiots who can't put proportions of photos to real life. (I'm 5'3.5", I wear a size 8/10. Plenty of them think they are either getting a stick figure, or a BBW, for some reason. I mean they also think they might be getting a Domme, but that's a different thread, but part of the same issue)
There's always block and move on. that's what the feature is for. The first 20 sound really personal, so what we really need are the snappy comebacks that make them just go away. I'm a current fan of, "DO you identify as an INCEL?", "Do you live alone?", "Has anyone called you names lately?"
But mostly, I just block them and move on.
Serene​(sub female){Covalent}
5 years ago • Jun 8, 2019
This is a really good topic and I am sure that many woman feel that way you do. I know that I do. I am married to my Dom and I know that he loves me the way that I am, but i still struggle with the size that I am. Be open and honest with who you speak to online. Your body is not what makes you sexy. It the inside and how that radiates out. I have learned that a woman's confidence is a major turn on for men. Be kind to yourself. Whatever changes you decide to make, make them for you.

Hope this helps.
MasterBear​(other butch)
5 years ago • Jun 8, 2019
MasterBear​(other butch) • Jun 8, 2019
Body issues aren't really body issues. They are social perception and internalised fatphobia issues. You need to stop hiding and start putting out how big you are with pride and joy and lust.

Take the concept that the skin that you are in is something to be lusted after and honored.

You are prized because of your size. Not despite it !!!

Your confidence shines through. Accept nothing less.