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First Times

KPSeven​(sub female)
2 years ago • Dec 22, 2022

First Times

KPSeven​(sub female) • Dec 22, 2022
Hey guys,

So if we’ve talked before, or you’ve even read through my blog or profile, you’ll know that I’m a virgin (via. Choosing to wait until marriage). That being said, as you can imagine, I’m obviously very inexperienced. And without really having someone to ask, your depiction of sex can come from how porn or Hollywood depicts it, which we all know is not the most realistic source of information. So, I’m just going to ask you guys instead!

So idk, I’ve just always been curious as to what is it like having sex for the first time? Obviously it’s different for everyone, but that’s why I’m curious as to what others have experienced. I’m not completely naive, I know it’s not all sunshine and rainbows, but I’m curious. Some say it’s extremely painful, while other seem to experience little to no pain. Meanwhile others have describe it as blissful and incredibly pleasurable, while others seem to be completely underwhelmed by the whole experience.

So yea, male and females both welcome. Whats the story of your first time having sex? And if your willing to answer a few bonus questions… what do you wish you would have known before hand? Does size really matter or is connection enough? I know it will more than likely me a really awkward experience the first time, but do you just naturally know what to do, or was it a big learning curve?

So yea, I’m just really curious and would love to here your guys stories.

Thank you!
B L O N D I E​(sub female)
2 years ago • Dec 22, 2022
B L O N D I E​(sub female) • Dec 22, 2022
Generally the first time can be extremely awkward and embarrassing especially if both parties are virgins. You'll need to discuss this with your future spouse so you both expect it and you're ready to laugh it off, try again, and learn together. Don't expect mind-blowing ecstasy the first time. You also need to be aware that most women don't orgasm from intercourse the first time or for a long time or even at all. Even if she's experienced in masturbating by herself, she will need to learn how to orgasm from sex with a man. This will be a learning curve for both of you, so go into it expecting that.
2 years ago • Dec 23, 2022
Bunnie • Dec 23, 2022
Being someone who knew I was into older men right from the get-go, my first time was with a much older, experienced man. He was a big Māori man who was like a big teddy bear. Huge heart. Our first time was a lot of fun and laughter… we broke the bed! Lol.
I wasn’t really the type of person to place a lot of importance on losing my virginity, and had no desire for a boyfriend at that age, so for me it was simply about having sex with someone who was a good person and who I trusted would keep me safe. A friend. And lucky for me, that’s exactly what I got to experience icon_smile.gif

I remember it hurt a little at first penetration and then it felt strange and then it felt good. And then I just wanted more and more and more, like discovering this new amazing toy to play with! I was fascinated.

It’s ok to be nervous and it’s ok for it to be awkward and it’s ok to laugh about it. There’s plenty of time for it to be serious and sensual and steamy and dirty and whatever you both (or all) want to make it icon_smile.gif
    The most loved post in topic
2 years ago • Dec 23, 2022
I'mME • Dec 23, 2022
Bunnie wrote:
Being someone who knew I was into older men right from the get-go, my first time was with a much older, experienced man. He was a big Māori man who was like a big teddy bear. Huge heart. Our first time was a lot of fun and laughter… we broke the bed! Lol.
I wasn’t really the type of person to place a lot of importance on losing my virginity, and had no desire for a boyfriend at that age, so for me it was simply about having sex with someone who was a good person and who I trusted would keep me safe. A friend. And lucky for me, that’s exactly what I got to experience icon_smile.gif

I remember it hurt a little at first penetration and then it felt strange and then it felt good. And then I just wanted more and more and more, like discovering this new amazing toy to play with! I was fascinated.

It’s ok to be nervous and it’s ok for it to be awkward and it’s ok to laugh about it. There’s plenty of time for it to be serious and sensual and steamy and dirty and whatever you both (or all) want to make it icon_smile.gif

I just wanted more more more ....
Kurai Mori​(dom male)
2 years ago • Jan 2, 2023
Kurai Mori​(dom male) • Jan 2, 2023
The first time...

I seem to recall a lot of stop and go. I would start and they would make a face and I would stop. And then we would start again... awkward comes to mind... because we didn't communicate. We both knew we wanted to do it, but we just didn't know what to expect.

If I could go back and redo it? I would start with more foreplay, touching and exploring of each other. Learning their body and them learning mine. And more talking... I can't say I recall much laughter, though...
WickiDee​(switch male)
2 years ago • Jan 4, 2023
WickiDee​(switch male) • Jan 4, 2023
I still remember my first time and that was 60 years ago. It was in the front seat of my '56 Chevy. So make it good because you'll remember it!
Aquarius Dom​(dom male)
2 years ago • Jan 4, 2023
Aquarius Dom​(dom male) • Jan 4, 2023
I’m not going into the ages of either party but we were both virgins, as we were both living in a farming community the rudiments of sexual intercourse weren’t unknown!
I remember it like it was yesterday, lots of looking touching , investigating, laughing and fumbling !
But we managed it albeit with a little discomfort initially and guess what ? We survived and did it many more times !
Thank you Audrey Wells for setting me on the path I still enjoy as much today !!
tallslenderguy​(other male)
2 years ago • Jan 4, 2023
Ha, What a fun question! my answer has two parts because i 'lost' my virginity twice (stay tuned).

i came from a religious culture, so both me and my (former) wife were virgins.

my very first time... i totally missed.

If my wife had had any questions about my virginity, the first time prolly put her mind at ease. i remember thinking: "hmm, that didn't feel as good as i thought it would." She was sweetly diplomatic about it, and found a way to break the news to me that didn't totally wreck my ego. It didn't take long till i was ready to try again.

She opted to get on top the second try, which i think is a really good idea if both are virgins If anyone is going to experience pain, it's likely going to be the one being penetrated, so if one wants to control that, it makes sense to me to consider handing the reins over to the penetrateE . She did experience some pain, but being on top, she was able to control that. It also helped me understand that pain was a factor for her, so when i ended up on top, i knew to consider that and ask.

Apparently we were both horny enough that orgasm came fairly easily to both of us. Obviously that is not a universal phenomenon, i think i was just lucky. i did have to learn pretty early on what a clitoris and g-spot are, because i was initially clueless. As with all things it seems, communication was key.

Those who know me here know i am gay... and total bottom. Again, the religious culture was why i married a woman and tried to de-gay myself. The first time i was penetrated was good, not amazing.

my experience having been on both sides of a yin/Yang dynamic, is the Top has control, and the bottom's pleasure is often a part of that. With communication and understanding, incredible connection and bonding can happen.
DCDom​(dom male)
2 years ago • Jan 15, 2023
DCDom​(dom male) • Jan 15, 2023
My first time with a girl lasted about ten minutes with a FWB from school. It was ok, but we both had solo sessions that were better. My first time with a guy wasn't painful like I feared it would be, so that was nice, but the second time was more uncomfortable. Remember lube and patience when he puts it in. Don't get too hung up on first times. Whether good, bad or ugly, you'll definitely remember it and probably have better sex later anyway.

The best sex I ever had was the emotionally connected kind, so if you really do make it until marriage, that might be great for you. Also, if you want kids, there will be less to be nervous about (condom breakage, pulling out on time, etc.)
Shaynna​(dom female)
2 years ago • Jan 15, 2023
Shaynna​(dom female) • Jan 15, 2023
My first time hurt so much that I ended up asking the guy to stop, I got dressed and I walked away. It felt so awful that I didn't even think about how he felt about it.

Edit: Looking back, there was a lack of good preparation and that's why it was like that. Also, I think that the fact the guy took his time folding the clothes after we got naked took a good part of my excitement away.